Wrong dinosaur

Is it ok to like an outdated representation of dinosaur?
Is it possible to make a movie based on that nowadays?

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Peter Jackson had some in king kong

would anyone even care, even jurassic park took liberties with the raptors and they didnt even try to be accurate by the fouth

Nope, nobody would take it seriously. It would have to be a comedy film otherwise everyone would just be laughing all the time

Pretty much everything in Jurassic Park movies are outdated representations of dinosaurs. The velociraptor had feathers and was the size of a chicken.

I always thought wrong T-Rex had special appeal.
They are easier to be made into standing toys and sculpture too

I was thinking that we can make a fantasy creature that wouldn't offend Dino fans. But then I can make any creature I want. There is no point in sticking with the old designs.
Perhaps in cartroons it's still ok to use the old designs.

the only thing they got wrong was the name, the dinosaurs in the movie are utahraptors


They where supposed to be Deynonychus and or utahraptors if I remember correctly.

when crichton wrote the book the deinonychus was classified as a type of velocioraptor

thats why they are that big

Makes you think!

>ntfw no 1940s pulp esque film of colonial expeditions into the Congo with man eating brontosaurs.

>Guy Pearce in an modern version of Time Machine
>no dinosaur but you can bet it would have been updated
>Will Farrel in a comedy Land of Lost
>the dinos were colorful and cute but still very up to the date

What we need is a campy steampunk

Godzilla still keeps the old tail-dragging style

Jurassic World did it like 2 years ago, how long have you been alive, kid?

Lizards and iguana and alligators are great sources of artistic inspiration .
I would be sad when they finally switch everything to birds

scales > feathers
fuck nu-dinosaurs

What do you mean by that? The on the right literally isn't dragging its tail on your image.

like what the fuck do you mean?

Don't forget turtles!

Sorry I stopped updating my dino knowledge for a while and to me there are only two designs. 20th century and 1990s.

hes raising the back of his tail, the base is still on the ground

wasn't the one that was chicken sized called compsognathus or something like that?

Tfw no iguanadon horror b movie

evidence that dinos are fake! wake up sheeple!

Remind me how modern archaeology isn't based on the same half-assed guesses?

It did some times.
Some would say that anatomy and computer analysis of anatomy showed that dinosaurs should lie down on their stomach when they stand
But shin Godzilla wants to keep the costume feel so they stuck with the upright posture of humans standing

>They're moving in herds. They do move in herds.
>DR. ALAN GRANT: Maybe dinosaurs have more in common with present-day birds than they did with reptiles. 
>[Responding to a non-impressed 10-year old] Try to imagine yourself in the Cretaceous Period. You get your first look at this "six foot turkey" as you enter a clearing. He moves like a bird, lightly, bobbing his head. And you keep still because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement like T-Rex, he'll lose you if you don't move. But no, not Velociraptor. You stare at him, and he just stares right back.
>Bet you'll never look at birds the same way again.
>DR. ALAN GRANT: We could just tear up the rule book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply. They're totally wrong. This is a warm-blooded creature. 

I'm sorry to be the one to burst your childish bubble, user. But feather dinosaurs aren't "nu", even back in the original Jurassic Park it was a well known fact. Dr. Alan Grant made a shitload of references to real life dinosaurs during the movie.

You were just too retarded to get it.

I like them too but they are too cruel to the animals. Glue and shit.

this but unironically

>to me there are only two designs. 20th century and 1990s.
Those are literally the same designs. in the 20th century they used dinosaur toys for their movies, which are very similar to the 90s one from the Park saga.

>lol j/k brontosaurus never existed
Fuck you, bone-assembly guys.


The biggest bullshit is when they just outright tell you that your favorite dinosaur was a mistake and he isn't real.

Happened to Brontosaurus, Triceratops, and God (may he rest in peace in heaven) knows how many more. Do we have a list of them?

hol up

I just googled brontosaurus and apparently in 2015 some paleontologists decided brontosaurus was real after all. Since they're extinct and it makes no difference whether they were actually real or not I'll just go with that.


It was a Torosaurus all along or some shti


>dude look at all these sick ass bones from giant ass dragons who lived 6 gorillion years ago and somehow all died at once (pure coincidence)
>wanna buy one for the cheap price of $600 gorillion


>he was a dinosaur kid instead of a cryptids kid
You guys are losers.
I went as mothman to my fourth grade halloween dance.

>fourth grade halloween dance
the hell? I never danced until I was 17

A dinosaur film based on Young Earth creationism theory when

yeah man a whole phyla is just fake lmfao, nevermind that they look like birds and reptiles

this was my book as a child user, i had this and the other one on Egypt.

PJ T. rex kept the scales but its posture looked like Jurassic Park ones

godzilla isn't a lizard. he's a whale gorilla.

I've been shopping a Valley of the Gwangi remake to studios for a few years now. The only nibble so far is from SYFY, but I know they'd ruin it.

>The velociraptor had feathers and was the size of a chicken.

fuck i hate science

The velociraptor was never the best raptor anyway.

I hate faggots like you that didn't know what a dinosaur was until they saw a Hollywood movie.

hey fuck you man i was into paleontology when i was a kid even before i saw jurassic park

>m-muh nostalgia

I liked the reason for it in jw
"We make what people expect to see"

fuck dinosaurs and fuck white people

>campy steampunk with dinosaurs
I got you senpai

That won't happen because not all dinosaurs were giant birds. For example Alligators were also around during dinosaur times.

Yeah they found out it was just a juvenile version of another dinosaur or something. So they existed but they weren't their own separate species

i fucking loved dinotopia as a kid even the movie

shame i stopped caring about it when i was around 12

is there much enjoyment to have with it as a grown man?

So was I and I knew that velociraptors were tiny. They're more closely based on Deinonychus or Utahraptor .

I don't know I'm in the same boat as you

This was always the case with JP. They've just had to explicitly say it in the last two films because, without fail, people have to bring up their superior dino knowledge

Spinosaurus got nerfed hard. Walks around like a croc now


Its all about Chinese audience now

It looks gay when I look back at it
One good thing is that it looks white and didn't have as much diversity as it's demanded now

However The mammoth engineering book is immortal

>The mammoth engineering book

sorry but i dont know what you're talking about

its been years since my dinotopia days

The art in those books are beautiful. I need to pick them up again. Terrific world building to. The author basically made LOTR but dinosaurs sort of. Very detailed fleshed out world.

Would love for another adaptation. But it does need to be a surreal steampunk Victorian era world and not a modern take like that short made for tv miniseries.

I remember the reason was "we made them with frog DNA, what ever these are, they aren't real dinosaurs"

The Way Things Work

That's terrifying, basically a giant lizard lion.

mah nigga

DK books were my life as a kid

shit I forgot about this

thank you user, this was a deep deep memory

>Is it ok to like an outdated representation of dinosaur?
No. Children today know the truth, that real dinosaurs look like pic related. They think those scaley abominations are for old people.

They made the dilis tiny and spit acid for some strange reason.

Aliens riding dinosaurs?

Utahraptor definitively had feathers

Brontosaurus is back
And the triceratops thing is currently being disputed

why not. it's movies, after all. who says they should be as realistic as possible?

feather-posters ITT

Jurassic World did it, and it sold like hotcakes.

Those look like infant Tyrannosaurs.

Utahraptor are like 8 feet tall, retard.

They're deinonychus.

T-Rex confirmed for scales.


Large owl. Dogman is where it's at.

Look guys a nickel sized piece of scales on a 40 foot long dinosaur must have covered him entirely.

So why was it assumed for so long they were all scaly and how did they find out they actually had feathers from nothing but incomplete skeletons?

I guess they can tell they're related to reptiles and birds, so we know they didn't have fur or skin like mammals, but what changed that made them (scientists, palaeontologists, whatever) decide dinosaurs were feathered?


Chicken have scales too

God I love Dinotopia. I'm still pissed off at my mother for giving the books away...



some fossils do have impressions of feathers

bro I had that fucking book as a kid

Coyote Peterson is one of the few larger YouTube's that is genuinely great.

fuck that is bringing back some memories. this book likely shaped me into the stupid weeb i am today

Just imagine how it would have tasted

>Valley of the Gwangi remake
Hope they know what they are doing

>when you could suspend disbelief and pretend this book was actually real

Fucking Eldar