What have been the best LGBTQ+ films of the year?

What have been the best LGBTQ+ films of the year?

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That boy dun kirked his head

>have a son
>dream of all the things you'll do together...play catch, teach him how to shave, how to talk to girls
>turns into a faggot narcissist instagram whore showing off his ass

Why does this have so many likes? Who is this dude? Also seeing things like this and people encouraging him make me genuinely sad because some of those people must know deep inside that he's mentally ill, but they're either too afraid to say the truth in fear of being called homo/transphobic or only care about themselves and encourage it because it's amusing or for virtue-signaling. If someone really cared about him, they'd say the truth to his face without any care for the consequences.

muslims doing honor killings begin to make more sense

Timmy Thicc. He's a gay preteen Instagram star.

I can't even imagine the fallout if this were an underage chick saying this.

gay men are ugly. hows it feel knowing we can spot you faggots easily!?

men are hornier than women

This kid needs his ass beat. Parents are pussies these days. Physical punishment is the best medicine desu or tough love

I thought it was a mtf tranny?

Fug I meant ftm

nobody taught me how to talk to girls...

Its ok in 30 years time he can out some famous hollywood actor

No, it's a little boy.

Yeah, my dad did none of that shit either. First time I had to change a flat, I called him for help and he yelled at me for not somehow magically knowing how to do it from birth.

HAHA fucking sorry ass excuse for father's you fags have AAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

I didn't realize it was Timmy thic at first because I do not really pay attention to his face.

My parents were like this my entire life. Shit sucks.

If you're a parent and you let your kid go through a sex change before they're even an adult, you're an absolute failure as a parent. It is your duty to protect them and tell them when they're about to do something that will irreversibly fuck up their life even if you might look bad and be called a transphobe or w/e. I have 0 respect for these parents especially if they were dumb enough to be brainwashed by the left.

You are truly a pathetic excuse for a son. He probably yelled because you spend so much time on the internet but never even bothered looking up how to change a tire

Do you know how to change a tire? How did you laern?

Yeah, 'cause you planned ahead when you were 16, right?

my dad taught me a lot of life skills and I'm still a piece of shit. I only have myself and my shit decisions to blame.

Is Timmy Thick, dare I say it, /our guy/?


Hank Hill.

>step 1 use jack
>step 2 change tire
Was the tire iron too complicated for you?
I had a friend get a flat and call me once. I used the opportunity to flirt with his sister while I changed the tire.

Um, Marlon Brando was bi, sweetie.

I didn't want him to come over and do it for me. Just give me the basic gestalt. A good father would want to help their son and teach them something new.

And it actually did end up being complicated because the underside of the car was rusted as fuck. Jack broke right through the damn thing. Had to knock on someone's house and borrow a piece of wood to spread out the weight.


oh, and since someone will say "you think that's a bad father?", this is in addition to the physical and mental abuse. But that's not really in the context of fathers not taking the time to teach their kids basic life skills.

>using the jack before loosening the bolts
90s born queer detected

stop. I can't go to sleep if I'm angry.

what a fucking surprise


serious answer
this one won the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes

>attempting to loosen the bolts once the car is elevated
HAve you even seen a car in real life?

>not loosening the lug nuts when the tire is unhung weight but still touching the ground

if gays had monogamous sex aids wouldn't have spreaded.
relly makes u think

Is there a way this thing could have been prevented?

By introducing certain stimuli, "manly" activities, hunting, fishing etc

If we could reset the clock, could it be possible to fix this mistake? Or was it always doomed to become essentially a rent boy?