

Trump Curse got (((another one)))

The Trump curse is real folks. The most powerful curse.

Cute, coming from a gay pedophile. #drainhollywood

>trumptards are actually stupid enough to believe all the accusations being thrown around right now
Your family should be killed to protect the gene pool.

>Your family should be killed to protect the gene pool.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by calling you a troll.

I don't need a redditor doing me any favors just because he can't accept people thinking "wrong" things in front of him.

>get called pedophile
>have to reveal you're gay
>have to put all the attention to president

Just fuck my shit up. This guy has some good lawyers to fix his image

You realize you're defending a man who wants to fuck 8th graders, right?

>mocking Trump
I don't like him either, but change the fucking record already.

Trump flew with Epstein and is good friends with Harvey the harvester. Also don’t forget about his “grab em they’ll let you do it” line.

The article is from May 2016 my man

You realize you're on a site by and for pedophiles, right? You realize the allegations are false, just like all the other ones, right? You can't possibly be this brainwashed.

Sup Forumstards need to be purged

>Trump flew with Epstein and is good friends with Harvey the harvester
He literally called him a rapist as soon as the news came out. He also didn't like the guy.

they really want to portray him as a bad guy, instead of teen actor they said child actor which sounds a lot worse

imagine being this braindead that you actually believe nothing happens in hollywood

Right, because he's apologizing for something that never happened? Keep being an apologist for a pedophile you literal mongoloid

Why are all of Trump's enemies going down

Its not a curse, Trump is just using his power to out people as degenerates. He has the entirety of the executive branch to dig for dirt on his enemies.

eh, Trump said he wasn't surprised when the harvesting began

>You realize you're on a site by and for pedophiles, right?

Is mr Spacey with us right now? Hi feller! I like that one movie of yours.

Harvey has been outspoken on trump. If he is his friend then he is a shit one.

He's a time traveler

Lmao just because some of you sick fucks frequent this site doesn't mean it's "by and for pedophiles"
I'm not here to defend Trump

>imagine being this braindead
>types like a nigger
>believes everything he hears because he wants to gossip like a woman
>calling others mongoloid while phoneposting
He even says himself he doesn't remember it.

Yeah but straight pedophiles. Faggots are degenerate.

>sexually harasses a 14-year-old faggot

I like how you can't argue with him at a political level and you try to besmirch his good name and rile up pointless scandals

>reddit spacing
I don't even have to say anything else.
>Lmao just because some of you sick fucks frequent this site doesn't mean it's "by and for pedophiles"
Tell us more about the site you came to withing the past 5 years, refugee.
The only decent argument so far.

If everyone hates you, it's not exactly a coincidence when a few people go down.