Based China

Capekino confirmed.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The Express


Hello Pedro

This the coup de grace for Marlel

2 billions$ guys!


i legit heard it was so bad screening that they are not releasing reviews of it until one day before.

40% on test screening is the news around town...compared to the 100% GOTG vol 2 got.

>GOTG vol 2
Now I know the game is rigged.

Can you tell which is Zack Snyder and which is Joss Whedon?

>trusting a right-wing tabloid whose readership is made up of the lowest common denominator in the UK

Jesus Christ


>Stars Ben Affleck, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller
>directed by Zack Snyder... maybe

>better than Wonder Woman
No shit, retards.

If JL is successful, just know to credit it's success to Marvel.

>Whedon reshots
>forced quips and humor

Nice logo you got there.

I can already see dc fans killing themselves over which version will be better, about the director's cuts, about the snyder version vs the whedon version. Whedon fags will be enemy of the kinocraty and so on and so on...
You people are all going to massacre each other and that's great news for anyone else who isn't a dcfan.

Good. Disney and their self-aware, disposable shitshow *should* panic. Anyone who reduces characters like Thor to fucking sitcom-tier tryhard comedy should fucking hang.

They both look fucking terrible

Quick someone accuse Aquaman of making an off color joke 10 years ago!

>literally a half hour compilation of the only good scenes of the "movie"
Yeah I'm sure Marvel is TERRIFIED of this piece of shit

>Better than the 2nd worst DCEU film

oh wow

Imagine if GotG2 actually got 100%
Just end all of Hollywood at that point

Based China

Marvel can't even go 10 minutes without resorting to quips to deflate any tension..

Just like Justice League pal.

The Justice League trailers and spots have more quips than the entirety of Civil War

both look like shit.
I reminds me of BioForge, a game that came out in 1995

>Marvel should be panicking. Cheering and applause everywhere.

Overall I prefer DC comics over Marvel but they have no idea what they're doing.
Why ruin one of the only good things in your movies just to make it look more like Marvel's? Do they realy think this is what is gonna make a difference?
I hate capeshit but I can't deny that, while bland, Marvel movies are a solid and competent product. I can only dream of getting an actually good Superman movie one day.

>I can only dream of getting an actually good Superman movie one day.
Superman 1, Superman 2, Man of Steel.

You mean
>Snydercucks on suidide watch, based Whedon pulls through again

>I'm a friend of your son's
>I know... the cape...

>Is she with you?
>I thought she was with you

>I don't know how to lose
>You'll learn


Absolutely this. Donner's film's epitomize Silver Age Supes. Man of Steel expands on that by incorporating elements of Bryne's 80s revamp.

>30 minutes
>china press
>all reactions translated by one girl
>china press
Why fucking china anyway? when they did this for ww it was forlondon and the whole movies.

I seriously laughed at this title. Is WB really this pathetic now?

>when they did this for ww it was forlondon and the whole movies.

No. It was China and 30 minutes too.
And so was BvS.

>b-b-but muh quips ;) gotcha
Truly, how will we recover?

That's not surprising. Chinese culturally view males as being vastly superior.

Donners films are the only cape film that actual is a great film on its own...but his Superman was a little too tongue and cheek for silver age Superman. Who was incredibly serious no matter how idiotic his comic got

“Watched half hour ofJustice Leaguemovie, it’s absolutely the most mature workof DCEU film so far. In this film, they explored the deepest possibility of this cinematic universe. The footage showed film balance well. Every hero has their brilliant moment. The whole movie attitude is very positive but also continued to explore very serious topics like Divinity/humanity. There are numerous characters in this film, but they all felt noble and mighty. They don’t dazzle you with a bunch of costume clowns so call Superheroes. After Wonder Woman’s triumph, this year DC will definitely shine in this genre. We don’t get to see Supes in the footage, but his spirit Inspiring others through the whole thing. All in all, people gonnalove to paying for seeing this!”

*tongue in cheek, is the phrase.

Donner's films are nothing special past the Krypton/Kent Farm part. Lex is ridiculous and the plots don't make sense and are resolved by pulling a deus ex machina (specially 2 in that regard)

What did she mean by this?

She's waving.


if WB gave an actual competition to Disney then Marvel movies would have to step up their game, and all audiences would benefit from it. But that's not the case. WB is doing a bad/average/uninspired job so far.

Panic about what? That JL is going to make a bit less than a billion? Is marvel supposed to panic about every single potential box office contender now?

It's getting old to blindly and stupidly oppose DC and Marvel without any nuance. Fans doing the publishers war is one thing, but journalists who do that should be fired.

>Superman 1, Superman 2
I guess this counts, but it's been a long time already

>Man of Steel
lol no

I was talking to some normies at work about comic book movies and all of them said they love Marvel and that DC sucks because DC "only has Batman"

This is of course, anecdotal evidence, but I don't think normies are that different from each other and will change their opinion by whenever JLA comes out

Sup Forums finna get BTFO again

If you unironically use the word "normie" in public, I would hazard a guess that your friends think you are a faggot or "that guy".

She loves Raimi

No, I just call them normalfaggots to their face

Stop watching movies

>go into work, sit across from Steve, the autistic accountant.
>he starts mumbling at me near the break room about Justice League and how Marvel is gonna freak
>sigh and pour my coffee
>he screeches "normalfag" at me before running away
>boss says to go easy in him, he's a handicap hire

This chick gets it. Based Snyder awakening the soul of the slumbering giant.

why are The Sun and The Mirror way more generally accepted than The Express?


if chinks like it, it gonna be garbage. lol

>BvS First Reactions Are So Good! HYPED
>Suicide Squad First Reactions Are So Good! HYPED!
>Behind the Scenes Wonder Woman is a Disaster! Uh Oh!


>the keks who made Warcraft and Transformers 3-5 a success
>only 30 minutes
>source is one fucking woman who couldn't speak much english outside of broken sentences

Americucks are no better desu, you saved few nigger movies and fucking fembusters, for fucks sake.

nice implication there bucko but i ain't an americucko

those guys made BR2049 a bomb and were the ones who made WW a success despite how unbearably average it was


Fake news

He's not wrong

>Gods of Egypt
>Transformers Age of Ek-stink-tion
>Terminator Genysis
>Point Break remake
>Need for Speed

Well, literally every nation are braindead in terms of movies anyway but americucks and chinks constantly saving shit from flopping, and ruining masterpieces like BR 2049 because
>too long
>where is muh quips

americans wish they could speak more than one language that wasn't spanish.

That's like asking why isn't Breitbart considered as legitimate as PBS.


both look like shit but atleast you can see the separation of head to cyborgness in the top one

Suck a dick, David.

the average hollywood flick is better than ww anyway


>this is the guy ruining cinema
If I wanted to see ugly beasts I'd go to a zoo.




This is the edgiest thing I’ve ever read. My sides.

doesn't matter who directs it, if it's CGI it's shit

Meanwhile in a place with TASTE

>The scene of Justice League presented, put forward a confrontation of the brand new League against Steppenwolf in what appears to be a dungeon. At first, the team seems newly formed and some adjustments are needed before the assault. Batman in particular playing the big brother with a Flash that does not lead wide. The team is heading into this clash, whose stake is a hostage group whose father Cyborg is part.

>First impression: My god! That Steppenwolf and Cyborg are ugly! Victor Stone's integration with the CGI is still a problem and is more like a heterogeneous assemblage than anything else. For Steppenwolf, it's the same thing, his pale complexion and his appearance completely serve the charisma of this character full synthetic image. In short the CGI are not really at the party...

>Second impression: The editing is so clutter that it is difficult to grasp who does what. It's chaotic, and we can not help but think about the ax editing of the BVS cinema version. And I'm not talking about the totally useless appearance of Aquaman in the end that seems to serve only as an excuse to see him use his powers, even if we do not understand what he's doing.

All of them make perfect sense in the scenes they are on.

>Snyder's action is bad and messy
Mouse shill detected.

I hated snyder long before he did any comicbook adaptation or that marvel studio even existed for that matter

I know that it's data that snyderfags can't and won't compute but that's the truth

he is by far the worst of the mtv generation of directors

Holy shit, what movie?

And what place would that be?

Did we see the same movie?

>Batfleck sacrifices himself so that Superman can come back to life
>He gets vaporized by a mother box and his soul dust gets absorbed by Supermans corpse
>The Post credits is Wonder Woman and Flash meeting Nightwing played by Armie Hammer

>First impression: My god! That Steppenwolf and Cyborg are ugly! Victor Stone'sintegration with the CGI is still a problem and is more like a heterogeneous assemblage than anything else. For Steppenwolf , it's the same thing, his pale complexion and his appearance completely serve the charisma of this character full synthetic image. In short the CGI are not really at the party ...
>Second impression: The editing is so clutter that it is difficult to grasp who does what. It's chaotic, and we can not help but think about the ax editing of the BVS cinema version . And I'm not talking about the totally useless appearance of Aquaman in the end that seems to serve only as an excuse to see him use his powers, even if we do not understand what he's doing ... I'll counterbalance all this negativity by discovering a middle-of-the-film scene, the confusion I felt was a little bit due to that.


No one considers PBS legitimate either though

GOTG 2 was fucking great though.

People who don't suffer from debilitating autism do, yes. Which is most people.
>inb4 fedora tipping "fake news REEE" posts

Wonderwoman wasn't anything to write home about, so it doesn't mean much.

Reminder that there was positive buzz for early screenings of Man of Steel

WB isn't above paying off critics

No it wasnt, literally a CGI clusterfuck no plot toy commerical
I legit got bored by the halfway mark and I pretty much loved GoTG1

>it is an user doesn't think PBS is credible because they don't automatically suck right-wing cock episode

I miss being 16.

France has worse taste in cinema than china

Drax and Yondu were ok, but Pratt just phoned the whole movie in.
It was just souless.

>The Justice League trailers and spots have more quips than the entirety of Civil War

Those aren't Mouseshill virgin quips. Those are DChad bants.

Nah. Polling shows that people don't trust it as a news source
>muh polling
I don't know how else you could judge such a thing

sure they do, paki

>better than Wonder Woman
That's not saying much.

The Scum isn't respected anywhere, it only sells because of page 3