She JUSTed herself, right? I really like short hair on girls, but I don't think it suits her at all

She JUSTed herself, right? I really like short hair on girls, but I don't think it suits her at all.

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I have some bad news for you, user.

She's really cute. I like thiccer women myself but she's like a lil anime sprite.

jesus, somebody get her a sandwich

Poor little thing needs to gain like 25lb at least.


>you'll never slam fuck her 70lb body from the standing position

Why even live

Thats a cute little boi there.


He's the one that should be handling the bat. It's HIS weapon, not Jonathan's. Jonathan simply made it.

this desu


Crown her

>blue eyes
What a shit picture.

Calm down, kiddo. It's just a silly cartoon based on a very poorly done fantasy/sci fi show.

Jonathan is better than Steve in every way. Steve's actor is great and super charismatic, but the character is basically just a retard who can't write a college essay.

I thought she was way hotter this season then last season

okay. you believe whatever you want to believe.

her new hair isn't really short, she just had it pulled back at the premiere

>Look exactly like David Harbour except 5'11 manlet
>see myself animued

not fucking bad for a heavy neanderthal brow and large ass forehead

user, that's just fleshlight with sound.

She fucked herself over hard. She starved herself soo much that her body didn't even have any fat to grow tits. It's like a teen boy staying up all night never getting enough sleep and ending up a manlet. Terrible.

She looks great there

Really? I badly wanted to fuck her all the time in the first season, then lost all attraction for her in the second. These things are totally subjective I guess.
She looks nice there

She's too skinny, but I'd lick her little pink asshole enthusiastically.

If you know what I mean.

Fuck off cokehead.

david harbour is 42 years old

This is from the premiere event.

It seems like she's put on a little bit more weight in the last year. Either way she looks healthy to me.

she reminds me of one those really thin euro models with pale skin who pee out of their pink pussy lips in videos

I have no idea who that is, but she looks like a less dopey version of Arya (sp?) from GoT

Natalia Dyer

Looks much better than season 1. She looked like she had an eating disorder in the first season.

Imagine having this shit taste

I like the weight gain but her new haircut is just terrible. She got the “I’m white but my children aren’t” ‘do.

She's really cute on some pictures, but others are just weird. Also, her nose is too big for my taste, but nice classical look she has going.

what a coincidence. my dick is 25 lbs when erect.

Shes so hot and cute at the same time
Why is it so hard for girls to just not eat like a pig? Why cant they all be like this

>Jonathan with bat

I know what you mean.
She's cute but there are certain angles that don't suit her face well for photographs. She tends to look best when posing for a single camera, but the event photos where there's dozens of cameras snapping away with flashes still catch her better angles in some of the photos.

The fact that she's cute but reasonably modest and not supermodel-tier unattainable looking is what draws me to her though.

giv sticc gf

iirc Jonathan (and/or Nancy) made the bat, Steve just showed up and used it

Shoulder length hair isn't even short.

Whatever dude, short compared to her old hair.

She's had the shoulder-length hair for like a year though. I like the longer hair better too, but the shorter length isn't bad.
This photo is from 2016. Her newest style is basically the same length, just blonde and with bangs.

Well regardless, she's still very qt imo


Her big traps look strange