
>Will we at least get those deleted scenes on the Blu-ray?
If he decides to put them there, don't expect finished VFX.

>hehe I swear guys the theatrical cut is MY director's cut
>movie turns out to be shit and flops
>jus kiddin guys go buy the definitive cut on bluray $$$

Yeah no shit. Assembly cuts are always wayyy longer than finals cuts. How is this news?

He actually says denis won't ever give us that 4 hour version

The film really should've been longer

>movie turns out to be shit

This is good news for us

>that’s the only version of “2049” we’ll ever see.
It's one thing to want only one cut of the movie, it's another entirely to cut integral elements and then not release them because he already doesn't give a shit about the movie he made


I want the four hour version!!!

I actually hope you are right I would buy several different blu-ray versions

shoulve been an hour longer or 45 minutes shorter

its at a bizzare length where a number of secondary plot points were brought up but lacked the running time to flesh out or resolve

I've been reading twitter for JPN responses and the majority of them are positive. Seems like they're all falling in love with Ana de Armas. They know waifus.

nips have superior taste. Luvfags BTFO

Japan > China

>implying denis can do shit

No movie needs to be that long. They should of just wrote a better script.

Why can't they give us all the material? People would pay for it.

Put it under extras as extended 4 hour version or something, why don't they want to

>based Villeneuve not giving a fuck or backpedaling

I don't normally like fucking leaves, but this fucking guy is great.

It flopped, but that doesn't make it shit.
It makes the second NA video game crash all the more likely.


They will totally eventually release all the deleted\cut footage at one point or another.

joi will always be my wife

>not posting the one that says "and I hope Allah forgives me, but a leaf" when hes describing degenerates

I gotta start collecting these

I've never heard of anything more pretentious in my life.

hur dur

Stick it in my veins

Nothing pretentious about passion and dedication

>Walker says there was a “really magnificent aerial sequence when K and Joi fly to Las Vegas,”
How could they cut such a kino sequence?

The movie was already 160 minutes. May as well have added another 10 minutes of atmospheric moments like that

Maybe they should make a Bladerunner mini-series. Maybe that's the format that would work better

Penis Villeneuve shitting all over the original and then having it be an absolute failure at the box office is the most satisfying entertainment story of the year. Have fun with your 4 hours of pretentious schlock that most people are smart enough to avoid.

Hey moron, most people are idiots.

>Penis Villeneuve shitting all over the original

How did he shit over the original exactly? He had Riddley's blessing, he was the producer. The same writer wrote the core story. Harrison Ford was all in. They had nothing but respect about the original.

Hopefully he goes back on what he said and gives us the full kino version eventually.

I know shit about the movie: the post

>What ended up on the cutting room floor was “a lot of connective tissue and bridges.” Walker says there was a “really magnificent aerial sequence when K and Joi fly to Las Vegas,”

This seems like the most common complaints on Sup Forums although it's mostly autism.The movie still has enough clues to logically piece together what happened

>how did Luv break into a police station
Being the most common stupid complaint

They even brought Sean Young for few weeks of shooting, she just did some voice-overs.

She didn't have a lot to do, but apparently they gave her son a job lol

plot driven movies could be twice that length

most people are just conditioned to not sit for that fucking long, so story generally takes a backseat in film, and is abstracted or cut down. Which is why film is an innately visual medium in our society, while if you want plot you have to read a book. it doesnt have to be this way, its just what is expected.

also 6 hour blockbusters would be hugely expensive while reducing the potential audience


stop postig this shitty edit, he isnt on mars, just in an orange dustbowl

He's on the ZX Spectrum.

>2049 is gonna get five different editions just like the original
Like pottery

i hope so

This. I kept thinking to myself 'I could watch another hour of this' during the film


Some scenes always end up being cut for the sake of running time or flow. I'd love to see some of them as deleted scenes (even in their incomplete state), but I'm not going to loose sleep about the lack of a director's cut.

>No movie needs to be that long.
Some classics like Gone With the Wind, Ben Hur (1959), Lawrence of Arabia, and The Godfather Part II beg to differ.

This one didn't need to be longer than it was, though.