You won't be able to hold your pee, but who does?

you won't be able to hold your pee, but who does?

oh please, make it 8 hours and we'll talk

Is this supposed to be impressive? Call me when you've finished Evolution of a Filipino Family in one sitting kiddo

i dont need to pee in-movie

pee way before

How will burgers watch it without needing to go out and get a snack?

>we'll never get an 8 hour magnum opus of cinema in the form of a blade runner epic

Well, the thing is that so be it if the story requires certain volume of space & time, being able to be told. They just have to make either the trilogy or two parter or the franchise that runs 10 films for that matter. I guess they didn’t really idea of what they wanted to do from the beginning, user.

DAE it would've been better as an 8-hour HBO miniseries...

I did it with a large soda. Step it up.

>you won't be able to hold your pee

Is this seriously a problem for you guys?
Common sense told me that a three hour film is something you need to be ready for. Both times I went I just made sure to abstain from drinking for like 2 or three hours then piss during the end of the trailers it's not rocket science why would you ruin the experience for yourself when you (probably) know better?

>What is an intermission

We have theaters that bring you food during the movie.

>implying I'm not capable of watching the extended cuts of LotR movies without pissing
almost fell asleep during the fellowship though

>being able to pee in a public setting

I remember being like 13 and watching the king kong movie and it was so long I went to piss like 4 times

that gif accurately represents how I felt inside reading your post

I don't believe you. I suck down a large soda/lemonade before every damn movie I see and have to piss midway through.

it wasn't tho

Not a big deal for people who are not women or tiny little girly men.

I usually have about 12 hours between needing to piss. Its crazy to me that there are people who can't sit through more than 90min of movie without needing to urinate. Have never left the theater to do anything after a show starts. Not even shows with Intermissions like Gods and Generals.

I got through BR on a large coke
Urge to piss hit hard on the way home though.

wow dude ur so cooooool wowwee dude so awesome jee wizz thats soo cool ddue w)Ow

sitting still is a big part of it. I bust ass and sweat it out at my job, only needing to pee 1-2 times in an 8 hour shift. at theatrical screenings, I generally procure a beverage and tend to do the restroom once, quickly, toward the middle, hopefully after an eventful arc. I'm not holding it for mild discomfort for an hour instead of removing all discomfort and giving the remaining hour my full attention.

It was tedious as fuck already, fuck that. I would just piss myself in the theater or piss on someone just to be entertained by something.