This is going to sweep the oscars

this is going to sweep the oscars

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I hope so, this and Blade Runner need to do well. I just worry it'll be get out and wonder woman instead.

BR2049 has Cinematography locked up. I think Dunkirk will get only Best Sound Editing.

Dunkirk is easily the most boring WWII movie I've ever watched.

The dog fighting scenes were exceptionally well done but everything else just felt lackluster.

I felt tense throughout the whole thing. What did you find boring?

its not really a war movie, more like a thriller about guys trying not to drown

Second favorite movie of 2017.

Wonder Woman might get some small awards but it's still capeshit so doubtful, and get out has been forgotten lol

I think it has to do with the story. It's just people left stranded on an island. They don't have a mission, they aren't progressing, there are no big plot twists or surprises, they're just waiting. They tried to fill in the story with the dogfighting and sailboat subplots but I'd rather watch one big story unfold and see actual combat like in Hacksaw Ridge. As well, I didn't find myself getting emotionally attached or invested in any of the characters.

It was well shot and the acting and effects were great but it kind of fell flat for me.

It deserves to, but, mark my words, around January, when awards talk really gets rolling and dunkirk is being predicted by everyone to sweep everything, some shitty think piece will be written by some nobody whining that it only features white males. This will gain traction and inspire more shitty think pieces that complain about the same thing and the movie will end up only winning one or two technical awards.

The same thing has happened before to numerous other movies

> France
> An island

American 'education', everyone

seeing how that piece of shit moonlight won awards, get out will steal many awards

dunkirk is an extremely strong contender for both best picture and best director and i'd wager it's going to win both.

get out had some great performances and the social commentary was executed brilliantly. i hope it receives the recognition it deserves

why is is taking so long for a decent quality rip of this to hit the internet?

ya im not gonna watch losers and cowards run for their lives for 2 hours.

>executed brilliantly
get out was a decent horror and directorial debut, but contained absolutely nothing original and had some barely-there racial “commentary.”

other than maybe the score, nothing about that movie was oscar worthy

kek I meant a beach

not enough diversity

Wonder shit will win because lead actor is a jew.

It better fucking not. The only good thing about this movie was the sound.

It's too white and not gay nigga enough to win best picture

When is the BD coming out? I want to re-watch it.

no digital release yet

The sad reality is Dunkirk was too white and too male and didn't go far enough to demonize the Nazis.

>The island of France
>Sailboat "subplots"
>muh need for constant combat

8/10 you took my first post this year on this shithole

It's an actual historical story. To tell it differently would be mess with history.
If you want call of duty style capeshit dressed as history then watch hacksaw ridge.
I bet you loved it.

haha dude, did you see those futuristic pyramides and giant statues in the sand xD? so inspiring and deep, denis is a master of thought-provoking kinography, like he carefully crafts every single scene, it's not just a job for him, he loves it xD.

It's a historical depiction about the rescue mission at Dunkirk
If it hadn't been for the success at Dunkirk, Great Britain would've lost a large portion of the army, which would've had some serious consequences

Dunkirk isn't a typical movie, it's made to have a focus on battle-realism and the true terror of war that you don't see in petty movies like Hacksaw Ridge
The characters are more derivative of arthouse depictions of emotions (terror, bravery, greed, hate), rather than "muh protagonistic hero"

>France + continental Europe are an island
the absolute state of my country’s public schools

It's being released on dvd and digitally sometime in November, you'll see it soon.

it's gonna be some gay oscar bait movie and you know it

dogfight scenes were the worst desu

How long have you been diagnosed with ADD?

Get better taste OP. Saged.

Best Picture
Best Director
Best Original Screenplay
Best Actor - Tom Hardy
Best Cinematography
Best Original Score
Best Sound Editing
Best Editing
Best Costume Design
Best Production Design

What does "taste" have to do with oscars?
I hate The Revenant, but I see why Lubezki won Best Cinematography for it. I hate Hacksaw Ridge, but I see why it won the oscar for Best Sound Mixing.
You don't have to like a film in order to see the technical achievements in it

Best costume will go to some capeshit.

It will get best score, best picture, best director, best cinematography and best sound editing.

Here are films I've seen this year that were better than Dunkirk:

Manchester by the Sea
Thor Ragnarok
A Magnificent Woman
The Beguiled

This doesn't even include the ones that were just as good as Dunkirk. On a narrative level Dunkirk was clunky, just to be superficial.

>Best Actor - Tom Hardy
The fire rises

Released too early in the year
It went for the money in Summer rather than accolades
Might get Best Original Score and Best Sound Editing

>On a narrative level Dunkirk was clunky, just to be superficial
It's crucial for it to be non linear because by seeing those moments again you get a bigger picture of the situation which is told extremely subjectively from every perspective and to form a coherent interconnected story with those moments, also even more tension bulilding (that Spitfire pilot crash landing on water, looks like he's giving a thumbs up that he's okay to Hardy - cut later - he's actually struggling to get out of the Spitfire so he doesn't drown and the cockpit is stuck because of the hard impact on water)
The air narrative takes place in one hour, the sea narrative in one day and the land narrative in one week, how else would you do it?
If you had a linear representation of that whole week then you would have Tom Hardy sitting in an airbase somewhere sipping tea and wanking off to pictures of dear old Marge, and Dunkirk wasn't about that fake empathy/sentimentality, it was about being thrown into the event itself.

Also Manchester by the Sea and Moonlight are from 2016 and I hope mentioning literal capeshit as a better "film" was just baiting.

You should’ve went to a toilet before the viewing then lol

Those faggots sat on their rainy island, flew planes and at the late stages of war did some fighting in the NA campaign, that was a walk in the park in comparison to the EF, all the real fighting was done by the Soviets. It would make no difference.

>What is the lend-lease policy
>What is the enigma code
You do realize these two things alone contributed a great deal to ending the war earlier than it did, right?
Besides, Dunkirk (movie) wasn't about what effects the operation had, it's about emphasising the terror one would feel put in these situations
I'm pretty sure the majority of those soldiers on that beach feared more for their lives than what would happen in the future

You'd have to be a mega autist not to feel dread at the sight of all that horrible shit
Take some time to admire art when it's directly thrown in your face, instead of cherry-pick on things that are completely insignificant to what the movie actually depicted

Undoubtedly. This is the Saving Private Ryan of our time. Best Production Design is a given because they used real boats from Dunkirk.

Not as long as women are on the board

Spielberg is doing Oscarbait with Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep though

>no people of color
>no LGBTQ characters
>no jews

ummm try again sweaty

Not to be an autist, but there were used ships that was made post-Dunkirk just because they are more recognizable (by design) by people
I think that was the ship which had torpedos fired at it

That's not really a problem, it served its purpose more than well, this movie is simply stunning

>blocks your path

Any good upcoming releases on what's left of this year?

I hope PTA wins this time.

based fargo granny CURSES!! xD

Boredom is a symptom of low attention span, low attention span is a symptom of infantilism, infantilism is a symptom of bad genes, bad genes are a symptom of delayed evolution.

What's your point?

you have shitty genes.

nope. too much straight white men

Based Nolan, the man deserves it, has done a hell of a run ever since 2005, hollywood absolutely out of their mind by not having awarded him yet.

I am under the impression though that nicheagendaflicknoonesaw.exe will make its way in undervedly as always but one can hope.

>muh arthouse depictions

And making false equivalencies on Sup Forums is a symptom of autism.

Not when they sit through the second half

>No diversity
>No plight of the jews
>No showing of the germans as demons in human skin

You think this will sit well with the academy consisting of gay jews in their 60s-90s?

it took me a few seconds to remember I bothered going to see this.

it won't win anything. no characters. not even any CGI to get nolan his token effects nod.

wtf i love dunkirk now

>hey let's make a war movie!
>but we'll drain out all the blood and grit
>and all the character
>and anonymize every single person
>and use cold distanced observational shots for everything
>and have an obnoxious soundtrack reminding the audience constantly that "THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN YES DIDDLY"
>we're also going to remove any sort of moral examination of the war
>we're also going to reduce the nazis to an anonymous faceless "other" bad guy
>in fact it's not going to be a war movie at all! just a series of scenes where people die bloodlessly and in such anonymous and sterile depiction that no one will care because characters and humanity are Nolan's weakness so he focuses on the death and setpieces

It's trash and it's going to get a lot of nominations but the churchill movie will probably get awards

>we're also going to remove any sort of moral examination of the war
When is there a moral examination that isn't "dude war is bad lmao"

You do realize that without soviet sacrifices and eventual victories there would have been 20 times the troops and fortifications on the western front and the alliance would have gotten their asses handed to them and the UK would have been leveled?

"War is necessary"

"Peace was never an option."

What an absolute moronic thing to say, grow a brain

>What an absolute moronic thing to say, grow a brain
>grow a brain


>all white male cast