When exactly did stand-up die?

When exactly did stand-up die?

It didn't, e.g. Bo Burnham

George Carlin and Bill Hicks for turning into straight up personal political rants with no humour or jokes inserted whatsoever.


Bo Burnham did more to kill stand-up than anyone else.

His most recent one was pretty shit but his others are good


When literally every other comic started getting a special and their own tv shows

I'd say it wasn't Carlin and Hicks so much as it was people attempting to imitate Carlin and Hicks.

Very few people can do political comedy that doesn't alienate.

die faggot

Netflix is so fucking terrible about this. It's like if you walk past the Netflix offices you get your own special.

Dane Cook is better than 90% of today's comedians, and that's conservative.

2014/2015 is when comedy died and it was replaced by "political commentary" and inoffensive jokes

Totally agree. Carlin and Hicks fuckin suck.

when whatever you said on stage could be held against you

You dumb faggot, stop listening to that cuck Bill Burr. Stand-up isn't dead, it's just being infested by unfunny idiots. Stick to the pros, and not virtue signalling fags like Burr
>Patrice would've set this faggot straight if he was still alive, and wouldn't have let him marry that ball busting cunt

Carlin is still hilarious. Hicks wasn't all that funny, and in the end, became less and less funny the more he went full on political.

Sinbad needs to come back

Can't name one decent comic.

Anthony Cumia, Eliza Schlesinger, Andrew Dice Clay
That's three right there faggot.

When Netflix started to push female “comedians”


Shit, even Sarah Silverman is still rib busting funny, when she's not shilling for the DNC to get those big Hollywood bucks
DAVE. FUCKING. CHAPELLE. You're a goddamn idiot.

Carlin was never ever ever funny. At all.

No wonder stand up is dead, you faggots have no idea what is funny.

It's not dead,it's just that tv isn't spoon feeding good stuff.
Did music die when mtv stopped playing videos?

They did alienate and put in their fair share of court time for it too.

>implying there is good stuff

u suck