How do we solve the bigger problem?

How do we solve the bigger problem?

Cast them

You could always ask your parents for therapy sessions.


Pick one

By not posting raceb8 threads on Sup Forums

There is no problem then how being poor made this happen.

Reminder this thread will be deleted before the pedo threads because liberals and the euro janitors/mods support pedophilia

Show me an instance where a white man did this to a black family.

Thoughts on this kino?

Lack of a father figure is the problem.



Since Africans stepped foot on American soil.

Most African slaves were legally bought.

Tell Trump to kill all niggers

That isn't true, and Africans selling other Africans is a myth.

the One Way Ticket to Africa program

blacks > everyone

A little thing called THE CIVIL WAR!


Weird how I don't have a father figure and I'm not an impulsive animalistic degenerate.

That filename again

Pedophilia is Sup Forums culture, hence why one of the 404 pages features Pedobear chasing a child.

Yeah it’s not like it’s still ongoing or anything you tripfag nigger

I have lots of examples of aryan bravery, friend


>anytime a white does anything to a black
>Facebook, Tumblr, and cnn can't stop talking about it
>Anytime a black does anything to a white
>Sup Forums can't stop shitting up the other boards

I just want the 80s to early 00's back. I miss not worrying about this race bullshit

Lol that shit is literally happening today with the Chinese you dumb coon


Shouldn't you be shitting up Sup Forums with your usual pics?


They really are jealous of other races having straight hair that doesn't start falling out when they hit 30

How to make America white again?
>no nigs
>no spics
>no asians
>no jews
>no others
Imagine America without non-whites.

Imprison all youths from age 13-25 obviously.

Sure. Economically butt-blasted.


They need to bring back the electric chair.

Jews are the smartest class of people and without them whites would destroy themselves. See how Germany imploded and destroyed itself after disenfranchising its Jews. The USSR had mass Jewish emigration to Israel in the 1970s, and the economy stagnated shortly after.

Whites are a mid-tier race and can't be left to its own devices. They need rulers and guiders lest they devolve into madness, juvenile self-destruction, and mindless violence

>all crime drops 50%
>savings pay for the slight drop from nig gdp

Why is one race hell bent on making everyone hate them? I guess they just can't help themselves.

It's a good thing though.

This is retarded enough for someone to bite

Black people add billions to the economy in America.

>Imagine America without non-whites.

But I like foreign food and my dick likes foreign women.

There are bad apples in every race.

That wasn't rape.

The Jew was the first produced by God, gifted with genius brains but physically weak

Thus God created the Black to do manual labor, but the blacks were uncontrollable and rebelled

Thus God created a violent and obedient class to enforce the blacks, the whites. However, the whites lack vision and greater strategic thought. They were rash, emotional, and self-destructive. They needed to be controlled themselves lest they run rampant and destroy everything (including themselves)

Thus God in his genius created the Asian. Rapidly multiplying, they would rival the whites and be a focus for their attention. The whites worked harder to combat the asians while carrying out the Jews' wishes.

However, one day a white known as Spain had sex with a pre-Jew savage tree-beast in the forbidden land. This gave birth to the Latino, a perverted breed of white.

Horrified by their actions, the Spanish were cast out by the Jews to the barren lands to the south. They regressed into violent savages, bitterly hating their masters. These became the Arabs

The Arabs that survived the trek across the barren wastes arrived in a new lush land. However, God cursed them with a lack of toilets. When they attempted to dig into the earth, it would seal shut before they could empty their bowels. They forgot their hate against the Jews, their feces consumed them and they openly shat where they lived. They became the Indians.

Meanwhile, a tribe of whites rejected the rule of Jews and moved East. God cursed them with alcoholism and without Jewish guidance they regressed into self-destructive savages. These became the Slavs

And that is why we are the way we are

It's just Germans that are shit. Look at how they lost two world wars that they started themselves and are currently being invaded by Muslims.

There'd be no America without Jews. The Founding Fathers were all crypto-Jews according to Mein Kampf. You don't think Hitler was wrong, do you?

Asians are just (((innocent bystanders))), why did this happen?

Is this from the real Hebrew Israelites book?

Yeah, in expenses which are covered by taxpayers. It's still a net deficit.

It's from the true history, discovered on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

These are the same people who thank Hitler for killing Jews while simultaneously denying the Holocaust happened.

Niggers belong in fucking zoos


Niggers are the bad apples of humankind

That actually sounds like a pretty cool /tg/ setting.

And take hundreds of billions

Oh really, where is my cut of those billions of dollars then?

>stop bullying

that's just straight up felony assault

what a cuck lol


Welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps, costs for prisons, etc.

None of those apply to me or any member of my family, what else?

Why do americans still put up with these apes?

The "apes" put up with their shit for 400 years.

they need to bring back something else

Doesn't matter if it applies to an individual or or not, it applies to the general population. Blacks, as a whole, cost more money than they put in. I figured even a dumb krigger like yourself could have looked up welfare usage by race.

take away guns. he wouldnt have been able to rob the house, when will you shithead americans learn?

Is this West Side Story?

Used to do humanitarian work in rural SA. All the little niglets were fascinated by my long, blonde hair. We gave the children dolls. We had black baby dolls and white baby dolls. The children that lived off bread and corn and lived in houses made of literal cow shit refused to play with the free black baby dolls. They really are a self hating race that know there is so much more to achieve and yet its out of their grasp.

Yeah that's how Europe stopped niggers from murder raping them.

look at that tenacity


This, I don't understand how Obama managed to fuck up race relatins this bad

Obama shit the bed when he openly supported a domestic terrorist organization.


OP said bigger problem, not nigger problem. The bigger problem is poverty, and until we fix or replace capitalism, these horrors will continue.