I wanna lick her jaw

I wanna lick her jaw.
Also Stranger Things thread

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She has a cute face, but she needs to gain some weight, and maybe look into getting implants.

She needs to gain at least 40 pounds straight to her thighs, ass, and tits. I would pound her for days

i wanna to lick her pusy!

Based pusy poster

Is it true that bitch cheated on my nigga Steve!? Fuck her

>and with who she cheated?

she is like a skeleton
i would rather go for her momma, she looks much better, also she is Stacy's mom


next season Steve will realise Stacy's mom is way hotter than her daughter, so Billy and he will fight over her. 100% sure



i love this spooky skeleton so much

I think weight gain alone would do it. I'd love to see how 20 more pounds would look on her. She might need even more than that before she stops looking like a skelly but it's a worthy endeavor. She's got a fantastic foundation she just needs for a house to be built atop it.

god these criminal posse characters are the most obnoxious shit on the planet, who wrote this part?

*saves your season*

>Demogorgon is an almost shapeless monster which can jump out of the upside-down through your fucking wall at any moment, nowhere is safe
>Almost impossible to kill, pretty smart, enormous strength
>a bunch of retarded, predictable and weak dogs

Did I get that right? This season was very weak.

>Season 3
>Nancy has to overcome anorexia
>puts on some weight (healthy amount) and turns into even more of a qt with nice boobers and a cute butt
>gets back with Steve
how many emmy's will it win

I think it was implied that it had one more growth stage which would be what the s1 Demogorgon was

>episode where nancy breastfeeds the boys
k i n o

Of course it was implied but it doesn't matter since the dogs never felt like even 1/10th as threatening as the Demogorgon and they didn't even use the risk of them reaching their final phase at some point to create tension. Instead you just get a couple of rabid dogs running around to create action scenes with little to no suspense.

I thought i was the only person that liked cute bone structure.

she is fucking ugly.

fuck off

>breastfeeds the boys
With what exactly?

This is after the story arc where she beats anorexia

She is anorexic as fuck.

mm rather episode where nancy pusyfeeds the boys


thanks ms skeltal

When she is with jelly bean head, i get right spooked

She'll be preggers with Jonathan's seed and will give birth to a hellspawn.

>be a good girl 1st season
>great girl and has amazing chemistry with steve

>get into a stupid argument and fuck the autist first chance you get in 2nd season
>girls this is all okay get that dick from all guys monogamy is old news amirite

Fuck netflix and kill all jews

first season
>kino girl
second season
>capeshit girl

Steve will lose again because he only loses fights.

The real monster was anorexia all along

Reddit Things

How do we save her from anorexia, lads? She's only going to get worse without intervention.

Rule of three's, whoever he's fighting next season will lose.

She looks like a bobblehead version of Dobby the elf.

She used to look so good too

I was glad to see they fed her a little better this season. Guess she just had to get out of the awkward teen phase.

damn nice boobers on that girl

episode 9 was fucking insane



only 4 episodes in, need to abandon thread.

Reading Steve saves the season warms my heart though.


Was anyone else reminded of Walt Jr?

This proves that girls like betas more. Chads BTFO

Yeah it light it was pretty obvious that each of those was a young demigorgon and would grow

Was there anything hotter than drunk feisty nance snarling at the camera

That kind of shit gets me hard, perfect for uninhibited intense sex right after a moment like that.



Steve should have fucked her right here standing
>what about that? that's BULLSHIT too?

Nancy was begging for a good dick, but I understand why a kid like Steve wouldn’t realize this

I also missed some obvious chances when I was 15-20

Teenage boys are fucking idiots

I just realized her eyebrow and hairline are super close.

Max > Nancy > Milf >>> Karen >>>>>>>>> Gremlin > Poo in Loo

Is this scene on Youtube yet?

Why are so many people trying to thin shame her?

Because she is skinny as fuck

It’s good though she wouldn’t pass as a 15/16 year old girl if she wasn’t

She looked even more malnourished than what she did last season. She'd be decently attractive if she just ate a few cheeseburgers.

I hope they film the scene where theyre stuck in the sewers and Nancy and Max fuck all the boys!

>he thinks breast size has anything to do with breastfeeding
Have you ever seen a woman in real life?



All the coke she does with her boyfriend

How can they let the kids around that kind of people?

>this virgin
I've breastfed from many women and size does matter in getting the right suction

good lord!


>Not even half way through the show thats been released in full
>Gee... I'd better check out that thread about the show
Come on guy.

'Virgin' Chad
>doesn't plant feet
>fights alongside children with hypodermic needles
>loses all fights
>doesn't get girl
>practices moderation
>schemes about undermining authority figures

'Chad' Uber-Chad
>always plants feet
>fights solo
>wins fights
>seduces milfs
>party animal
>respects authority figures

>Heard that people said show was showpaced/total letdown

>First few episodes were good worldbuilding and character development
>then it ramps up into a really good finale
>millie-only episode was kinda bad but still pretty decent aside from her sister.

I thought it was pretty good, are people on here just saying its shit cos reddit likes it?

'Virgin' Chad
>likely a bluepilled normie

'Chad' Uber-Chad
>anti miscegenation

*slow paced

I think the producers are massive SJW, the only fuckable woman in the show is Winona and she's super ugly because of costumes reasons, and Mike's mom who would be fuckable too is portrayed as a retard.

Also all the good looking girls at their school are whores.

Even worse

> Season 1: Fight a terrifying creature
> Season 2: Fight the lesser, stupider version of the terrifying creature

so hows this series

That was a fully grown, well-fed adult that had been alive for who knows how many eons. These are babies that were hatched after the first season.

The lads amity

Isnt there a clip of her flicking her bean?

Do you also think actors actually die when their character dies in a movie?

She looks so cute here

Can we talk about Max now, lads?

I was reminded of this

I thought they were going to introduce a cheeky lad banter relationship between those two. You could feel the tension in the shower.

There needs to be a redemption arc for Billy that ends with the him becoming the Vegeta to Steve's Goku.

I could wrap one of my hands around her neck, touch my finger to my thumb, and strangle her.

Based ussy

Max was super cute and is the patrician's choice, so much better than the slags this board likes like millie, sophia and moner

This is a tranny, correct?
1. Massive brow ridge.
2. Wide set eyes.
3. Ears large, in proportion to head.
4. Wide, flat chin.

>cheeky lad banter relationship
I saw their relationship as a commentary on how chadness is contextual. Indiana chad can't hold a candle to California chad. Was qui-gon right? Is there always a chadder chad? What would it take to out-chad Billy? If Billy's dad puts him in his place the way Billy puts Steve in his, is Billy's dad the top of the chadchain, or is he something else entirely?


>be monster that's conquered other dimensions
>probably thousands if not millions of years old
>get impatient and send your half grown minions into battle

Ya, not sure where there going with this giant terd.

She should lose weight. Follow Abbey's example.

If it was just one demodog they could have made it spooky and really played up the predator role.

Instead what we got was the Ninja Rule where the more of the same creature there is the lesser of a threat they actually pose

thanks based bro chad

It's just a soap-opera with a loose monster/horror element

based abbey

Just realized Nancy's mom is best girl from Mad Men

I want to watch this show but everytime I try to watch it I just get sad i'll never have someone to cuddle with and enjoy it together