What the fuck is their endgame

PARIS — Last Tuesday, France woke up to news reports that a 28-year-old man and an 11-year-old girl had had “consensual” sex.

The events, first reported by the websiteMediapart, took place on April 24 in the Paris suburb of Montmagny. That afternoon, the child followed a man, who had already approached her twice in the previous days, telling her he “could teach her how to kiss and more.” They went to his building, where she performed oral sex in the hallway. Then she followed him to his apartment, where they had sexual intercourse. Afterward, he told her not to talk to anybody about it, kissed her on the forehead and asked to see her again.

On her way back home, the girl called her mother in a state of panic, realizing what had just happened. “Papa is going to think I’m a slut,” she said. The mother immediately called the police and pressed charges for rape. But citing Article 227-25 of the French criminal code, the public prosecutor stated that “there had been no violence, no coercion, no threat, no surprise,” and therefore, the man would be charged only with “sexual infraction.” That offense is punishable by five years in prison, while rape entails 20 years of imprisonment when the victim is under 15.

The trial was supposed to start last Tuesday, but it was postponed to February. Meantime, the story caught fire across the country.

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these cases happen all the time in France because of their fucked up rape laws

They've been protecting Roman Polanski for decades, this news should not surprise you

Why doesn't yuropoors call all sex rape like the first world does?

Jews are more powerful in France than in USA

>no violence, no coercion, no threat, no surprise
>still 5 years in prison
Sasuga 2017


>If the girl regrets it after it isn't considered rape in France

Wtf I love the French now

>“Papa is going to think I’m a slut,” she said.
That's because you are a slut, sweetie.

France is disgusting. See the movie Fat Girl
>full of cp
>graphic simulated underaged sex scene (with an older man)
>fucking shit allegorical tale about being ugly
>directed by a WOMAN so of course its over the top lewd
>retarded and contrived ending in which a man comes out of nowhere and kills the pretty sister and her mum with an axe. He then rapes the fat younger sister who previously claimed she thinks it is better to lose one's virginity to a "nobody" just to get it over with. When the police arrive and ask if he raped her she says no as sex isn't a big deal to her (due to her feelings of being unattractive)

I don't know much about France but I'd be shocked if anywhere outside Israel is more jewcucked than the US.

She was a nigger coming from apefrica.

She was legally 11 like this pic related guy is 14.

France is 100% ZOG.

Frances own president was fucking his wife when he was a child and she was his middle aged teacher. I don't think they care much about that kind of stuff.

*future wife

If someone butt fuck this "child", would you call him a pedo ?



Grow up American ChristCucks ! This is not 19th century anymore.
Are you feeling butthurt because you can't fuck a tigh pussy in America ?

>there was actually a guy who agreed to defend a pedophile
Fucking wew France.
Fucking wew.

Reminder that Sup Forumsbeards are the ones spamming pedo shit on Sup Forums all day

If it's like Britain and Germany;

>Muslim immigrant
>White girl

Doesn't even have to be a girl technically.

That's 99% what it would be - HOWEVER - this is France, and they've always been tolerant of Jailbait affairs.

Good movie though. Loved dat ending. All of Breillaiariaiiart (stupid Frog surname)'s films are like that and they'r pretty decent.

>there had been no violence, no coercion, no threat, no surprise
Let me guess.... the guy is an arab or nigger?

I don't usually get into this shitflinging, but hoo boy is that an incredibly ignorant statement.

Trust me, you should be happy you weren't here pre-2012.

War aged him.

Wow, great thread, interesting stuff

>Sup Forums trying to spin this as bad news to the most pedo board on Sup Forums

makes me think

t. france

>Pedophiles on a Pedophile image board talking shit about Pedophilia.
Really got my cerebral juices flowing.

You all Sup Forums posters are Pedophiles.


I'm Sup Forums and I would never be caught dead doing something this fucking stupid.

Do you think this is unusual, or something?

It's just statutory rape, and in the USA it can be punished with 0-15 years depending on the state. Is 5 years that shocking to you for France?

Um, no sweetie, the New York Appeals Court ruled that it was a work of art with merit.

Just ask the Autistic Korean Tripfag - he's where we get all our legal advice from.

WTF I love France now.