Why is Nathan always alone at premieres?

Why is Nathan always alone at premieres?

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Because he's a lonely guy.

He is the wizard of loneliness.

his friends are just off camera, laughing with him

damn, nathan looks like THAT?

Same reason why Keanu is always alone too,they know humanity sucks

No idea, he is factually, scientifically a fun person to be around.

The plan: Hire a group of professionally dressed homeless people to pretend to be with me, thus leaving them untrackable once they're back on the streets


he's divorced

Is Patagonia another Sup Forumsyp clothing brand?

>The Wizard of Loneliness is a 1988 American drama film based on the 1966 book of the same name by John Nichols. It is notable for being the first film that David Moscow was cast in.
All this time I thought it was some retarded thing that Wolfe thought up on the spot. Turns out he was referencing kino.

Nathan For You once again with the deepest lore.

Can you guys believe this actually happened? Wow!

hahaha hes so lonely and jewish ahhahaha love this guy

Fielder is listed as a female on his Green card.[26][27]

i'm 100% sure he is our guy and browses Sup Forums
he brought our mommy susan sarandon to conan

hes not, he's there FOR YOU

>expensive outdoors equipment
Yes. You'll never see a minority wearing it.

>More Nathan/Conan kino
Thank you Jesus.

What's he up to nowadays? Is their a new season coming out?



When he was 26 he sodomized a 14-year-old at a party.

Nathan is pure.