Is this he most unlikeable character in TV history?

Is this he most unlikeable character in TV history?

>is a selfish little shit
>has a punchable face
>retarded voice
>cringe humour

no, because lucas is also in the show.

>mixed race child
>single white mother
really makes you think

his fucking face looks autistic as fuck

he looks like slash's aborted son

also for the first time i actually heard him speaking in the show and he has this annoying fucking lisp

That growl was shit and seasobn 2 suceked except for kino billy

I want to see Vince Vaughn stomp on the back of his munted fucking head, and drag it across the floor with his boot.

>punchable face

You know the kids got a bone disease, right? Do you want to hit DJ Qualls too because he had cancer?

No, this is

Fuck off man she’s sassy as fuck

I don't give a fuck what he has. He's ugly as shit and I don't want to look at it. Plain and simple

>he looks like slash's aborted son

I wanted to stab her in the dick during the whole thing

>80's NOSTALGIA!!!!!

I swear his mom is a beaner

Kino taste

>US market

She's a girl silly. She doesn't have a dick lol

Can't he use all his Netflix bucks to fix his face?


Steve and Dustin saved S2.


He's the most likeable.

Dustin is OUR GUY

this, the kid was way better in s2 than he was in s1

he still got 2 more seasons after that he is free to go all Neville longbottom way

how bout the fact the ghostbusters actually werent kids costumes until after the 1986 cartoon and NES games

This kid is only going to get uglier
He doesn’t have the Navile Longbottom face

The aliens are testing the waters to see if humans will accept their appearance when they finally reveal themselves.

The only ugly thing about Neville was his teeth. This kid, however is 100% busted

No. Almost any in the crew for STD is worse. And the worst of all is probably the ADHD girl in BSG

He got a pity dance while all his friends got kisses. Have some empathy he is our guy

>his fucking face looks autistic as fuck
Autism has no impact on your face you fucking retard.

This post was how I figured out you're ugly in real life too user

If I ever saw this faggot on the street I'd beat the living shit out of him.

Really? Why are you so fucking ugly then?

fuckin hate all those faggots leavin him like that fuckin normies need to die!!!!!!!!

>it's a Sup Forums finds out that Stranger Thing isn't a realistic portrayal of 1980s American childhood thread
They even had an Evil Dead post on the show when no one cared about that movie in the 80s. The show is manifested nostalgia and desu it's pretty damn obvious.

>If I ever saw this faggot on the street I'd beat the living shit out of him
The fucking state of (you)

>le internet tough guy
Just admit that you don't know the differnce between autists and trisos.


>punchable face

You are actually a terrible person for saying this.

some people have punchable faces. I dont think he has one, but there are people out there that do.
Whenever he does that lion sound effect tho, I come close

It's called cleidocranial dysplasia and I think it can be fixed surgically once he stops growing.



>missing the point

I was breaking your balls faggot, calm the fuck down.

You are the one screaming insults bra.


They made their costumes, they're genuine nerds. Not the contemporary brand of nu-male "nerds" who do it because it's cool.

>dude no one made homemade costumes for halloween!

if t was the cartoon ghostbusters costumes they'd have the rainbow colored jumpsuits, not the movie ones.


Bra I'm trying to be your dude my bra chill it out okay bra? Lets just get our pump on and suck eachother's dicks heterosexually bra.

The entire series is unlikeable in my book.The show is only liked by "muh nostalgia" hipsters and normies who have never seen quality tv series.

Mmm Hmm


learn when to stop man he already owned your ass

Why are huemonkeys so insanely obsessed with ameriburgers? You're like a nation of tsundere murderous jungle cuckolds.

>Worked for years on S1
>it's great and a success
>forced to shit out another season

It's like The Matrix all over again




>cringe humor
I didn't know they put Sup Forums memes in the show

brazil is simply a glimpse into the USA's future
also I think you missed the joke in that pic

>time limit because kid stars

There's a fucking scene where we see Winona Ryder sewing up a costume. Just because your mother was a neglecting coalburner, doesn't mean that every mother is like that.

Its for the atmoshpere. Its realistic that he would say shit jokes. In a way shitty jokes can be more funny bc they are so easy to say naturally, and with confidence. Podcasts for example people blurt out stupid jokes but they are funny because they work in the moment

Hues do realize they aren't white, right?

Look at his pouchy little face, he's like a tiny Hurley, how can you hate that?
Tryhard shit, return to reddit

he's Sup Forums the character. idk why you guys hate him so much.

I'm 1/10 Swedish of course.

i guess she must have just shaved her mustache right before they shot this scene

Reminder that those are the people calling you subhumans and praising Nazis.

Brazil isn't whi-


Sup Forums are all people of color kek

He's on par with the average 4channer aesthetically.


because the only claim to fame they have (other than wanton favela nigger violence) is 'muh airplane', and deep down they all know it's just a shitty kite that kinda looks like an airplane, which of course was first made in the U.S. therefore cucking brazilian aviation for all eternity

>he's Sup Forums the character
>not the arcade guy

Here we go with this shit again.


He really is the poster boy for American mongrels. He even wears a red, white, and blue baseball hat for most of s2.

He's worn that hat in every fucking episode, get the fuck out of here you braindead third world nigger.

>He's worn that hat in every fucking episode
That's what I just said. Your poor reading comprehension from American public schools is showing.

>Redhead gets with the ubermensch black kid and not the lispy tard

What is NETFLIX™ trying to say here, exactly?

Niggers shouldn't be anything but dead, fag.

give her a break dude. Its sad she plays with dolls all day alone. she is probably lonley as fuck.

>Steve and Dustin saved S2.
This. Their bromance was the best thing in season 2. I want a spin off where they team up and hunt monsters.

stop it. get some help.

I hate this fucking show. why are all these ugly, annoying kids so popular?

they are likeable

As a norse man it sickens me that nazis are perversing old norse history and culture, which they know very little about. fucking social losers


would you want to watch a show with a bunch of 4chinners on it? didn't think so.

>leddit meme
Good one, mouthpiece.

It would need to a true life form to be lonely.
The nigger is unlife, an abomination upon this land.
Be wary the nigger does not blacken your soul with its lifeless puppy dog eyes.

Guerilla marketing on the internet. Ever seen those bots that say "Earn money from home"? People get paid to go to the biggest social media and internet forums and artificially inflate public opinion on shit shows like this and STD, movies, political representatives and private business. I hear every day on my way to work advertisements about services that provide fake good ratings and opinions on the internet to combat "internet trolls that slander your business good name". That is why we see so many shills on here. Yeah there are a few people that actually like this show, but most are shills trying to get people to pay for the service to check it out.

dont post '4channer' ever again around here, you understand me? Next time you are getting tossed into 9gag. You understand me? OK?

Based froggo is the only likeable kid


>4channer wants a safe space on his shitty interest board