What are some kinos about dude weed lol

What are some kinos about dude weed lol

Stoners are one of the most annoying subcultures there are. They think they are "deep" and cool for smoking weed. Those fucks are just cowards that are too scared to move on to a proper drug but feel the need to always remind you that they smoke weed

Pineapple Express

stoners are a cancer

uh oh here come the "degeneracy" squad
ive toked with people like you, yeah, always the same

People bitching about stoners are even more annoying tbqh

Marijuana is legal where I live. Checkmate.

Why has Quentin made a resurgence? I swear I've seen 3 of his pics in the last week, and nothing for the past 4 years.

>extermination in moderation

Come on Quentin...

BASED quentin

weed is legal though

Drugs stray us away from a clear mind and the paths to reaching higher dimensions.

people have come around and realised he was the hero we needed

t. Joe Rogan

Grandma's Boy is the ultimate stoner-kino, also Fast Times for based Spicoli

Before weeed

After weed

no it isn't in any civilized country

people like this aren't much better
this well-trodden one level removed contrarianism nobody wants to hear

Marijuana addicts are the most degenerate people out there.

>bad film is intellectual poison

why did he use a character from a capeshit movie as his mascot?

It's such an obvious fucking troll though!
Even if you wanted to add a film from the 'modern era' there are much better examples than fucking -avatar-


that's just your stereotype you've formed based on movies and internet

go outside nerd

classic butthurt pothead

If I'm gonna be a substance abusing loser I'll stick to alcohol.

I never met a "stoner" who thought he was deep. Maybe in deep trouble but that's it.
But maybe its just me, all stoners i know are perfectly normal people.

>just cowards that are too scared to move on to a proper drug

please enlighten us, what is a proper drug in your opinion.

>USA is not a civilized country.

coke or meth

Fucking adderrall and molly bro

>not being pushed further right by psych usage

Crack meth and heroin

Take psyches and stop being such a brainwashed faggot

this is the most basic generic take on stoners and its way less prevalent today anyway