What the fuck is this shit?????


Other urls found in this thread:


I hate the MCU but Black Panther looks so much better than this


at least the toys will sell, right?!

That fucking song and awful noise is enough for me to pass. Also hearing

Cant handle the Weeadon Dc cucks ?




Why does everything from this movie suck, apart from Aquaman?

Any fanart of the league sitting in a circle jerking off?


we want the marvel audience

>that thumbnail

Jesus christ Ben


This looks like shit but Gal Gadot is so fucking cute

I like his NOOOOOOO scream in BvS


>muuuuuh marvel is shit because of muh quips
>trailer is literally LITERALLY nothing but quips


>gal gadot
No she isnt and no cosplay will change that either

>*boing* sound effect

>but Gal Gadot is so fucking cute
The way she rubs her legs makes me diamonds

>Not purchasing the 1/6 scale Hot Toys figures and then creating your own version of the film to fix up the errors
I thought we had artistic people in this board?

DC is dead, bury it


>finally get a movie with Batman and Superman
>it's some horseshit, grimdark mashup of TDKR and Death of Superman
>No World's Finest movie EVER
being Sup Forums is suffering



absolutely disgusting

I know right? Who starts their movie franchise with suoerman dying? That would be like if marvel had made civil war before the first captain america

wtf he looks like Richard Gere on the right


Fucking kill yourself comics are for children who btw dont like that shit anymore

Is this from Speed Racer?

>I know right? Who starts their movie franchise with suoerman dying?
Not to mention who starts their cinematic universe with no standalone batman movie... and then after BvS, they make Suicide Squad with so many back stories crammed in where they had to cut out almost every Joker scene because it didn't fit.

DCEU really fucked shit up

no but you’re definitely autistic you capeshit loving fuck

isn't the car actually real but it has no motor so they have to push it or some shit?


Making fun of superhero movies still counts as actually talking about superhero movies.

You fucking losers


you’re right gookmoot either needs to make a new board or move these threads to

How is Joker beating to death that security guard not fitting into the movie? Why did they cut this out yet keep Jared laughing randomly and the dialogue that didn't fit well when he talked in parts?

How can editors for a big company be so pathetic.

Nobody here is over the age of 25 what do you expect.

Dccuck btfo

>man of steel was actually decent
>batman vs superman had many problems but I still kind of liked it
>suicide squad was fucking terrible
>wonder woman looked awful so I skipped it
>was hoping justice league would turn things around, but it looks worse then wonder woman
Fuck this series man

not really. I dream of a board that is filled to the brim with threads and posts mocking capeshit incessently. As if the stars aligned and MCUcks and DCucks were thrown into the lake of fire all at once

Yes, (((US))) enlightened, smart because we are over a random age.
You have that thread about the year old virgin complaining about life. That may be more of your taste.

Kill yourself you autistic fuckface I don't care about your company wars buzzwords.

I want this fag shit the FUCK of MY board.

i want sources to verify this but I want to see more also this is hilarious

Am i the only one who thinks that posting capeshit content should be a bannable offence?Please move all kind of capeshit discussion to Sup Forums

you’re confusing Sup Forums with the young dumb crossboarding scum over at Sup Forums

>Whedon makes a film look like a Network TV show

They think they are cool because they are mocking it but in reality they are still a bunch of virgins talking about superhero movies. Anybody that has ever said the word "capeshit" is a fucking faggot.

Butthurt capeshit fan kek

>Aquaman blinks
>Makes the winking *DING!* sound effect

That really awes my tisms.

Sup Forumsedditors and Twitter fags are the ones actually spamming capeshit. Anyone who unironically uses the word "capekino" is a Mexican or Indian shitskin from twitter

affleck looks bloated in the reshoots. awful

>aquaman is good

He is a known rapist

anyonone who thinks capeshit discussion on Sup Forums is worthy of a serious thread and not mockery should clean the cum out of their asshole

Watching his face literally morph from scene to scene will by far be my favorite part of watching this

Those fucking quips hahahahaah

>the Chad Snyderkino
>the virgin whedonshit

Someone explain to me, without sarcasm, are these being posted as examples of Snyder being *better* at visuals than Whedon? Did you unironically enjoy the literal (literal) darkness of BvS where you could hardly make out what was going on in half of the scenes?

plus the hairpiece keeps changing

>he is watching this
Whata fucking drone

>when the original cut is so bad your lead actor gets depressed and starts drinking

I enjoy my movies looking like movies instead of a television show
>where you could hardly make out what was going on in half of the scenes?
Hyperbole or you have cataracts


youtube.com/watch?v=C4q6VikD6SI DAMAGED BATFLECK DAMAGED!

it will probably get good scores because it's "fun"

or it will get even worse reviews than BVS and MOS cause the media hates Whedon now

I'm getting in for free, bitch. You couldn't pay me to pay for this.

the doomsday fight, most of the BvS fight, and batmobile scenes are all so poorly lit and shitty looking

They both look fucking shit. BP is just more cynical flashy noisy shit.

Good, so am I. I thought from your post you couldn't wait to pay them money to watch this shit. Glad to know you were actually a tasteful nigga like myself.

>A rape joke at a convention regarding Game of Thrones said to a whole bunch of fans is proof

Come on, man, you got to have more than that.

that thumbnail



it's something beyond fat that I don't understand, tough like this seems not to even be ben affleck but to be alec baldwin or somebody

>when marvel cocksuckers attempt to "light" films making it look like modded videogames
Stick to eating shit

Is there a version like this? It looks honestly a shitload better

fuck Snyder btw

remember when the tagline for justice league was unite the seven? theres only five people on the poster and if you include superman thats still only six

>it will probably get good scores because it's "fun"

Recent screenings are apparently not going very well.

One of the critics even alluded on Twitter that WB is pressuring critics to really emphasize that the movie is "fun" to win back the crowd that got burned by BvS.

But the "restored" version is oversaturated and now has a dumb purple sheen on some scenes
It looks like shit and isn't any "clearer"
You fucking hack

>Alec Baldwin
THANK YOU! I've been trying to find the right comparison for months

what crowd was that? more people went to see Wonder woman than they were to see BvS.

I would assume they are no longer burned or something

It was only used for a slapped-together Aquaman poster before they even had a plan for what Justice League would be.

Shhh don't tell the marvel babby his "restored" version literally looks as much a modded videogame as fucking GOTG2 does.

gib restored gf


They were afraid to ruin another movie with the meme lantarn

I'm saying it's not worth bringing up here at all you fucking dumbass

well DC should have planned shit alot better, because this franchise has become transformers tier

Why is aquamam winking

Why is there agh king sound effect.

Why do whedons scenes look so bad?

Because SJW is the exact opposite tonal director as Snyder. A tv "comedy" director


The only scenes worth watching from this shit film are the Whedon scenes, you dumb americuck

>DC makes a dozen bad films right after each other
>i-its whedons fault guys

Meanwhile in reality the last good DC movie was Batman & Robin.

>t. thinks Buffy the Vampire Slayer was the height of human achievement

So who else is going to watch this movie as a bad camrip with hardcoded malaysian subtitles?
Also, how do you fuck up a superhero franchise as bad as DC has? At this pount I am convinced they do it on purpose.

>ezra miller as the flash
who thought this was ok


