ITT: Fuck you I liked it

I don't get why this was so shit on.

As an adaptation of the comics, sure, it wasn't really true, but on it's own I always thought it was enjoyable enough.

Sequel when?

I wasn't supposed to like this movie? It had the same quality of Hellboy.

if you've ever wondered, OP, i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that you're a fucking retard.

I enjoyed it but I don't delude myself into thinking it's some great masterpiece



>”hurr durr sum 1 liek mobi i h8, u r retart! Hurrrrrrr”

it was a financial success, #2 at the box office, but the critics all hated it, and it single handedly ended Sean Connery's career.

I still don't understand why it's considered bad. Moriarty's plan makes no goddamn sense, but the rest of the movie is top notch.
>b- but it's not like the comix!

It was reasonably enjoyable, but it could have been so much more. It could have started a film franchise too. And they insulted American audiences by shoehorning in Sawyer in a way that made no sense. We did not need an American main character. We've been watching British movies for quite some time.

>I still don't understand why it's considered bad. Moriarty's plan makes no goddamn sense
>Moriarty's plan makes no goddamn sense

I legitimately like it and am a bit disappointed in how things went. They even had a poster in an alley in one scene alluding to the War of the Worlds invasion that would have come next. Big props to the guy who played Hyde and the full-practical getup he wore. Actually, all of the making-of stuff for this film is pretty neat.

It was so stupid.

Why would they include more characters if the film format will give them less time than the comic format to flesh them out?

Thought it was great honestly, but I'm a sucker for all things "gelded era" and the concept is already enough to make me grin.

I got into a fighter with a redditor (not even making an assumption, he was just open about it) some years about it... All he could slander it with was "hurr it's Le so stupid xD" as if that wasn't rhe fucking point. If that's why people "hate" it, then fine by me.

>carnival in November

Visually it's somewhat bland and treads that fine line that separates feature films from expensive tv movies. Also, the story is potentially interesting, being about UK struggling to maintain its global hegemony and ultimately placing hope in the US to maintain anglo imperialism, but it's not conscious enough to take advantage of that theme.

Why would he assemble a team of super badasses to unite on a quest to take down himself? If he just neede their blood/technology/whatever, he could've acquired it more covertly.
He created a real threat to himself, for no reason.

yeah? well fuck connery, he is responsible for all the major changes that made the movie diverge from the comic

Yea it was a good movie

Speaking of the source material, I think it's the weakest work of Moore Ive read.
What's the point of the comic besides "look how many victorian pop culture referenced i can cram"?




I liked the Illuminati stuff.
Like this vast conspiracy that exists and the characters just ignore it and take orders. It was okay.

To be fair, I think Moore himself considers LotEG as his own glorified fan fiction.

As a fan of moore, i liked it. No, it wasn't true to the original, which actually had a more comical tone. It still feels pulpy enough to be like moore. 5.9/10

it is in the same category as pic related, a fun 6 or 7 out of 10 popcorn flick to enjoy on a boring sunday.

i kinda miss the late 90s early 2000s aesthetic these types of movies had

i know his plan is retarded, that's why the movie is bad.

I had fun watching Van Helsing

No it's not. Like I said, the rest is top notch. Bad villain doesn't always ruin the whole movie.