I have tasted her summer peach pie. Can confirm it is simple

I have tasted her summer peach pie. Can confirm it is simple.

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proof or gtfo
you better be memeing fucker, I wish I could taste something made with Best Emma's hands and couldn't deal with the jealousy

forgot pic

>part of the dullest franchise in the history of film

do you take selfies of every food you eat, faggot

I would take a damn selfie if I was eating Best Emma's delicacies. With her in it, if possible.

>we have handfags now too
At least it's better than being a fucking footfag I guess. Footfags are the lowest of the low.

Honestly, if I were raped by hollywood pedos at a young age I would probably end up hating men too.

Not to say that feminism isn't toxic either, but I can understand why she feels so misandrist. Still second worst Emma, only second to Stone.

>Still second worst Emma, only second to Stone.
Take that back
Emily Jean>>>>>>>Worst Emma

I mean can you argue with this?

Emma Watson=EW=WE=Worst Emma


by not getting BLACKED


>Best Emma fucked all the cast of "In a relationship" she took pics with
Watsoncuck logic lmfao

>Can Watson ever recover?
She can't

>Emma Watson asks women to 'swing' the US election by turning up to vote
>She said: "Goodness, I wish I could cast a vote" as she said America should vote for a president who cares about women and girls.
>The actress appeared to make a dig at Donald Trump when she wrote "In 2014, I tweeted Desmond Tutu's quote: 'Men and boys, we show our manhood by how we treat our women'. The American men I know and love know this.
>"They know the way a man treats a woman can't be overlooked or brushed aside".

>Emma Watson had an awesome response to Trump becoming president
>Today I am going to deliver Maya Angelou books to the New York subway. Then I am going to fight even harder for all the things I believe in.

>Emma Watson says she is helping to build the feminist movement into an “unstoppable current”
>“My best hopes and my worst fears were confirmed all at once. I had opened a Pandora's Box to a standing ovation and almost simultaneously to a level of critique I had never experienced in my life and the beginning of a series of threats.”
>Describing her pleasure at being able to bring to Ottawa a diverse group of gender equality campaigners, she said she felt a strong connection to the causes they were fighting. “There was so much overlap with the things that I had been thinking about and struggling with,” she said.

>‘If You Stand For Equality, Then You’re A Feminist’
>"You're not gonna get rid of me until I get to see an equal number of female prime ministers and presidents and CEOs"

how can they compete?


best emma coming through

>those feet

Public service announcement: don't google "Emma Watson no makeup"
Don't open the spoiler if you have a weak stomach.

what the fuck

>Emma Watson asks women to 'swing' the US election by turning up to vote
>White women come out and give Donald Trump just enough votes to cause an upset

The absolute state of Watson lmfao


I wanna fuck that dogshit

>best emma

her face too big for her damn head

Watson comes across as a stuck-up brat who spent her childhood getting her way on everything, so now she's a hopelessly rotten adult who thinks the universe needs to do what she says because she "feels stuff" so she's sure she's right.

you know the drill

>Colonia made £47 at UK box office
Will she ever recover?

and beauty and the beast made billions? your point is exactly what?

Would've made the same amount of money with any fucking actress as lead, unironically

yeah distort you reality more fartknocker

You just KNOW that Watson is fucking 1/10 in bed, even Weinstein was disillusioned.

Cinderella made $543m with literal who leads, I still don't know their names.

It's the franchise, not the actor. Don't be deluded. Fucking Watsonfags are all stupid fucking cuckolds.

If Emma Watson had any star power that movie wouldn't have tanked in her own country

just accept that roberts is ,financially seen, absolute vomit in the box office compared to best emma

Can we just call Watson "Charlotte" or "Duerre"? She's not worthy of carrying the name Emma. Even Emily Jean is more worthy of it.

Excuse me, Best Emma isn't the one who didn't manage to sell $100 worth of tickets for her movie in her own country.

Idgaf about that, Roberts biggest role is "We're the Millers" which is better than any movie Watson has ever done.

It would with any other actor because it's a movie about german colonization which isn't exactly an important topic in the british population

>damage control

Watson has so many bombs its not even funny

>believing in fucking fake media of all the fucking input you could get

Is "We're the Millers", dare I say, /ourfilm/?