Justice League Film Leaked


Offering full movie for 10 bitcoins if anyone's interested.

Other urls found in this thread:



Just gotta say, now that I've seen this footage, Whedon truly improved on Snyder's visuals.

>10 BTC

10 bitcoins is like $60k innit?

Be careful
Someone thats on the moderation team works for WB

Post screenshots of superman resurrection then faggot

It's a 40 second clip from a spanish channel.


you enjoying your useless virtual currency that won't amount to anything? My friends cousin is a dopey social anxiety ridden loser that does bitcoin and he claims to have made 80k worth of money or some shit? That was 3 months ago, his parents are still buying his groceries and driving him around, and he still wears the same shitty clothes whenever I see him. Great waste of time if you ask me

same, I don't get bitcoin. My girlfriends younger brother does it as well and says he has made over 50 grand on it. He was acting like he was worth 50K and I was questioning how he just easily acquired 50 fucking grand through the computer? I asked him if he could show me a thousand dollars in cash and he said he can't. He was very vague with his explanations. It sounds like a bogus scam.


My bitcoins may be useless now but you just wait. When the current currency inevitably changes and more and more people are turning to bitcoin I'll have amassed a fortune that i will sit on top of as i laugh at your poor ass.


looks absolutely incomprehensible
Thanks Whedon

>When the current currency inevitably changes and more and more people are turning to bitcoin I'll have amassed a fortune that i will sit on top of as i laugh at your poor ass.

but can you dive around in BTC like a porpoise, and burrow through it like a gopher, and toss it up and let it hit you on the head? I think not, faggot!


didn't know bitcoin was still a thing

If he had 80k a few months ago he has at least 120k now. Stay retarded.
You don't have to get or believe in something to make money from it.

>as the currency inevitably changes
>more and more people turn to bitcoin

There are so many things wrong with this statement that it just proves you are a full fledged retard that deserves to get scammed out of everything you own.

Firstly. You'll be waiting till you're an old man for this "inevitable change" to happen, if it even fucking does happen. As history has proven, humans are incredibly inaccurate at predicting the future and changing times. And for the sake of your petty argument, let's assume the currency does change within the next 25-35 years and everyone is relying on bitcoin, how the fuck do you know there won't be an even better, bigger and more relevant bitcoin-esc thing that comes out within that 25-35 year span that renders boicoin and its investors irrelevant?

I could go on and on with why you're a fucking retard that doesn't think things through clearly, but it's best you learn first hand from your mistakes.

>10 btc
you know that's like 60k right?

It's on it's way out. But it has a small group of loyalists that refuse to let go and insist they will be worth millions and millions of dollars in the future.

>offering full movie for $60k
I'm good thanks.

Please, some refute my comment right here I'm waiting for someone to refute my points, and no has refuted them yet.

>No one here can defend bitcoin and refute these points

Not to mention, if there is no electricity, or internet, or service on your phone, your bitcoin is useless.

It's more likely that our society crumbles into an age of darkness before the currency changes into this strange mythical being and suddenly disappears and everyone is forced to scramble for bitcoins. lmfao. it reads like a fucking sci-fi movie.

>j-jokes on you!! I'll be a billionaire in a few years!!

You're insane gdp is boring fucking shit and it doesn't suprise me at all that they get so many girls because they are paid $1500 to make literally the easiest, safest, most boring porn on the planet that requires no effort on their part fucking a guy that can barely keep it up.

It's a iPhone recording off a Mac of a Spanish tv promo
It's just a slightly longer sequence where Wonder Woman fights stephenwolf in the sewer (and saves Barry from parademons)

>Offering full movie for 10 bitcoins if anyone's interested.
You'd have to pay me to watch this shit.



why do they have to do slow-mo shit every time wonder woman uses her fucking braclets its annoying as fuck

>zooming in so that you can't see it's recorded from a tv show


God the movie is gonna suck dick

>terrible soundtrack
>Disney formula

Fuck WB you literally had the best trilogy ever made in your hands and you blew it because critics and bloggers who know nothing about film or these characters pressured you into making garbage.

The terrio snyder junkiexl version was going to be pure Kino, all the members finding a Superman within themselves the way Batman found his... Now theyre going to (try to) retroactively diminish the quality of mos and bvs... Fuck them all to hell

>exclusive justice league scene for mexican channel
remember all those snyder facebook replies


>Also per PostTrak, the combination of African American and Hispanic moviegoers made up a huge 41% of the audience with both audiences giving the film a whopping 81% positive score.

>Suicide Squad has a 73% total positive score

Keep crying bitch nigga Zack is a Hack


isn't that like 2 and a half million dollars?

nu-male overload

Antiques Dioses


They changed the new gods name to old gods?

Jesus Christ,they are like yuppies in American Psycho,you literally can't tell them apart.

Or I could just wait and spend my $5 when in theater.

I found a clip of the final action scene

Im assuming hes speaking to Wonder Woman and saying she carries the blood of the old gods

I'm half way buying a house. Cashed out down payment and already moved another chunk to a fund to make my second payment by the end of the year
I do hope what I'm keeping in coins will double so I can pretty much pay everything by feb next year.

Im also selling this tv clip that aired on a spanish tv show about superheroes day, il take 9 bitcoins for it.


better quality

Does the jew even have a single fucking fight scene that isn't completely CGI?