Whats his name again?

Whats his name again?

Kevin Spacey, the man who did nothing wrong

Kevin Dindu Spacey

Kevin "Sup Forums shut ins cry about girls should be legal to fuck at 13 since that's the way western civilization has always worked but for some reason boys aren't" Spacey

Kevin "Now I have to hop the Mexican fence to avoid the fury of Pence" Spacey

Weird dick Spacey

Kevin "if you don't force yourself on someone it doesn't actually count as rape" Spacey

I remember seeing Spacey and Rob Ford (rip in peace) in the green room for the Kimmel show. Spacey was a total asshole to Ford.

>Who is Kevin Spacey? He is supposed to be American. Some say his father was a Nazi. Nobody believed the rape accusations were real. Nobody ever saw him rape those kids or knew anybody that even got molested by him, but to hear Rapp tell it, anybody could have been raped by Spacey. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't rape an underage boy. And like that, poof. He's gone.

Kevin "I'll make that asshole" Spacey


Kevin Spacey

Kevin "Nine Year Old Lives" Spacey

Kevin "Makes the little boys go Crazy (Mentally disturbed)" Spacey.

It helps if you read it in a Spanish accent.

Kevin "Honorary Jew" Spacey.


14 is legal where i live

Kevin "Let me reveal the true nature of the homosexual in all it's perverted form!" Spacey

Kevin "Keyser Soze" Spacey

. . . sodomy is unnatural

Kevin "Feminist Ally" Spacey

>Kevin "Rape is OK as long as your Gay" Spacey

Kevin "Previously Beloved Actor; now Turned Kiddy Diddler" Spacey


Fuck off, retard

Kevin "I'll rape your gay away" Spacey

Kevin "Why do all my heroes turn out to be fucking pedos" Spacey

>one of your heroes was kevin spacet

fucking sad lol, eveb before the rape charge

Kevin "turn around, bend down, honk honk i'm the ass clown" Spacey

Kevin "excuse me real quick I need to admit I like dick" Spacey

14 is legal where i live as well, and in many other countries
And no, it's no a Romeo and Juliet law where only other minors can fuck 14 year olds, that's the age where a teen can consent to sex with anyone

>Plus all the stories about Spacey taking young, not yet established male actors out to dinner at an expensive restaurant, ordering extravagant meals and wine, then telling the young man "I'm going to fuck your twink mouth", and if the young man declined then Kevin would walk out of the restaurant leaving the poor kid to foot the bill."

Kevin BASED-ey

It was perfectly normal in Ancient Rome.

This seems way too specific to be made up, I want details

Kevin "You Can't Rapp the Willing" Spacey

>Kevin Spacey, the man who did nothing wrong

Pretty much this, people are taking this way to seriously.

He was a great actor you mongoloid

Kevin "the charges can't stick if you say you love dick" Spacey

Kevin "Set the trap for Rapp" Spacey

Kevin "Anthony "Literally Who?" Rapp" Spacey

Are they really going to ruin House of Cards over some stupid shit from 30 years ago?

it isn't tho

Kevin "if the child is loose,he's gonna try to seduce" Spacey

John Wayne Spacey?

>Are they really going to ruin House of Cards

this fucking guy, HoC already fucking ruined regardless of this

Season 6 was going to be the last one either way, but they're probably going to adapt the ending now just to spite him.

>Frank Underwood is caught up in a scandal from 30 years ago with an underage intern

Kevin "chloroform is the norm" Spacey

Kevin "The Big Kahuna" Spacey

So what exactly happened.

Kevin "Raping that Rapp gave me bad Repp" Spacey

Kevin "No one is talking about Jim Carrey anymore" Spacey

Kevin "Young Boys are Tasty" Spacey

Michael Career

Kevin "The sky is blue, water is wet and I'm gay" Spacey

Kevin "STD from the guy on STD" Spacey

>Kevin "If he's not screaming, I'm not creaming" Spacey
>Kevin "Paying the toll for the boy's hole" Spacey
>Kevin "It's not gay if he's underaged" Spacey
>Kevin "The Usual Suspect" Spacey
>Kevin "Playing Doc with Baby Driver" Spacey
>Kevin "L.A. Confidential" Spacey
>Kevin "American Beauty in underaged booty" Spacey
>Kevin "Frank Underage" Spacey
>Kevin "Sticking in my peen if he's under 18" Spacey

K-PAX Gayecy


>Kevin "Keyser Soze is so gay" Spacey
>Kevin "Bobby Darin' to go for the boipussy" Spacey
>Kevin "Swimming with the Sharks to get to the kiddie pool" Spacey
>Kevin "Say goodbye to your browneye" Spacey

Spacey is so smart. He knows how trendy it is so be LGBTQIAPK(ETC), because it allows you to claim you're oppressed and therefore free from all blame and responsibly for any action you take.

So is fucking Sup Forums

Was this really a thing or are you gassing us up?

Kevin "if cum can dribble I can diddle" Spacey
Kevin "before you blink, I'm in a twink" Spacey
Kevin "9th grade crusade" Spacey

>you will never be as finished as Kevin Spacey

Kevin "I'm gay so it's okay" Spacey

This is all so fucking suspicious. Its like they didn't want to pay him severance pay or something.

Did he actually abuse Anthony Rapp? What was the extent of the move he made?

Its a 30 year old accusation of an attempt at harassment.

What did the harassment involve?

In October 2017, actor Anthony Rapp alleged that Spacey, while appearing drunk, made a sexual advance to him in 1986, when Rapp was 14 years old,

Thats it.

lost to the first one


>Andy Dick has been dropped from the independent feature film Raising Buchanan following accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct on set.

>The Hollywood Reporter was not able to reach any of the alleged victims, however, two sources detailed Dick’s inappropriate behavior, which included groping people’s genitals, unwanted kissing/licking and sexual propositions of at least four members of the production. It’s unclear if those involved were actors or crew.

>Late Monday, THR spoke to Dick, who confirmed he was let go from his small role in the film. Though he vehemently denied groping claims, he said it's possible that he licked people and he confirmed that he did make advances on others.

Andy "Give her my richard" Dick

these are decent

Alone in a dark night in spaceys apartment, the latter was drunk and tried to carry him to bed and fuck him and Rapp said no and went away.
Unlike Weinstein, the then young and barely Unknown Spacey didn't try to use his influence to fuck multiple women. He was just a horny guy, but for some people 14 is not an appropriate age so that makes him. Immediately a paedophile


The fuck was he doing in spacey's apartment anyways?

if an attractive dude did the exact same thing it would be considered quirky and fun work-flirt
/our guy/s Harvey and Andy did nothing wrong
other than killing Phil Hartman lol

Kevin "The Buttslammer" Spacey

even if 14 is bad, it isn't hard to believe he thought he was 16 or something

Apparently he picked him up and lay on top of him in bed. Definitely not appropriate, and very drunk behavior (not that it excuses it), but I'm not sure it warrants this level of hatred for him. He made a drunk mistake a long time ago, it's hardly reflective of his personality right now and not worth cancelling his show or anything

Tell that to ancient greeks

Kevin "take the rap for raping Tony Rapp" Spacey

Anal sex happens in nature thus it is, by definition, natural.

Cannibalism also happens in nature among other fucked up things..
shit argument friendo.

Kevin "Bust a Nut in your Facey" Spacey

Kevin "No Personal" Spacey


I really, really like this image.

Then why is your pleasure spot in your asshole.

>never apologizes
Except that one time he prostrated himself to all Jews and begged their forgiveness with tears in his eyes.
