Overseas Last Jedi poster

>Luke has blue saber
>Rey looming in background

Could it be?

>Luke has a blue saber
>not green

What the actual fuck?

Rey got it from the little alien woman, remember?

I'm guessing Luke will not even wield a lightsaber in the movie and it's just for that poster

Hey, looks like they aren't too proud of their diverse cast now? I got it, it's about white female power now. KEK at the chink reduced to stamp size

Exactly, bait-and-switch just like for TFA. Once you paid your ticket it's too late. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, not gonna happen

Who cares what the poster looks like? I've giving this a 90% chance of sucking ass.

>the nigger is barely visible on the poster
>no ugly asian

based chinks

That's not Anakin's lightsaber though.

she's there, but so tiny that you overlook her easily

He doesn't hold a lightsaber in any other poster/trailer, though.

they put a space gorilla on the poster?
i thought they were pushing porgs

>According to a Japanese description, Kylo Ren and Rey are two individuals who resonate with each other

Based Japs.

Not him, had to scrutinize the poster twice to catch her, hilarious.

So what? He does here and all the posters are approved by Disney. They know the fans will pick this one and start theories. That the idea.

>Porg is bigger than the chinese actress

Or maybe they're being heavy handed with spoilers because Chinese are dumb?

>Luke made smaller than coke-head, and is even a villian due to whites being the universal enemy of everything

Fucking weak, man. I think I will just skip this one.

Even the smallest ships on the edges of the poster are as big or bigger than her face.

>not RoTJ saber

The chinese don't care, they don't know the originals. this movie is just a Disney film with a stronk disney princess hero. the nostalgia effect didn't exist. They took the movie for what it was, pure nonsensical garbage

I'm surprised they even put her on the poster at all with her stupid haircut

they made her smaller than a porg, it says it all

>now they're besties

It's kinda just a joke now isn't it? I mean, seriously what the fuck is this porg shit? I know it's for kids but it's just fucking stupid

It sure looks like it

>Evil BB-8

Looks cool

I didn't even notice that.
I feel like they're going all out trying to get a new recognizable mascot with the porg, BB8 and BBNig.

>not BBall

Why would the bad guys manufacture cute spherical robots? Who manufactured BB8 in the first place? Why is the resistance using only old ships from the OT era yet they have brand new droids?

The placement of characters seem entirely random at this point

But it's a Japanese poster.

> no gungguns in the movie
this movie is already trash

my sides hahahaha

>Caring about Star Wars

18+ kiddo.

Sure their acting skills arent resonating at all (not with them nor the audience).

the last movie did not even mention midiclorians
>trash series now

No, Leia is in the middle because Disney wants to remind you that the crackwhore is dead and you should see her last movie.

Mark Hamill wasnt happy at all with TLJ Luke...why you still believe his character will be something else than complete shit?

t. beta virgin

t.triggered roastie