This shit isn't Star Wars! It's barely even Star Trek

This shit isn't Star Wars! It's barely even Star Trek.

It's DeviantArt.

it's pokemon

I really don't like when people compare what "Is or isnt" star wars by comparing it to the shit budgeted original.

I do not like Star wars in general but that shit would be all over the original if Lucas had the means or money to do it.

what are you talking about, empire strikes back would be much better if the tauntauns were sentient enough to form their own army

Then why wasn't this stuff in the prequels?

It's because George knew that alien creatures should look like aliens.

The difference is that Lucas actually tries to make the aliens look alien. That thing up there is just an ice fox.

is that one of those loth-wolfs they had in the rebels cartoon? the younger ones had longer ears like that.

the ayy-liens in the OT, mostly ANH, were lliterally 10/10. The ayy-liens in TFA look like what someone though the ayy-liens in ANH should like

asian market pandering

People shit all over Porgs but this fucking thing looks even dumber.

yeah which is why watto is just a kike and the gungans are just niggers

It's Hayao Miyazaki-tier, the japanese disney guy. star wars is dead

>It's barely even Star Trek.
What does that mean? Star Trek is the science fiction one, Star Wars is the fantasy nonsense one.

>Star Trek
>Science Fiction

He means the ice fox wouldn't even fit into the aesthetics of Star Trek.


am i tho only person who thinks this is a crystal / salt planet? hello, spice mines of kessel? does it look like fucking snow to you?

Star Wars is a franchise for children, but it also attracts manchildren. Star Trek skips the kids and aims for the manchildren.

this board would be much better if your mother had dropped you into a well

what this is this racist bullshit? jesus, star trek was really racist...