Blade Runner 2049 Is A Bomb in China Too

What went wrong, bros?

Why isn't the household name of Blade Runnerâ„¢ a valuable property in China? After all, the last Blade Runner movie was released in 1982! That's only 12 years before the first Hollywood movie was allowed to be open comercially in movie theaters of the People's Republic of China.
It may forever remain a mystery.

>movie depicts Japan as the future global superpower
>wonder why chinks hate don't want to see it

It's really not that good. Why is that so hard for you people to understand?

THe chinks are too busy watching geostorm

they don't want to go to a theater and watch their own lives play on the screen

Chinks have never seen a miracle.

Basically this. The strikingness of that dystopian future doesn't work in a place that already is exactly like that

Chinese people live the lives of Replicants in Cyberpunk dystopias as is, the movie is too close to the issues of their own lives

Chinese people desperately crave escapism, which is why they flock to colorful, loud, shallow blockbusters. A dystopian, slow-moving existential (however deep you want to think it is) movie is going to be like poison to the average Chinese movie-goer, who wants to forget about how lousy his/her life is.

the chinese dont get fooled by fake kino

If it flops in china, its a good movie

too busy surviving their own lives

Not enough explosions and Ryan Gosling isn't the box office money maker they think he is.

This one had a much more heavy emphassis on Korea desu

Because its a boring movie.

Its okay but nothing amazing.

chinese taste.

They do like movies like this:

>very simple plot
>two forces fighting, good and evil preferably
>creature sfx
>explosion sfx
>action scenes, chase scenes
>slapstick humour
>cheap and colourful, cgi filled sets
>preferably set in fantasy setting or modern crime setting, atmospheric, moody scenes are not allowed, but every scene is to be filled with slapstick, chase scenes and dialogues which lead to action scenes

And blade runner couldn't deliver for their taste.

Jake and jill?

Tetsuo: Iron Man is still the only truly great cyberpunk film.

Capeshit ruins everything, everywhere.

Emma watson is GOAT

Sneed's Feed and Seed
(formerly Chang's)


What where? The computer spoke Japanese when he was looking through the DNA records

There's Japanese writing everywhere. I didn't notice any Hangul

It's not a Chinese propaganda movie.

Chinese don't have souls and couldn't understand the movie. Neon Joi has the eyes of a typical Chinese woman.

There was korean script in Vegas

Ah true. The hotel entrance

sounds an awful lot like most big american cinema

give us a list of movies you think are better

we need a laugh

is that sam hyde in armor?