Thor Vs Hulk FULL FIGHT leaked


>"hey big guy"

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no thanks.

I'll wait for the toys so I could make them fight myself.

Just need this movie to get here already desu senpai



thats not the full fight, thor zaps hulk with some lightning before the jigsaw in his neck shocks him and then hulk knocks him out cold

Fucking Hell that was shit thanks for saving me 50 quid pham

What would you rate the new Thor movie my fellow Sup Forumss?


I honestly liked the first two acts, but to me it started to wobble in the third act where it should been serious but they kept making quips and jokes.

Still tho 8/10 because im a thor fanboy and this is 100x better than his previous movies.

Man did they nerf Thor or what?

All I can say is WOW! Talk about packing a punch, I can't wait to see this. #woot



Nah, he doesn't have his hammer and isn't used to it yet but he still wins the fight.

>Man did they nerf Thor or what?
Did you not just see a hammerless thor kicking hulks ass, dodging and weaving through his swings with ease and just outskilling him? Not to mention god mode thor is much more powerful than hulk in the film

Oh my God, that compositing is atrocious. This movie looks terrible.

>that fucking third rate negroid valkyria

Sorry, the suspension of disbelief is one thing, but I can't watch this.

>full fight
>literally 3/4 of the fight is cut away

>Grown adults are not only impressed by this but call it one of the best movies ever.

>Man did they nerf Thor or what?
>thor wacks hulk across the massive arena with one swing of Hulks own hammer, sending him flying

A giant green man and a guy riding on a hammer is ok, but a black person is just too much for you to handle in your capeshit kids movie? Faggot.

Wait a sec. Ameridrumpf still havnt seen the movie?

Hm didnt know Thor is poweful enough to take on Hulk.

And Marvelfags will whine about JL's backgrounds.

>tried Black Widow's ASMR flirting technique to make him calm down

fucking apex kek

Hela did nothing wrong.

>fight to the death
>quiping the entire time

>fight to the death
>one immortal
>one indestructible

Yeah, no

Saw the movie last week, to be honest, is not even that good. AMA if you want.

any other cameos?

How powerful was god mode thor?

Heimdall doing anything cool?

Was the tone change that jarring?

Was thor a good character? Did he have any consistency from previous films?

Any easter eggs you found?

Did it flesh out the MCU lroe well?

How was the first fight of the film with Thor vs the fire demons? Really good?

I know they're not the same companies, but if Thor can beat Hulk, why couldn't Superman?

there's a small throw back to Natasha during Weekend of Ultron

They mention tons of things about the Avengers and the Infinity Stones

Hela punches and throw the fake Infinity Gauntlet

Thanos battleship appears in the end-credits
If Marvel movies keep going this way, i can imagine Beta Ray Bill popping up soon enough!

How exciting...

I actually meant Hulk but was distracted and typed the wrong name. My bad

Crossovers and vs. contests are inherently biased by the author's prejudice

Patrician choice.

Yeah, I know. But this Hulk looked weak as hell. It would just come down to whos name is on the comic.

Hulk is always weakest when he totally suppresses Banner. Without that human intelligence, he's just a wrecking ball without any passion or fury, just aimless anger which is nowhere near as deadly

>How powerful was god mode thor?
hard to say, the only people he fights while in it are either mooks or basically invincible so it's hard to get an exact feel
>Heimdall doing anything cool?
basically leading the Asgardian resistance against Hela
>Was the tone change that jarring?
Only if, by some miracle, you liked the tone the previous Thor movie had
>Was thor a good character? Did he have any consistency from previous films?
He was recognizably the same person as in the previous movies if that's what you mean, he also has some pretty good development in this movie
>How was the first fight of the film with Thor vs the fire demons? Really good?
It was more or less just the big flashy opening, a showcase for Thor being a badass more than anything else

beta ray bill was once of the statues on the building Hulk lived in

This is a way better fight than any time Batman wins. In an ideal world, we'd fight someone like Superman until there wasn't a human being left, not cower to some alien faggot with a god complex.


webm of the fight

Man the CGI is fucking garage

Is this real?!?!?

>"hey big guy"

I saw the movie. And this is certainly not the entire fight.



that doesnt even make sense i dont want niggers in any of my media

bravo marvel


Dark Souls

t. Laika

Looks fun to me

beggars cant be choosers

if this is a camrip why is so poorly edited ? Like did the person BOOTLEG the movie and then edit it even more?
like why?

Thor loses his eye in the end
Hulk doesnt fight ragnarok
Asgard blows up but asgardians get on a big space ship
Karl urban turns good and dies

*breathes in*



it will probably look better

Based taika


it’s funny and the first half hour is trippy but it’s probably the most forgettable movie I’ve ever seen

Thor is not immortal and Hulk is very destructable... Literally, Asgardians being aliens has been they whole thing of the MCU. And Hulk gets his ass kicked more times in this one movie than he has done in all his solo movies combined.

6/10. Will get you through if you really enjoy constant humour (I didn't and it got kind of repetitive). Some jokes land, most don't and feel ill-timed or you're just thinking "people are dying either on screen or off screen and Thor knows this...why is he joking around?" Also, Hulk v Abomination in The Incredible Hulk is far and away better than any fight scene in this movie. Everything here is just passable to me, but see for yourself.

They leak the Hulk/Valkyrie sex scene? She got Hulked. Or is it smashed?