I remember watching pic related with a girl in high school and her saying to me "why doesn't he just stay down?"

I remember watching pic related with a girl in high school and her saying to me "why doesn't he just stay down?"

Why can't women comprehend honor?

Women should be banned from watching movies

I don't think texting and blogging on Facebook for 90% of a movie counts as watching

Sup Forumstards need to be purged

>dating girls with presence on social media
You deserve everything you get.

It's better to know your limits and quit while you're ahead

Because honor derives from the lower biologic value of males in the first place. A man sacrificing himself for the tribe will be honorarly remembered by the group while his cousin breeds his widow. A female sacrificing herself is just a lost womb.

Also that scene wasn't about honor you overcompensating virgin

Because women are logical?

because of reddit influx?
get over it libtard

omg why did tom cruise kill ken watanbe??? i thought they were friends?????

How pathetic is it to be you?

watch the last samurai with gf
>'user why does he keep trying to stand up i dont get it'

>watch heat with gf
>'user why is he holding his hand, I thought he was the bad guy I don't understand'

>watch the wild bunch with gf
>'user why didnt they run away while they still had the chance'

>watch master and commander with gf
>'user whats a weevil'

>watch unforgiven with gf
>'user why is he going back into town'

>watch titanic with gf
>'user why isn't the captain trying to leave the ship?"

guys what are some movies that they DO understand?

>implying anyone here interacts with girls

i hope she was talking about your dick

The Sex and the City movie, and only the Sex and the City movie.

Women fail to comprehend or understand honor for the same reason they cannot comprehend loyalty, nor virtue, nor regret. They are alive, in the same way a demon or a zombie are alive, but they lack a human soul. Their only respite from misery and bitterness lies in causing others pain, similar to a serial killer who has lost all grasp on reality. The pain of others is pleasure to them, and they cannot even comprehend why they feel pleasure from this. They simply do not know. Ask the smartest woman in the world why she is miserable, she literally will be unable to put it into words and even if she could she would simply hide behind those words as a shield. Women really are pieces of shit, and no I'm not even being edgy here.

They require a high IQ to understand

99.9% chance you werent even here when the original /n/ was deleted for nazi shitposting

politically offensive dialogue is an integral part of Sup Forums

All of them

>obvious /r9k/ thread
pls go

I'd called you a fag years ago but as I get closer to 30 and I'm seeing the shit show that's turning out of mine and peers relationships. Must say you're not far off.

That scene isn't about honor.

But women don't get scenes like those for a couple of reasons.

First off, society doesn't expect women to be strong or admirable(at least it has been that way for thousands of years).
If you stay down in an instance like that, that is a display of weakness. Which is fine for a woman but not for a man.

Second off, woman very rarely hold positions of power. Virtues that most leaders have are pretty foreign to the lifestyle of an average women.

Women don't have full grasp of concepts like mercy or honor because they weren't in positions to develop them in the first place.

It likely will change in the next 50-100 years tho.

Women don't have any loyalty or honor, and while most men don't either, at least men are able to understand it.