What are some Hollywood people left who are probably most certainly not molesters/sex offenders?

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Kristen Stewart, she's just a cheating lesbian slut

Bryan Cranston.

elijah wood is a cool dude

Malcolm would disagree

Statistically you are far more likely to become a peado if you were the victim of one.

Keanu Reeves
Brendan Fraser
Tommy Lee Jones


Not true

he raped pam

Christopher Lee

She was asking for it.

Elijah Wood still counts as a child so he cant be a pedo

Christopher Lee fingered my tight little bootyhole on the set of Dracula.

he's 40 years old


Harry Potter

Who molested you?

its always who you least expect. Elijah Wood and michael cera are at the top of my list

Also his desires lie elsewhere

>Tfw Elijah wood is more likable than Frodo

Phil Collins

Basically everyone without a career. Aaron Paul must be the most morally pure guy ever


Most comedians I think. They don't enter Hollywood through the same avenues and once they're in still have their own little scene.

This Harvey thing is the best thing that could have happened for Mel's comeback. Knowing that a shitlod of the people who blacklisted him were creeps makes his drunken mean words seem pretty tame.

>Hollywood people LEFT


So how did Goose evade the whole Disney Club shitup that turned Britney and Lindsey into turbo thots?

I've been out of the loop lately, did something happen except for Weinstein?


most child molesters/pedos weren't molested as a kid though

anyone who isn't trying to portray themselves as morally superior gods. notice how all these rapists and abusers were openly political and hid under the mask of progressivism. they do this because they think it makes them look like good people to the eyes of the public. they think that by being super-nice and politically correct nobody will suspect them of being the fucked up assholes that they really are. that's why you see assholes like clooney parading themselves around with refugees etc.

that's also why so many modern hollywood actors are always in your face with politics, refugees, gun control, trump bashing.

i mean, have you ever seen advertisements of mel gibson telling you to vote for trump or register with the NRA?

Mel is worth about half a billion dollars. He is untouchable. It doesn't matter blacklist or no.

what are you trying to say?

>gets a new wife every time his current one gets too old
>hes done this 3 times
>produced 9 children

alpha as fuck

this guy right here

Yeah nobody expected Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and Andy Dick to be sexual predators.

most likely to be molested

based mads

Unironically Aidan Gillen




Just start listing Camadian actor and and you’re good to go.

i used to assume this picture was photoshop

but no, he really is this much of a fat toesucking fuck

Show us where the bad man touched you


The same way Zac Efron and Justin Timberlake avoided it. Men just being better than women at stuff as per usual

The only manlet that ever learned

>Allosaurus fragilis

Patrician Dinosaur taste

pic related is likely a victim than a molester.

Nigga retired so he could molest his kids full-time after his wife died, user.


>Harvey Weinstein
>who you least expect
Top kek. Even nobodies on here have been joking about how he looks like a sleazy predator for years.

Brad Pitt


Cate Blanchett. You can tell by how she treats her kids she's a good person who would never do anything wrong.

>he doesn't know about (RIP) Dewey

Loads, too many to remember


Life is unfair...

Kurt Russel.

white men lol

no, that's just retarded

watching some interviews with him it seems like he was a tfw no gf beta like me when he was younger but also seems like a nice person that would never hurt anyone

Charlize Theron
Jake Gyllenhaal
Hugh Jackman
Tom Hardy

nah, that's the T-Rex for hipsters

wtf I hate Constanza now

Kurt Russel is married to a Jew though, so his children will be molesters.

He's probably more normal than normal looking people.

>hugh jackman
>in every singer xmen movie


brad pitt

Justin Timberlake and Efron were obviously molested.


>leave me outta this

I'd have a hard time believing Gerard Butler is guilty of anything like that.

Fuck him. He's a kike.


something about this guy makes my skin crawl.

Uh, well now, I'm not sure, uh, what you mean by that.

Uh, I dated a girl who was, shall we say, uh, quite a bit younger than me.

I was 50-something and she was, uh, somewhere around the 18 range. Uh, so, uh, that's pretty strange.

Also, I'm a fucking kike.


Victor Salva

my mom went to high school with him, they catch up every few years or so. good man indeed. i also have a lot of funny looking brothers

all kikes are pedos

valhalla rising was trash-tier

That late night interview (might have been Conan) where they get asked to stare at the camera as it zooms in on them, and he looks scared while Bryan Cranston looks rapey is really telling

who is this?

christopher plummer

Dave Chappelle. 90% sure he quit because some producer hit on him in exhange for more seasons for his show


I shouldn't have watched those "Queer as Folk" vids desu.

Big vig

>hit on him
What the fuck?
I bet it was some Jew with some sick negro fetish.

Based fucking Mel. Standing tall through it all

Christian Bale
The actor who plays Davos
Johnathan "two cakes" Frakes
Keannu Reaves

He's the only one who would genuinely surprise me at this point.


At least not under the definitions of scientology

None of the rape accusations have been against anyone good looking.