Shocking pedophilia video

Guys, I just discovered this disturbing video. How fucked is Demi Moore now?

>I just discovered this disturbing video.

how new are you?



>I'll never experience that

I'm fucking done.

what the fuck, the sex weirdos are still at large, someone call twitter!

I wonder if something lewder happened later haha

She was 19 and he was 15, hardly pedo

Back in the 80's, not only did you have to suck producer dick to get the part, you also had to go on their kids parties and let said kids kiss and grope you.

>19 year old making out with a 15 year old
Isn't that technically legal? Romeo and Juliette law or whatever it's called.

someone make a webm so I can jerkoff to this easier


R&J statutes usually refer to couples who started young, and one aged out past the normal consent laws.

The problem is she looks 25 and he looks 12.

The kid was actually older than her in that video

wait a minute?
Where's the boy now and why hasn't he accused Demi Moore of mouth rape?
is this, how shall I put this in a way that can't be misconstrued, a double standard.

lucky little bastard


come on dude


kek. that kid is like 10, he actually could get some money, if she still had a career

Women aren't men, don't know why people keep making this mistake. Women have no autonomy or capacity for forcing physical acts on any post-infant males. You can read in the news how underage school boys have destroyed professional adult female athletes literally every time a competition like that is held. You might as well try to claim your pet Yorkshire terrier pinned you down and molested you, it just isn't how the physics of these situations works.


The double standard is that women are soft, weak, and submissive and it feels good when they let you do sexual things to them.
It's like trying to claim it's a "double standard" that you can't pickpocket someone but Publishers Clearing House can force giant novelty checks for a million dollars onto unsuspecting strangers.

i for one am shocked people haven't seen that yet.

I think it was some wealthy Jewish executive’s son. He probably hosts Moloch-worshipping, child sacrifice rituals by now.

you mean plastic

I honestly think paedophilia laws should only apply towards men or towards young girls. Any care of a woman being accused of """""""raping"""""""" a young boy should be thrown out the second its claimed. Its a victimless crime.

Demi moore did nothing wrong and shes a wonderful lady to do this for the young man

women are not motivated by sex. If they kiss or touch parts of your body it means nothing sexual. Men are 'sexual predators' everything they do is motivated by sex. If a man even looks at you its RAAAPPPEE.

>Its a victimless crime.
So all boys have to fuck every whore who throws her used up vagoo all over him?

Moore always seemed a bit stupid and more so when drunk off her ass. If you've ever seen the nudes she did around that time, I'd sell my soul for the chance to be that little fucker!!!FACT!!!

You're not intelligent enough to be in this conversation.

negro, /ss/ isn't reality

Adults are held to a higher standard than children and women, shocking.

You have a mangina.

>whiteknighting for another man
The irony. Son of single mommy detected.

I figured it out, Sup Forums.

Producers should just hire whores. Fuck these women who want respect. You want respect? Be a lawyer.

uh, they do hire whores. The "respect" thing is just a cover.

He's rusing to try and make the point that people only care about men touching kids. And honestly that might be the case, but I don't really think the kid in this particular video had any issue with what was going on, still probably don't. She's not doing it for her own enjoyment, which is probably the main difference.