Peter...a fucking r-raghead in a truck ran me over

>Peter...a fucking r-raghead in a truck ran me over...

Man, the country was pretty racist for a while there after 9/11.

Imagine if in the movie 21 they all get shot to death by the Vegas shooter

It was a different time

It's amazing Rami managed to get away with this

Not all green cards

can someone post the looks at camera pasta. I swear I can see it in my head when I read it.

>You know Peter back iny day when we saw a nice irish girl, you'd get some friends go to her house and rape her
Jesus what was the point of this line

>Alright your primitive nigger loving cunts listen up

Wasn't this movie PG-13?

>He stole that guy's pizza!
>Anyway, let me get back to what I was saying. The Jew is a parasite, worthy of nothing but disdain...

is that ashy larry?

Around Auschwitz he was known as Ashes Larry


Kevin Spacey just can't catch a break.

Supernatural horror films are instantly improved when God is Old Testament af.

If he came out as a tranny would he get another pass?

>Another american remake
Christ. And here I thought hollywood had already hit rock bottom.
Are you claps literally incapable of originality?



>I'm going to give you a few seconds before I cum

He'd take at least one more at a 13 year old

Or step on one.

>You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."

I really didn't get this part.


kek underrated post

Well to be fair Muslims were dancing in the streets on 9/11. It was like the end of the Return of the Jedi for them.




>Mary Jane? Is she that gook piece of shit that moved in a few weeks ago? No i wont stop yelling you fucking tell me now you rice chasing fuck I didnt kill 30 men in the war just to have you piss your superior genes down some some Chinese toilette.

Raimi....knew his audience...

I was so confused at the time watching it my child brain just couldn't understand

Ever played bawling kid

No he said with great power comes great responsibility. Which meant if he was going to impregnate some you better stick it out

sorry, rebbit. This meme is Sup Forums kosher.

This shit reads like a Rick and Morty monologue. Please delete your post.

le bad words meme

>next time dont cum in my hair

what did they mean by this?

I mean I certainly appreciate taking the films in another direction but the scene where aunt may and peter shower together to “save time” literally made no sense narratively


such a wholesome family film

>The Green Goblin was originally going to be renamed "The Merchant of Death" according to Raimi in a behind the scenes interview
>"He was planned to wear a yamaka and speak in yiddish with english subtitles", explained Raimi.
>"Gold and the color green were also planned to be a major motif of the character and his people as his race has an unnatural attraction towards wealth ."

How did he even get money for this movie?


>I fried so many slopes, they named a brand of rice after me.

my sides

how do people come up with this shit?

that post is funny what are you talking about, also what the fuck is rick and mortar? sounds like some reddit shit only an normie would know about.

>also what the fuck is rick and mortar? sounds like some reddit shit only an normie would know about.
Maximum cringe. Delete your post.

Raimi has a twisted sense of humor

>"Of course that hook nosed banker couldn't even give me a free toaster."
What did Aunt May mean by this?

lol i remember that thread

fuckin ell


thats a funny way of spelling jews

>tfw Spider-Man lynched a nigger just to get the last can of cranberries
His line about beating an old lady with the stick seemed so tame in comparison back then.

I dont remember this line. Was it in commentaries or final director cut?




That scene when he had to chose between saving MJ and the Bronx bus... I really liked it as a child. Helped solve many problems at school.
>"Spiderman, now you have to pick between Mary Jane and these victims!"
>"You know why they call me the Walking Holocaust, right? They can just try to swim to prove their humanity!"
Of course none of them survived. Showed me the true worth of a person.