Who did you think killed Mr. Burns?

Who did you think killed Mr. Burns?

Phil Hartman's wife

I knew it was going to be some unbelievable shit that wouldn't make sense.

he overdosed on shitposts

Waylon Smithers


why are they all black?

I had no clue, but I remember my dad was convinced it was Flanders for some reason.

To take the "blame the black guy" aspect out of it.

It was all of us.

kys chuck

Mr. Burns killed Mr. Burns

He was cryogenically frozen with specific instructions for future generations to only unthaw him when time travel had been invented. His intent was to return to Yale and one-up his classmates but they accidentally transported him into mind of a baby girl named Maggie Simpson. In his rage, he shot himself to prevent himself from going back in time.

Formerly Burns and Kerns


Seed post best post?

Deepest lore.

finished binging Tree House of Halloween, it was way better when I was a kid

based sneedposter



Santa's Little Helper

Formerly Satan's

Based Groening

>all these LARPers
the idea that literally anyone on this board was alive and cognizant at the time of the original whodunit is laughable

all of them except Willie and Krusty

Maybe it was Ralph!

Milhouse's dad. He found out his wife cheated on him with Mr Burns and he could possibly be milhouse's real father. Kurt confronts Mr Burns about it and Mr Burns offers Kurt 3 million dollars to fuck miss vanhouton while Kurt watches.

Kurt pulls out his gun and says "I can't think of anything cool to say" then shoots him, driving home after shooting Mr Burns he's sitting at a stop light and thinks of a cool line he could have said before he shot him.

I saw and I'm OP.


Smithers, eh?

But then you’d have to ignore all that Simpson DNA analysis, and that would be just silly.

It took place during the day, but Burns' giant dish thing was blocking out the sun. Artistic choice.

Not only did I think it was Smithers, I even sent in a postcard to the contest they had.

Shooting him didn't work, trying to break his spine didn't work. Is Mr. Burns still indestructible?

I thought that he either shot himself or he was shot by someone we had never met before. Luckily, I was wrong.

>by someone we had never met before
Can you imagine if this episode aired today? It'd just be a throw-away celebrity cameo. They would curse out Mr Burns for , and then they'd shake their fist at him from the window of a cop car as they were being driven away.