Wtf I hate Andy Dick now

wtf I hate Andy Dick now

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If you lived in Hollywood, you've got an Andy Dick story that involves sexually harassment. He's a terrible person and should just an hero.

>wtf I hate Andy Dick now

It's his fault that Phil Hartman is dead. Jon Lovitz will immediately start beating the shit out of Andy Dick on sight.

Didn't he appear in sense8 and played a creepy gay hollywood molester

>in other news water still wet

I came here to say this. Thank you.

Andy "Suck My" Dick

>when you're so gay you start turning into Paul Feig

Phil "Seed My" Hartman


hartman's wife had a drug problem,
dick hooked here up with coke,
she got too geeked out and killed hartman,
lovitz was hartman's good friend,
lovitz blames dick for hartman's demise


I've always thought he was funny, but he's not someone I would want to be around. Supposedly, he was the guest the compelled Joe Rogan to quit doing the podcast at his home, because Dick made his wife feel uncomfortable. I thought the podcast was hilarious, mostly because he made Joe feel weird...Andy kept talking about Joe's penis.

lol his name is dick

I mean its not like they were new to each other, since Joe, Phil and Andy were all on Newsradio.

Weird that Joe Rogan doesnt seem to hate the guy as much as he prolly should.

Andy Dick has been a sexual maniac, openly, since the 1970s. Hating on him for it is moot hes always been that way

When will based science nigger get fired?

dude was a pos long ago and still is, couldn't take being addicted to drugs alone so he had to ruin peoples lives.

These SJWs really are the new Puritans. The far left is revealing it's true colors. They want to control every aspect of your life. And it's good that they are revealing it now, so people can realize not to get on board.

he wasn't a super good friend with Phil like Lovitz was. joe usually says he was just a dude trying to make some money on a show. Phil was the show to some people.

wtf I love Andy Dick now

>The far left
>And it's good that they are revealing it now, so people can realize not to get on board.
And yet the entire right is cheering this nonsense on because "HOLLYWOOD IS GOING DOWN!!!". Both sides are complicit.

What do sexual assault accusations have anything to do with political affiliation you nimcompoop

except Americans are still ruled by puritan bullshit

What the fuck took you this long?

God I wish Jon would’ve finished the job when he smashed his head off that bar

>being this fucking stupid

Good, fuck that kike

Andy Dick has been a piece of shit for years, this isn’t some sjw hit on him. Why does everything need to be political with you people?

> zero arguments
even Sup Forums perpetuates the "itz degenerate" bullshit

>not using your money and connections to rape impressionable young women is "puritan bullshit"

He was literally fired after one scene lol

Folks dont cotton much to guys rubbin' their dick on them.

>arguing with dummies

no, I'm saying trying to get people to not be puritans is useless when the ruling powers are puritan

fuck off


he sexually harassed an underage girl in the parking lot of my local Buffalo Wild Wings

he was arrested for it too actually

It's not like no one knew about this and it was just a rumor, he's literally been arrested for it

The 17-year-old female and several witnesses told police that as Dick left the establishment, he approached two females outside the bar. Dick walked up to the 17-year-old female, grabbed her tank top and bra and pulled them down and exposed her breasts, they said. He then was escorted by several of his friends to a truck which was stopped by arriving police officers in a nearby Sam’s Club a few moments later.

According to the Web site, Dick was in the front passenger seat of the truck. A curbside lineup was conducted and Dick was identified by the 17-year-old female, as well as a witness. During a search, marijuana and Xanax were found in Dick’s pants pockets.

The site also says that Dick was extremely intoxicated at the time of his arrest.

Dick was booked at Southwest Detention Center in French Valley on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance, misdemeanor sexual battery and misdemeanor possession of marijuana.

That's fucking disgusting.

Buffalo Wild Wings tastes like shit.

it's also expensive and stupid.

He's a piece of shit but goddamn it must be wild to hang out with Andy Dick

So's your mom but I let her drain my balls ever Friday night

you fuck off WASP

good one bruh

The power of Christ compels you!

I like how this is literally the only thing millennials associate him with.

Begone, Pharisee.

who? Hartman or dick? because Hartman's SNL career was pretty sweet, and i'm only 28. also his simpsons time was good.

Prolly Jon Lovitz, who you ignored altogether.

>Jon Lovitz will immediately start beating the shit out of Andy Dick on sight.

Is this something that happens? Because that would be fucking amazing. Lovitz just see's him randomly in the street and fucking attacks him every time so they have a restraining order

i mean, Lovitz is cool and funny, but he's no Phil Hartman. you can see why i left him out right?

you mean this?

So the right is entirely okay with sexual misconduct and harassment? Oh right, I forgot, Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes did nothing wrong.

All of these accusations are coming out to throw the scent off of Weinstein, they are sacrificial lambs that had no more careers anyways. Pathetic.

>men are being fired without investigation because of rape ACCUSATIONS

I know this has been happening forever, but it's happening to everyone now. What is gonna snap?

Of course not, it's hilarious watching Hollywood crash and burn, but unlike the left I prefer justice instead of increasing leftwing fanaticism. This is all coming from leftists attacking other irrelevant leftists to smoke screen all of the shit piling up against the bigwigs.

i was under the impression that hollyweird and all of commiefornia was a bunch of dumb bitches and child molesters? that's why most people stay away from it right?

Some people are willing to be raped and some parents are willing to let their kids get fucked by pervert kikes for $$$

Actually doing something about the rampant sexual misconduct and harassment and making people genuinely talk about it instead of the usual empty gestures that lead nowhere is fanaticism now? Wew lad.

You and I know that nothing is going to fucking change and none of these people are going to feel any lasting effects from it. It will die down and they will be back to doing what they have always done.

Quit being naive.


He hasn't really done much after the 90s so I don't blame a lot of people forgetting about him.


This is the first "exposed" actor that I'm glad it's happening too, fuck him.

fired from where? he just hangs around from gig to gig


Dick once forced Dana Plato almost completely up his own ass while he raped Corey Haim. It's always about him, no matter what happens to his traumatized victims.


>wish I lived in the timeline where Hartman's wife shot Andy instead of him

it must be wild to hang out with Charlie Manson, too, but there are better ways to spend your time.

if i have to think of andy dick, i think of the time he played a retarded holographic doctor in Star Trek Voyager.

oh fuck yes.

people flock to california, its overcrowded, what the fuck are you rambling about

what happen to the old days when you could suck a dick and do some blow

He was great. One of the best sitcoms of the 90s; his death killed the show.

This is in my top 3 Norm episodes.

they're hitting all the low level ones to distract from the real shit


he was great.

'Freedom of speech is one thing. The word "penis" is another.'
- Bill McNeil

andy dick great dick what a bunch of pussy wieners in this thread really
phil hartman was crackhead and dead
andy dick survives alcohol
who is better?

I'm more suprised that he's doing a movie in 2017 still.