It's a Howard bullies Sal episode

>it's a Howard bullies Sal episode

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Genuinely curious to see how many people still actively listen to Howard Stern.

Who was in the wrong here?

Why the fuck did people ever start listening to this faggot and his faggot crew?


It's a terrible era for the show but I still put it on in the background.

>it's a Sal is an absolute fucking idiot episode

They all seem so sociopathic and uncaring. At least Rogan seems like a semi decent dude despite having a massive ego.

>it's a 9/11 episode

when will he let artie back?

literally the only one I found funny, when he pretends to be her boyfriend was fucking amazing

Stern is to Gen X what Rogan is to you millennials.

>It's a Jew makes a movie to degenerate the youth of America and makes billions afterwards.

So Brave.

Bring Jackie and billy back. Gay kc and even stuttering john. Boom. Golden years.

Nothing beats a Daniel Carver episode.

more than anything I am genuinely surprised that satellite radio has lasted this long. 20 bucks a month and most of the channels still have commercials anyway. bizarre.

Anyone paying 20 bucks a month is an idiot. You can always get it for 6-7 months if you just call right before your subscription is up and say you're gonna cancel.

The music channels don't have commercials, only the talk channels. I'd say a lot of people only pay for the music stations. I don't listen to Stern, but I do pay for the biggest package because I like some of the other talk shows, and I like being able to stream it at home. It is expensive, but it's good quality.

This. Just renewed for another year at like $10 a month, which is really nothing when it's all said and done.

I'm too beta to call. I guess my $20 is subsidizing you guys.

howards in my 2018 death pool. the dude just looks unwell. artie langs gonna live another 10 years at least

Hey if everyone did it they'd probably have to change it.

private parts is a legitimately good movie. paul giamatti is hilarious in it. plus the dude who wrote it is writing the new rocks modern life movie lol

Or pay Howard maybe a million less per year. He'd still be insanely rich.

It gets depressing to listen to after a bit. They're all such shitty people.

Last time I turned on his show, because it was early and Jim and Sam wasn't on yet, I heard Howard take a call, and it was some guy complimenting Howard, telling him how great he is, and you could tell Howard was really enjoying it. Then the guy asks to say one more thing, Howards says sure, and the guy says "Crackle crackle bonfire". Howard goes "Crackle crackle bonfire, that's what the fuck you had to say?" And the rest of the time I listened was Howard, Robin and Gary sperging out about how much time the guy wasted.

richard and sal are the only great parts of the show ever since marci turk was employed

Sometimes I'll listen to old shows like the one where they brought on the creator of Ren and Stimpy just get him to confront Billy West. That was of course pretty manipulative, but I'll take it over something like what you mentioned. That just sounds beyond boring to hear.

There's like 0 chance )))Stern((( isn't a bigger pervert and predator than Weinstein.

Joey boots was a legend

What does crackle crackle bonfire even mean? Jews in ovens?

Right? Bunch of incredibly shitty people talking about nothing. I sat through a bunch of episodes where they had my fav pornstars on. Other than the pornstars it was terrible. You just feel that overall vibe of cuntiness all over it.

Probably just some kind of inside joke he had with his friends and he wanted to say it on the radio.

Watching some retarded cocaine jew.
You must be retarded yourself.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to meet any of them. Far too vapid.

I stopped about a year ago, nothing really happened that was funny anymore. Ronnie hypnotized was great but after that it was just; 'Jimmy's here, Sal's psychic friend, AGT sucks guys, here's some guests that only people in the US find interesting and they have nothing good to say'