Twitch presents: All Yu-Gi-Oh episodes

All episodes streaming till Novembet something.

Can it compare to power rangers?

There probably aren't even good memes about it.

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is it the based jap version where they actually kill people and almost cut off a dude's leg?


I guess I have to watch that one.

They only battle for souls and threaten a person with saws and lava. It's the Saturday morning version.

yugioh is bottom of the barrel in terms of media. its down there with gi-joe and he-man as an unabashed toy commercial meant to market overpriced plastic junk to kids only half-assedly disguised as 'entertainment' in its own right. i dont blame little kids for watching it because they quite literally dont know any better, but if you have 'yugioh nostalgia' and consider it 'a part of my childhood' there's a high chance youre on the autism spectrum.

there are hundreds of power rangers episodes, with people of all ages under 35 having grown up with it.

Yu-Gi-Oh is only a hundred episodes with most people only remembering everything until they get on the blimp. like thats the main reason the abridged series stopped being popular, they did all the episodes people liked

Was very excited to watch this for nostalgia until I realised they're playing 2 sets of ads per episode with another after the credits

blimp was tight as hell though with the legendary card battle on the bridge (kaiga vs Ra)

series fucking sucked when they went in the virtual world

Can't believe that they butchered this scene and Joey's fall against Marik

Yu-Gi-Oh is autistic, even by anime standards. I honestly can't see where the appeal of this show comes from beyond nostalgia. All they're doing is playing a card game with holographic projections of the monsters. At least in Pokemon and Digimon the monsters are real.

>digimon is real
oh no no noooo

>At least in Pokemon and Digimon the monsters are real
user none of its real, theyre cartoons

Are they not? The heroes are always in danger and need their digimon to fight to protect them.

they go into a digital world, nothing is technically real

they did the same shit in yugioh when they went to the digital world where the monsters could "hurt" them

either way who cares

>user, none of it's real, they'e cartoons


But they present a real danger to the heroes. They aren't just projections. They also make their way into the real world in some episodes.

>either way who cares
Too late for that.

GX had a couple of pure kino episodes, especially when dubbed for maximum cheese:

Skip to around 9:30 for the real beauty of 4kids VAs.

fantastic set of arguments

really glad i bothered to respond toa a childrends anime qestion

watching anime for anything other than nostalgia is pathetic

this, anime is trash

Including season zero?

What did you expect?
I want to say I disagree but every anime I've ever purposefully watched was something I first watched as a kid.

Nah it's the dub. Crunchyroll has been subtitling the Japanese version but very slowly and with piss poor video quality.
What you really want is the early manga chapters, not even season 0.

>I-I'll kill myself if you don't let me win

Anime website.

>proceeds to brag about said "victory" multiple times later on

lmao who did this

Who else would take a card game so seriously?

captcha: Galand WHEELER

I wanna take Kaiba's virginity.

t. brainlet

i look forward to it

What season are they on?

this show didn't age well at all

Are they showing a tv show in between all those commercials?

if we lose this match we lose our souls.

>Bakura is still the bad guy.

are the ads seriously this frequent fellas?

Put it on, one card draw ->> commercial wtf is this shit.

Fuck me its unwatchable