ITT: TV series that was canceled or cut short

ITT: TV series that was canceled or cut short.
I'll begin

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One of two that were the only cancelled series I actually felt bad for being cancelled.
The other one was Almost Human.

It should have been cancelled after season 2.

Also Jericho.

Pushing Daisies


I guess it really was a house of cards. Fuck Kevin Spacey, his stupid name, and his shite tv series. I don't get why everyone here is so crushed.

Also here. Never watched but heard it was really good.


>wow netflix is so brave!
>bravo netflix in standing up for whats right!
>netflix is canceling after next years season airs
>wide majority of actual fans didnt see it going much further anways
>cheap way to elicit publicity

Thought the exact same...

>netflix is canceling after next years season airs
they have stopped production of s6 though.
might get the premature axe anyway.

they literally worded it "we're going to discontinue after next season airs"

not the current season, or "we'll wrap it up after this season" or "we're pulling the show off our network"

im betting all 5 seasons are still up and promoted on the front page of netflix and they're still going to air next years show

that's old news, gramps.

that doesnt mean they're not continuing to air the show and offer it on their platform

they're "offended" but not after getting as much as they can from it and also continuing to offer it to subscribers

either way fuck netflix, its been what 10 years and they still never delivered what they once claimed they would, that was every movie, not even on a rotation, they straight up still have liscensing deals for major movie production companies which result in them never getting the films

even tho their physical dvd rentals did

such a shame, actually liked it more than the current STD crap

also it's last episodes was the biggest fuck you in Star Trek history

>last episode
>no one has aged
>everything is exactly the same, even though the previous episode has Travis wondering whether he wanted to stay on the Enterprise
>one of the best characters killed off unceremoniously

what an awful episode to finish a great show

>one of the best characters killed off unceremoniously
>the crew isn't touched by this loss. at all. not even archer.
was actually quite hilarious, tbqh.

yeah they all seem to do alright, don't they? poor Trip, denied the happy ending he deserved because the show needed to end with a shock death

Hoping old T'Pol shows up in Discovery somehow

Rome. And I'm still salty about it.

Not enough money mate. But yes, it would be great if it went the way the creators wanted, with Pullo (or Vorenus, don't remember who was supposed to be) meeting Jesus as an old man


I liked Lights Out. Shame it got cancelled by FX.

Almost Human had some potential.
Should've had more of that main plotline and less procedural stuff.

it wasn't
that's why it was cancelled

that and being a scifi-show on fox

Jericho was great though, I loved it very much.

Also pic related. Joss Whedon is a fucking moron for obvious reasons, but is also behind his own show getting fucked.

We are like the only anons who remember this kino

They cancelled it just when it was getting good those assholes

>that scene in the finale with the fighter jets

Pure Pazzak

>we didn't get a season 2 & 3 showing the second civil war

The Secret Circle was a guilty pleasure. Still annoys me that it never got a physical release.


lol fuck, I remember seeing this as a kid.

how is it? i can hardly remember anything

>despite a decent amount of viewers, let's cancel pic related right when Elvis starts getting big and before Johnny Cash even gets out of the military!
Thank God that BLACKED show lived, but this didn't

>house of cards
>cancelled too soon

“MY TURN” was the true ending

Who here remembers Hung?

Part of me wonders if the had gotten a second season if it would have gotten stale. Even the last episode of six did the cigarette joke two or three too many times.

Dead like me

It's a real shame that FX pulled the plug on this show after just a couple of seasons. Oh well, at least it ended on a high note.

That makes three of us, I have the DVD and was fully prepared to fund the creator on Indegogo or something when he mentioned he'd seek crowdfunding for S2.

>I don't get why everyone here is so crushed.
Because he seemed like such a wholesome guy IRL. Everybody knew he was a closet case, but a pedo as well? It sucks.

I think it’s funny that libs think this is in response to the spacey rapey allegations when the decision was made months ago

Was the decision to halt production also made months ago?

the show has been shit since s2

what the fuck are you talking about

Season 5 was good you fucking redditor

Over There
Stargate: Atlantis

Alien in America

>Stargate: Atlantis
SGA managed to wrap up pretty nicely. Giving it more seasons would be pointless.

i dunno man, but police squad was amazing
