Show me your top kinos of 2017 so far

show me your top kinos of 2017 so far

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Where's BR2049

You tasteless faggot

Garbage taste.


>baby driver


I'm confident...

> 1 sums it up for you

Logan also Baby Driver

Great year so far.

>95% Is hollywood blockbuster crap

I dont get this fucking meme, this board should be about the art of making movies. As much as I dislike neo/mu/ you actually get decent discussion about music outside top40 meanwhile here it's just hollywood trash, holy shit what a bunch of plebs.

Absolute shit taste where's Good Time, Loveless, BPM, Columbus etc

Sup Forums is a board of memes celebs and racial hate

only agree with mother! on the list

Artsy fartsy movies are shit. Big Hollywood blockbusters are popular for a reason. If they were really bad people wouldn't be watching them.

>Artsy fartsy movies are shit. Big Hollywood blockbusters are popular for a reason. If they were really bad people wouldn't be watching them.

Homecoming and no BR
thanks for being on Sup Forums

This has to be a joke, right?

I just realised I haven't seen any of these. American Made and Baby Driver are the only ones that look intersting, are they worth a watch?

Yes, how can other people have different taste than you?

t. apex brainlet

American Made is a glorified tv movie. Wait for the torrent. Haven't seen Baby Driver and have no desire to, Edgar Wright is horrid.

Get out, Baby Driver and Logan are the only decent movies on that list.

Comoared to Knight and Day, which is the last Tom Cruise movie I remember watching, is it better or worse?

I get the sense Baby Driver would have been way better if I liked the music

>American made
>baby driver
>the 2nd half of Arthur
are barley watchable/mediocre films, but the best of what's there. haven't seen brawl yet

Baby Driver is literally MOTY.

Oh didnt see Brawl there, that looks interesting as well.

I completely agree and I've avoided movies all year long for this reason. Any recommendations?

>Marvel capeshit movie's
You don't know what true kino is, fucking autismo bot kys.


this year is shit with 7+/10 logan being best what ive seen

Check the stuff cited by this user it's pretty good

Your lists are all garbage unless Wonder Woman is number 1. Actually, your lists should ONLY include Wonder Woman, the rest are garbage anyway.
DC wins again baaaaabyyyy!!!


>edgar wright is horrid

fucking pleb you should just stop watching movies.

Is this bait?

How do I get letterbox to look like that for this year?

these look worse than the capeshit movies...

>Numales Out
>Numale Ragnarok
>Numale-Man Homecoming
>Numales of the Galaxy 2
>American Numale
>Numale Driver
>Beauty and the Numale
>King Numale
>Brawl in Numale Block 99
>Numales Come At Night
>Boss Numale
>The Numale's Wife
>The Numale
Fuck off soyboy.

go to -> films -> Ratings

And choose Decade and sort by ratings

wew lad I'm a fucking pleb

post your list or shut the fuck up you pleb brainlet lol

God what must it be like to have shit taste such as this as an adult? Are you 16? You must be.

literally not a single good movie on the list. Well done.

>get out
racially charged garbage

>creep 2 same rating as It comes at night

>Artsy fartsy songs are shit. Big MTV hits are popular for a reason. If they were really bad people wouldn't be listening to them.

100% bait. he only threw american made in there to make it less obvious bait

My top 10 so far. Keep in mind there is quite a bit I still need to watch:

1. Song to Song
2. The Lost City of Z
3. Blade Runner: 2049
4. mother!
5. Logan Lucky
6. Wind River
7. The Meyerowitz Stories
8. Okja
9. Dunkirk
10. American Made

WHY the two first?

They both are complete shit

>They both are complete shit
On what fucking planet would those movies be considered shit? They both have excellent characters and interesting things to say about their subjects. They both include very charmingly effective singular scenes. and will probably still be in my top 10 by the time I've seen everything I need to from this year. What is wrong with them and what are your favorite movies this year? Answer me now.

>The Meyerowitz Stories

is this actually good? I usually avoid movies with sandler but he's been doing different stuff lately with netflix, is it worth it?

It's decent. Baumbach has made funnier movies, and more interesting movies. But there's some nice satire and Sandler does a good job even though he reverts to his "angry shouting" crutch a couple times. It's a movie about bad people and if you can get past that you will like it.

Both were forgettable and mediocre.

Dunkirk 9
wind river 8
logan 7
guardians 7
koe no katachi 7
baby driver 6
logan lucky 6
apes 6
Lego 5
spiderman 5
book of Henry 5
kong 4
alien 4

Shit taste. Shit critic. Shit voice. Most likely fat and disheveled.

so much projection

The guy who spams these unfunny videos in every thread discussing a new release on Sup Forums is named Andrew Simmons. He's 23-years-old and lives in Pompano Beach, Florida, in or near Coconut Creek. He uses the handle "Uridon" online.

Here's a vid uploaded to his channel with his face in it, save it before he sees this post and deletes it:

Compare to pictures in his many online dating profiles (save before he deletes):

We know who you are loser, and even if you keep spamming your shitty videos under a different name people will know it's you. I suggest you fuck off back to your League of Legends discord and a lifetime of obscurity as an ugly nerd with a minimum wage job.

Okja above Dunkirk? lol what a homo

my name is still not andrew

Okay neckbeard.

>not realising this is a 15/15 troll list