Stranger Things only triggered millenials

Why are people here so triggered by the diversity in the punk crew in Stranger Things when movies like Assault on Precinct 13 or the Warriors already developped those thematics in the late 70s?
It doesn't seem too unbelievable that outcast living outside of society don't give a shit about race or color or gender

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Here's the crew in The Warriors


because Sup Forums

Why is diversity the new name for cancer?

Repo Man had a pretty diverse gang too

look at those pics. then look at the Stranger Things gang. I give you three guesses to figure out the difference.

because Sup Forums is retard

>m-muh facial features and skin color

bunch of faggots

This post reveals more about user than about Sup Forums

There is a difference between cool believable gang members with a decent story compared to a special snowflake crew lacking any theme or cohesion beyond: "hurr durr kill da bad guys". No one is complaining about Lucas being a member of the boys. No one likes pandering.

>more posts complaining about Sup Forums than actual Sup Forums

Like clockwork

For the same reason the 'social justice' and 'equality' was a cancer in the Eastern Europe in the past century - far left cocksuckers hiding their power grab behind feelsgood empty phrases and using your own morals as a weapon against you.
Reminder that the 'hatespeech' is an old concept that Stalin attempted to push into international law after the WWII to effectively control freedom of speech and press in western liberal democracies.

I'm 42. It was just a shit episode. You could skip it, and not miss much.

This episode is awful but most of the critiques have been muh diversity poo in the loo xd xd

>Why are people here so triggered by the diversity in the punk crew
The "diversity" was the least of that episode's problems, most people are complaining about it being a back door pilot that didn't have anything to do with the rest of the season.

Now compare it to this crew

because it's not about the people.
it's about creators feeling obliged to include people based on their skin colour and not giving them any personality that is unique.

I mean black self-assued sassy woman with a fro? woah dude nice writing what's next an agressive white male with a mohawk? never seen that before.

What is confirmation bias?
What about the massive chimpouts about lucas scoring max?

lol they look homeless

Yeah and bunch of kids in a small town face paranormal stuff is avant-garde material

I guess I am a sucker for punk band of misfits.

Also, that Grant Morrison ref in the bg.

It was soul-less, devoid of purpose and execution, had neither creative writing nor anything of substance but to be inclusive and when u sacrifice a story for said inclusiveness
You lose heart and interest of the story/ becomes insulting and disingenuous

>can't even hold up an argument

state of murrican education

>What about the massive chimpouts about lucas scoring max?
That is a different matter all together and what most people would call racism. This episode is pandering because they made bland characters in the hopes of appeasing/ buying into the tumbr crowd. Their only defining features is their appearance. Perhaps you are an old man if you're unaware of the shallow and insufferable youth that push for such characters. Diversity for the pure sake of diversity makes for boring characters and lacklustre story telling. These aren't characters but check lists of skin colours and mental disorders.

I can't even quantify what it is that makes them suck so bad. It's fuck all to do with their race, as the point OP makes about fictional gangs of punks being diverse since the dawn of time is correct. Maybe they didn't want to make them too scary for fear of portraying minorities as TOO bad ass.

they are

>Grant Morrison ref
Where? You mean the punks blank button?

I'm not trying to defend that episode, it was a steamy piece of shit, I hated it for many reasons and found the punk gang to be over the top but everything else is over the top in this show like Billy or Steve's haircut.
If I'm correct the general vibe here is that the gang should have been all white, because any movie character should be white UNLESS there is good motive and excellent writing.
But gangs of outcast have always been multi ethnics because punks and squatters have other priorities than judging people by their skin color.
And what gets me the most is that nobody is pointing the fact that the worst character in that crew is the phoney mental girl whith runny eyeliner and a fly swatter.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that gang members have generally been multi-ethnic but I don't agree with you that people or spooky 'millennials' are solely taking issue with that. A lot of posters here are also complaining about the Harley Quinn knock off. It seems to me that most people take issue with the episode being rushed and out of place with the rest of the season as well has characters being superficial. The fact that only their appearance stands out speaks volumes for just how much they suck. And since this is Sup Forums its obviously going to devolve into racist jokes and helps to vent frustration. I don't buy into the jew conspiracy theories but this was obviously a little marketing campaign that backfired.

>implying millennials aren't the ones sucking this shit down like good little goys

> I don't agree with you that people or spooky 'millennials' are solely taking issue with that
Sorry if I gave you that impression, it just that it really isn't the main issue with that episode but the two main complaints about S2 seem to be LucasxMax and the "multiculti sjw gang", which by the way is rather promoting vigilante swift justice than broad social justice.

Because the directors have an agenda to push back against a type of racism that the majority of the country believes is wrong, so now every movie and show is from liberal nearsighted children attempting to teach a lesson that has been taught sixty million times and is getting fucking old as shit. It's purely the agenda that is wrong, it's white paternalism upon the black community and it's self congratulatory elementary level horseshit. It's patting yourself on the back for not being racist while casting people based strictly on skin color.

I personally don't take issue with it, and aside from the still present controversy of interracial couplings, people are sick of the black male/ white female trope
>"multiculti sjw gang", which by the way is rather promoting vigilante swift justice than broad social justice.
Its true, social justice isn't brought up once. People are just taking cheap shots at them because they look like they just stepped out of a college BLM protest.

>people are sick of the black male/ white female trope
I can't wait to meet this "people" guy I hear so much about. Honestly it's just some conflated Sup Forums meme.
Also Lucas is honestly the only boy in the party that doesn't look either underfed or retarded.
Steve would have been an interesting development.

Because now it's contrived.

I'm triggered by the punks being the absolute worst characters in the worst episode of the entire fucking show, not them being indians and niggers.

I want to fuck that white retarded freak girl so badly

these dudes look much more badass and cooler than these dorks

>I can't wait to meet this "people" guy I hear so much about.
Then why is it ever present on Sup Forums and there is hushed disapproval irl when a white woman is parading around her latest african conquest? Open racism and disapproval is looked down upon in most western countries but its still considered taboo. That's why its also still considered rebellious for a white woman to jump in bed with a black man. When was the last time some white girl gloated about getting some Indian dick?

Sure they have, soy boy.

Just go to your local women's shelter and wave some cash, a bottle of liquor and a pre-rolled joint. Alternatively go to a music festival and do the same with some poppers thrown in.

I think that it waa obvious the problem with Lucas and ma's is the lack of chemistry. When you cast kids you usually put a huge enfasis on that since they usually lack the skills ti act. Lucas wasn't the original love interest, the writers only out it there after listening to all the people in the cast saying it was a good idea (it wasn't just the kids).

Also reminder that Sup Forums isn't the problem. Nazis are rational hateful people mad about Europe and trump being a good goy, cuckservatives are crazy but don't care that much about tv, the ones shitting up the board is /r9kpol/, thinking that Rostie doesn't make them look like betas, that videogames are as important as banking and that liberals are the reason why women don't want them

Funny how this would apply to NEETs and Weeaboos craving tight asian pussy but is never frowned upon

>Then why is it ever present on Sup Forums
Because kissless virgins project their own inadequacies into a global conspiracy to avoid taking responsibility for the fact that they're disgusting fatbodies with a personality made out of cold dog vomit.
>Muh roasties
>Muh jooz
>Its everyone elses fault im lonely

the first movie reflects the time it was made (which was as crazy as the movie itself)
the other is a 80s nostalgia wankfest that adds non-whites for diversity quota

that's the difference.



There are 2 black people there and one halfway or maybe a jew, compared to 5 white guys. Regardless it's the intention more than the actual substance and the fact that this not a single movie these days with only white people, try name one.

Diversity now is forced for social points.

Diversity then was organic.

autistic shitposters on Sup Forums =/= millenials

This would most likely apply if it was as prolific however we both know why it is not. Also have you not seen how white women hiss and scorn desirable white men with asian women? Hell, almost any ethnic group gets touchy when people from their ethnic groups date outside of it.

>Sup Forums posters
Pick one

dunno where you live but I've never seen that


Also black guys REALLY hate when white guys date black girls

Those movies had token white guys in the gangs, so they're not in a position to complain.

I'm guessing this Stranger Things movie has token blacks in a white setting. Now they'll complain

>Diversity then was organic.
Not really. There was always the shoe horned wheelchair kid, black kid, and vaguely asian/hispanic/other kid.
The difference isyou weren't a cynical shit as a kid

No, the difference is that they were real characters. I just watched the Thing yesterday and the two black guys were more than the token characters who speak funny and say dumb things

Name my band

they look like millenials with tumblr accounts trying way too hard to look 80s

this pisses the hell out of me, when directors copy-paste the current year into the past except with retro costumes

put on some fucking effort

How could they have made it more authentic, Mr. Costume Designer?

>look! black people!
thats how you can tell when people who are self described liberals of hollywood are actually more racist than you are.
keep posting pictures of black people, evidencing yourself as not being capable of critical thinking or looking past a person's skin color

>if U dun liek it den y dunt u maek it urslf

I wasn't even trying to mock you or suggest that your point isn't valid. If the obvious lack of effort in the costume design actually pisses you off then maybe you know what they could have done better.

Sup Forums is Generation Z. There are daily e celeb threads.

It's distracting how ugly the Poo in Loo is. It's a detriment to her performance how hideous she is. The huge dark circles around her eyes make it even worse.

>implying she's any uglier than the obvious britbongs on her far left and far right

Funny how El is obviously the ugly one on this pic