Lets get one of these threads going

lets get one of these threads going

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plebs: The Shining
normal people: Barry Lyndon
patricians: Eyes Wide Shut

Wait I can do the whole thread

Plebs: best film
Normal people: middle film
Patricians: worst film

looks like someone got his feelings hurt

>implying 2049 is the best blade runner film

hearty kek

plebs: Wild Strawberries
normal people: Make Way for Tomorrow
patrician: My Dinner with Andre



Visually its unfairly superior

Plot wise its inherently better, the characters feel more grounded, the pacing is borderline perfect. Having a 3 hour movie feel fast paced and tense is a big accomplishment.
Soundtracks are both a masterpiece.

Blade Runner was ahead of its time, but 2049 is objectively better. Only reason that's the case is because Deni is a wizard


Normal people don't watch Berry Lyndon


fuck you

>my life is in shambles but at least i don't browse reddit


I wouldn't say it was both fast paced and tense. Its pace felt, I don't know, monotonous, which draws out an existential dread of such a world

the people you're thinking under "Normal" are normies, I'm thinking of people who actually give a damn about the medium.

Spot on

>characters feel more grounded
Outside of K, most are mediocre at best and three of the characters are waifu shit. Deckard and Roy were much more interesting to anything presented in the sequel.

>the pacing is borderline perfect
No, it fucking isn't. It could have been cut for 20-30 minutes and nothing would change.

>using the word objectively wrong
oh boy

Look at all these samefag replies

holy shit i'd suck your cock

>waifu shit
what does that even mean anyways, the LAPD girl acted like a cunt but that was her job, and you could tell she wasn't happy with it, just like the terminator girl, maybe you have a point considering i don't even remember their names. They are still better written than most of the supporting cast on Blade Runner.

Also the fact that "you can cut 20 minutes and nothing would change" can apply to every movie ever made.

>using the word objectively wrong
Just like every fuckhead on this board does. You can say they are being ironic but that doesn't mean its not fucking stupid

That's probably true


I agree with the characters and visuals but the plot is much rougher. There's a lot of nonsense in there that doesn't really work logically but it works in the film because Denis and Deakins makes it work. The first Blade Runner has a very streamlined and simple plot that is much better overall. 2049 tried to go bigger, but with more moving parts there are more opportunities for failure. Lot of silly shit in 2049 that the OG Blade Runner avoided entirely.

>what does that even mean
They were made for faggots with whom this board is infested with to drool all over, which you can see by discussions always coming down to "x is best girl" tier and that speaks volumes. Also, who said anything about the LAPD bitch specifically? Almost all female characters, if not all, here come down to being nothing but mere tropes, which you could say for its predecessor, but the females there weren't the focus and the rest is much more memorable. The cult final third, organic town and subtlety Deckard's arc alone makes it better, than an unnecessary sequel that didn't expand on the themes and ideas over the original in an interesting way, same can be said about the world, too. It looks nice, but it's hollow, whereas the original had much more meat in it.

He's right, you know

This is not a movie to go full "x is best grill" over. Considering the fact that the hologram chick was made to love and it cannot do anything else, paired with the fact that K appretiates her just because he's treated as an object. Just like the chosen girl due to her circumstances has grown with the mind of a child
I'm not sure where i'm going with all of this but for me everytime i think much about it i just grow depressed.

BR2049 relationship did nothing for me. maybe you have to never been in one to think it was good.

And K's arc would have been good, if it wasn't cheapened by the expositions that were the flashbacks.

I refuse to believe that 3 is the plebian choice.

Pokemon in general is pleb trash, patricians prefer Digimon.

The flashbacks work if you want him to be human, they could have surely been a bit shorter and more hectic, considering that's how a memory would look like


They cheapened the whole thing for me and I was really disappointed with how BR2049 turned out in comparison to Arrival.

I'm a bit tired of the "exposition" point for BR2049.
There are maybe 3 or 4 flashbacks in total that probably aren't even a minute long in total, but you all pretend like half of the film is flashbacks.
Yes they were unnecesarry, but a minute of exposition in a film that's almost three hours long is not much of an argument.

I'll take 30 minutes of exposition in exchange of more cool elvis punchout scenes anyday.

Nor was I stating expositions were its only problem, but they cheapened K's arc. Doesn't matter if they did the same in a minute or in 10.

Mad max is a generic B movie with a couple of good stunts. It'd be just another obscure 70s car movie if the second film hadn't come along with its culture-making post apoc mythos and made the original significant by association.

>generic b movie

It is, in nearly every conceivable way

It isn't, in nearly every conceivable way.

There were dozens of grindhouse car movies made every year during the drive in era, the only things that stand out about Mad Max is that I was Australian, had one good crash scene and Mel Gibson being a dreamboat. You are the king of pretentious plebs if you can't see how generic a film like Mad Max was.

and you're a fucking retard do disregard its subtext and characters and make it to be just another generic car flick.

Nice argument pal

But it is

You actually think yours was?

this is so wrong

switch the first and the second and it's perfect

Not that user but actually, it was

I'd definitely go for monotonous too, there were a few spots that felt fast, but even the final fight had this monotonous feel to it, but it worked somehow. Like the slow, encroaching, inevitable end. It felt much more thematically like the source material than the first Blade Runner.

Since he didn't elaborate on it, it wasn't.

I was simply responding to With what I thought. You just regurgitated what I said and threw it back.

And? Nowhere did I say my post was a legit argument, so I don't see why you pointed it out.

plebs don't watch Vertigo

it's the only Hitch film next to Psycho they do watch. You'll never see them talking about Spellbound.

>subtext and characters

If by subtext and characters you mean the whole social decay and roving gangs angle, then you're even more of a pleb then I thought. Those themes, especially lone vigilantes going up against out of control gangs, were absolutely saturated throughout B movie scene at the time.

Shit like precinct 13, death race 2000, Deathwish and soylent green were wearing out the 'near future where order is crumbling and gangs rule' & 'vigilante vs unstoppable gang' thing all through the 70s. Mad Max's themes and characters are EXTREMELY GENERIC for the time period. Fuck I hate your sort of clueless faggot poseurs who just has to dick-suck cult classics to be in the kool kidz club.

what about notorious?

Another great film people don't talk often when Hitch is mentioned. Ingrid with Hitch can do no wrong.

Flip psycho with vertigo and youre good


It sure as hell isn't the theatrical cut.

>things plebs say

Yea I wish we had a modern actress like her.

What was it that made Lauren Bacall, Kelly Grace, Ingrid Bergman, Hedy Lamarr and the rest so attractive and sexy when compared to contemporary actresses?

class and sophistication. modern woman are devoid of it.

Nice, I was gonna make that one.

Definitely seems like it, sorry to say.


Final Cut is trash, deckard is NOT a godamn replicant, sick of this fucking meme


>No, it fucking isn't. It could have been cut for 20-30 minutes and nothing would change.

You could of, but because its momentum it felt like a 2 hour movie. Thats the point he was trying to make pajeeta.

Yet he's wrong and the length is surely felt. Are you the type of fag who'd claim Stalker flows perfectly and seems much shorter because of it, too?

Cape shot directors

Keep that capeshit to yourself.

Raimi looks like Yuri Nikulin

Did both of these as a film paper. Easiest A I ever got.

>Nostalgia fags will actually defend this

>American prefers the narrated version

you can't make this shit up

> Deckard
> interesting

You realize there are a lot of Americans on this board, right? Cease your shitposts.


I think the dystopian angle of the originals' story is a lot better handled than a lot of its 70s contemporary exploitation film peers.

WIth some clever shoot locations, it really felt like they were living in a society on its last legs before it plunges into pure anarchy.

>Shit like precinct 13, death race 2000, Deathwish and soylent green were wearing out the 'near future where order is crumbling and gangs rule' & 'vigilante vs unstoppable gang' thing all through the 70s. Mad Max's themes and characters are EXTREMELY GENERIC for the time period. Fuck I hate your sort of clueless faggot poseurs who just has to dick-suck cult classics to be in the kool kidz club.

It was certainly a product of its time - ie most sci fi tends to reflect the soicety in which its written, and the sense of the late 70s was one of pessimism and decline.

that said, given the fact that Mad Max was filmed for such a small budget, it really i think gets elevated above a lot of its dystopian peers. It didnt need to build sets or rely on effects to get the perfect tone of the movie.

ban this someone
