Who will play him in the remake?

Who will play him in the remake?

Idris Elba

>not John Boyegay

hopefully Wyatt Russell

Already been done. GOM was originally another Escape sequel. Also compare Desolation's outfit to Snake's.

If russel and carpenter aren't involved then why would I possibly care.
Dont forget Lockout was pretty much "Escape from Earth." I think they even got sued for it.

>directed by Luc Besson

yeah carpenter sued and they settled out of court I believe.
the movie was so empty. even guy pearce couldn't carry that piece of shit.

>Director of leon
>The 5th element
>La Femme Nikita
>The messenger
>Danny the Dog
wew pleb

That Lockout case was a bitch move on Carpenter's part tbph.

And only two of those are worth watching. Go back to your capeshit threads.

looks faggy

Some think.

Id never watch it if this were the case and frankly
You have shit taste at casting

Please. Carpenter sold out a long time ago, stop sucking his cock and pretending you don't want to see smartass tough guys rescue the president's daughter. The similarities were only surface level and Lockout is honestly more fun than Escape from New York.

Yes it was.
Even i do not know how the fuck he won that case

Punished Spacey

It'll very clearly be a woman who shows no emotion and encounters no obstacles, because you know, Hollywood

Big Boss

Tom Hardy. Every role should be played by Tom Hardy.

Someone posted a Carpenter tweet awhile back (I don't know if it was real or not but it pretty much summed up old bitter Carpenter to me.) It said something along the lines of "Go ahead use the (something I made) but just pay me. I'm old I could use the money. PAY ME!"

The Rock