Was he right?

was he right?
why do americans tip waitresses but not mcdonalds workers when they both make minimum wage?
are the jews to blame?

>Red cups
>having to pay for an ambulance
>Bathroom speedos
>shoes inside the house
>clapping at movies/planes taking off

why are americans so weird

they try to have a semblence of culture and identify whoever stupid it may be because they are all dirty mutts is the theory by social scientists that have been studying american culture for the last 20 years

They also drive on the wrong side of the road, what the fuck is that all about?

from our perspective you are all the weird ones

We tip them so they don’t spit in our food and we pretend that it’s because we care about their welfare, it’s a cultural thing.

The clapping is what gives the plain lift.

if you never tip and all the workers get fired for spitting in food the problem would solve itself
service industry is always looking for more workers and it requires 0 education to do

>le hard criminals casually making social commentary face

stop it

>Encourage all your undesireables to settle on the other side of the world
>Wonder why they act differently after centuries of separation
What did yuros mean by this?

>why do americans tip waitresses but not mcdonalds workers when they both make minimum wage?
1. Up until very, very recently, servers didn't make anywhere near minimum wage. They would make anywhere from $2 to $4 an hour. Nowadays there are better minimum wage laws, but it's still well under normal minimum wage. (for example, if minimum wage is $11, a server will make $7)
2. When you're at McDonalds you have to wait on line, go the condiments station to grab your shit, if you want a refill or more fries you have to get up. At a restaurant a server is basically your indentured servant.

americans will tip even if the service was trash because its custom
and besides if they didnt want to work for 7 an hour they can find another job
and as mr pink said,these people arent starving,if they wouldnt make enough money to live on they would quit
you are a cuck if you tip

>willingly take a job where the employer says he’ll pay you less than minimum wage and complain when you make less than minimum wage
Are servers, dare I say it, retarded?

>why do americans tip waitresses but not mcdonalds workers
Because you're tipping for service, you dunce.

large majority of server workers are women so yes they are retarded

Except it's illegal to pay less than minimum wage, even if the employee and employer agree. Most waiters I've met are smarter than you.

>mcdonalds cashier carries your burger from the kitchen counter to the front counter
>takes your card/money,hands your receipt and change to you
>dont tip him

he is providing a service to you but you dont tip him

>Be Ausfag
>No tipping
>Usually shit service anywhere that isn't fancy/expensive
>Visit America
>Service staff need their tips so they are all delightful
I'm still glad we don't do it here but it was pretty cool.

>americans will tip even if the service was trash because its custom
I've gone to places where I got shit service and left a shit tip.
>and besides if they didnt want to work for 7 an hour they can find another job
Uh, you do realize that in almost any sales business the tip that you pay is "built into" the price, right? Real estate, car sales, etc, etc. When you pay $10,000 for a car, a portion of that automatically goes to the salesman (no matter how much of a dick he/she is). With restaurants you decide how much you get to give.
>and as mr pink said,these people arent starving,if they wouldnt make enough money to live on they would quit
Libertarian contrarian right here

Then i guess they dont need tips, checkmate wageslaves

>>willingly take a job where the employer says he’ll pay you less than minimum wage and complain when you make less than minimum wage
Most servers make well above minimum wage in the end. In the city some make $400 a night.

>not raising the min wage to $15

Because the pay is x+ y% of tips. Tips are usually split up between kitchen staff, the hostess, and the busboys with the server getting the bigger percent.
With tips you average making more than if you were just working for a minimum wage.
It also means that if you have agood staff they get paid more without having to actually increase their wages.

So you’re saying restteraunt owners dont build in their labour costs into their pricing and it’s somehow my fault they don’t pay their employees properly, hmmmm

Without the tip based system, the price of food and drinks will skyrocket. The lower labor costs allows for lower prices. They've increased minimum wage laws and nowadays a beer costs $9 in the city.

When you pay $10,000 for a car, a portion of that automatically goes to the salesman (no matter how much of a dick he/she is

you are literally describing a wage an employee gets from his employer
they are already paid
why do i have to pay them as well?


why do europoors care so much about customs that don't effect themselves?

>artificially raise the cost of labor
>prices raise alongside it
>those that earned a job paying 16 or 18 an hour now brought down

>if you arent american you must be european

>So you’re saying restteraunt owners dont build in their labour costs into their pricing and it’s somehow my fault they don’t pay their employees properly, hmmmm
They're just following the labor laws. The profit margins on restaurants are pretty thin. Pay every server minimum wage + tips and they'd be making more than the owners. And the restaurant probably wouldn't last long (without jacking up all their prices. This is already happening and I don't even go out as much anymore. Might as well drink at home for much cheaper).

>Except it's illegal to pay less than minimum wage
It's weird with a service jobs, they have to make at least minimum wage. The employer has to pay whatever the difference between your actual take home and what you would have made working at minimum wage IF YOU FALL SHORT. But if you can't make the difference in tips then you'll probably be looking for a new job anyfuckingway.

?? How ??
>when paying servers $4 an hour, beer costs $6
>when paying servers $8 an hour, beer costs $9
How is that so hard?

You're being willfully dense if you can't tell the difference.

Higher min wage puts upward pressure on the rest of wages.

no it doesn't
read wealth of nations

>It's weird with a service jobs, they have to make at least minimum wage. The employer has to pay whatever the difference between your actual take home and what you would have made working at minimum wage IF YOU FALL SHORT.
This. Even on the worst day with zero customers, a server will be making whatever the state minimum wage is (lets say for a 7 hour shift that $63). But $63 is a garbage night for a server. On a good night (depending on the place) they'll be pulling in $150-$200 easy.

>wealth of nations

>artificially raise the cost of labor
It's not artificially raising it. It's recognizing that cost of living has increased. Seven bucks an hour 15 years ago is worth less than seven an hour now.

>was he right?
Yes. The tipping culture here is stupid as fuck and only started because a bunch of shifty businessmen didn't want to pay their employees. But it's still the cultural norm, and if you don't do it, people are going to think you're an asshole because you're shorting someone pay.

That's how cultures work; people do lots of shit that doesn't make sense, but you have to participate anyway if you want to be a functional member of society.

So then this happens

>raise minimum wage
>those that made 16-18 an hour and earned that position are brought down
>their wages go up to ~24-25 an hour
>the cost of living rises
>those that make $15 an hour are in the same exact position because cost of living will rise
>the USD is now artificially inflated

>you are literally describing a wage an employee gets from his employer
100% false.
A car salesman makes minimum wage at least whether he makes a sale or not. When you buy a car and look at the bill it will saying something like "salesman service charge", that's what goes to the salesman. The car dealership builds your tip into the final price whether you like it or not. At a restaurant/bar, you decide what you want to give.

it's not but you're just arguing with contrarians, no one actually has a point to argue they just like the "hurr wageslave hurr" meme

how can economics be outdated
america is the only country in the world with tipping and its economy is going down the drain every quarter

it's actually pretty fucking simple. servers stay with you through the whole restaurant experience, getting you whatever you want and amswerimg any questions you have.
McDicks cashiers just take your order say have a nice day and move on to the next customer.

You have the economic intelligence of a turnip.

If you double the federal minimum wage, you don't think the cost of living will substantially increase around that? Landlords won't increase rent? Food companies won't increase their prices? Housing markets won't go up? You can't force a wage to be higher and solve their problems.

Because economics isn't natural science.

prices raise regardless, it's called adjusting to the current market

Tipping is just a bullshit scheme that restaurant employers spread in order to get away with paying their employees less
>what's that, of course you need to pay extra money for the mandatory tip! After all, I only pay my staff 2 dollars an hour! eheh...

>adhom instead of refuting his point


this, i honestly don't see how people are missing this, and by people i mean the policy makers. i started at minimum wage and now make 15.75/hr and thats less than 2 years after being hired. funnily enough, hard work does pay as long as you know what you're fucking doing.

minimum wage for tip workers is like 2 dollars while minimum wage for mcdonalds is like 7.50-15 dollars depending on where you live.

its like you fags dont live in the real world.

It's like you don't know the law and if a tipped employee makes less than federal minimum wage the employer is required to pay the difference.

>an entirely different country exists apart from Europe and the two are separated by an ocean

>tipping a waiter that doesn't do an exceptional job
Is this some kind of numale thing? Why would you give an extra to someone that doesn't put in extra work or, even worse, does a shitty job?


Of course prices raise, but you're going to inflate the US dollar if everyone in America is making, at bare minimum, double more than they already are. Prices raise through the ages, but inflation will increase substantially and quickly if you double the federal minimum wage.

Prices are supposed to rise. There is an inflation target of 2% per year.

But higher wages don't increase prices 1:1, because of productivity.

How much more productivity are we going to get out of paying the IHOP waiter double what he makes now?

>18 year old sister got her first job at IHOP
>made more than i make in a month in a week in tips because shes young and pretty
boo hoo if some whore doesnt get a tip from me,she already gets plenty from other BETAS who tip

>how can economics be outdated
Because its economical theory and theories changes all the time, shit it wasn't that long ago we had no idea what inflation was and we thought gold was magic and flooding the market with it would have no effect.

Earning a steady wage should be the minimum a job rewards the worker with. If people want to tip for good service, then by all means tip, but if you're subsidising their wage instead of just giving them a little bit of extra cash you should honestly stop eating there.

>It's only okay when I do it
There was no "argument" to refute you gimboids. It was a clumsily constructed teleological statement that doesn't even follow through its own internal logic.
>Durr if you raise wages, everything else will go up too
>Never mind that costs already increase with stagnant wages
You have the economic intelligence of turnips, or are actually 12.

Tipping waitresses is the twitch whore tipping of the past.

An inflation target of 2% per year is going to be obliterated if everyone's wages are forcibly raised over the course of a few short years. There may be short term relief for those in hard times, but in the long term people are going to get fucked by inflation well over triple that of 2% a year. Think of it like this. You make the federal minimum wage from 7.25 to $15. That's over double what it is now. Now others have to raise their wages because why would someone be enticed by a $14 an hour job when $15 is the minimum? So their wages go up to ~20 or even up to 25 an hour. Costs of living are re-adjusted for $15 being the minimum, as they are today with $7.25 being the unlivable minimum and at the end of the day, so many people are making so much more money that isn't worth as much anymore.

Productivity can only be measured in the economy as a whole, not personally.

If the min wage kept track with productivity, it would be $18 today.


You dun made me hungry.

This is the biggest issue I have with tipping. Defenders of tipping say "hurr durr it encourages them to provide the best service possible!" But that's just fucking bullshit, because it assumes that higher tips are due to better service. In reality, it typically just comes down to the waitress being a young and good-looking girl who smiles. If you're a man, then you're fucked and there's nothing you can do about it. You can provide the best service possible, but Joe Blow the 60-year-old boomer only gives good tips to the young girls because it gives him a half chub for some reason and he thinks she'll blow him if he gives a good tip.

>out with my wife at a fancy 4 star french restaurant
>nigger waitress that served us could not pronounce or understand any of the french dishes
>brought bread to the table next to us but not to us when whe have eaten there before already and every patron gets bread for free without asking
>didnt know how to serve the wine properly
>took 5 minutes to ask us for dessert after we had finished our meals
>asked for the bill and left a 1 dollar tip to mock her
>wife fought me over it because "she dindu nuffin wrong maybe she was just nervous"
>wife didnt speak to me for 3 days after

why do women have to ruin everything?

Dude im a hard criminal and i still care about things

>double the workforce
>wages stagnate


There's also the fact that restaurants heavily use illegal wetback labor, thus driving down wages in that area due to oversupply.

We clap when it lands, flyovers.

>work at Starbucks
> $9/hr plus tips

You are a literal numale cuck if your wife "stops talking" to you over that.
Grow some balls you fag.

Just fucking raise the prices of food at restaurants 15% across the board and pay employees that money, then people can tip if the service is excellent

It works for the rest of the got damn world for fuck's sake!.

cant grow balls when the whore can just divorce me and take my wife and kids because this country is run by the fucking jews
I should have grown and brain and not get married in the first place
now im forced to be a bitch for life

Because waitresses don't make minimum wage, they make far less than minimum wage which is justified legally because they make tips.

THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF WHITE """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""MEN"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

if they do not earn enough in minimum wage by tips their employer is legally required to make it up for the waiter to reach minimum wage

Restaurant owners are giant babies and are convinced that this would somehow immediately force them out of business.

The US is in a sate of fighting against deflation. Higher wages all abroad are wanted right now.

Most of the time when you hear people complaining about tipping, it's from males.

why? because deep down, they want to make that kinda easy money. But they can't, because they're not like that girl. all you have to do is to be pretty and there you go, you get easy tips. That's what makes them mad. That's it's so easy.

That's not just the tipping. women on twitch. women overall who make easy money just because they look pretty. that's what makes males mad. They fucking wish they could make that kinda easy money. But they can't. Because they're not women.

It's pathetic. But what do you expect from white males....

You aren't seriously this naive, are you?

Boys can bent over too. It's there own fault fo being homophobic.

let me guess, you're white?
yeah, that's what I thought. White men are fucking pathetic. I would say to you she's fucking black guys on the side, but you already know that, don't you, you fucking cuck?

You're acting as though the rate of costs and the rate of inflation doesn't matter. Is the USD inflating slightly each year? Sure. Are costs increasing due to stagnant wages? Sure. So your solution is to make costs raise faster and to make the inflation rate higher? Who does that help?

And then it turns out that, holy shit, if you give people a bunch of money *they go and start spending it* so the economy prospers.

If everyone is scraping by and can't afford shit then the economy stalls because nobody has the money to spend buying things.

Sure, there is an upper limit to how far you can push things but it's nowhere near as low as Americans think. Mostly it's just appeals to American exceptionalism as everyone else has already figured this shit out.

You think criminals just talk about crime all day? They have opinions just like everyone else.

im asian with a white wife,race doesnt have anything to do with women being whores

Cause of prohibition. Now Americans wont stop tippping.

Oh boy, tipping threads, the height of Sup Forums discussion.

By your logic spending 50 dollars in the 1950s is not as good as spending 60 dollars today. Will people spend more money numerically? Sure. But they're spending money that isn't valued as much due to the massive, government-forced inflation. Have you ever considered for one second that the federal government isn't the answer to any problem? That maybe the people should solve their own problems?

Even worse. Asian """"""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""" are even more cucked than whites.

This is the real restaurant redpill.

>would make from $2-$4 an hour
Still do. By law they can't make anywhere under minimum wage, so if they don't get tipped the restaurant pays the difference anyway. Their jobs also rely on tips, so if everyone else is getting more money out of the diners then the one person that isn't probably won't keep their job very long. It's just a way to fuck the diner out of more money in the end. Stop sticking up for these vultures.

if you tip you are a cuckold