Why does Pennywise keep running away from the kids?

Shouldn't it be the other way around? It was the most annoying thig in this stupid film

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really makes you think

he's a pedophobe

I have never been less scared because of something advertised as a horror film. It wasn't even funny scary, it was just stale.

I like how Bev cucks the fat kid literally straight after this scene. It was very poetic

The fat kid save her life with a true love kiss and then she hangs out with the normal kid.
What's the message of the film?

>generation that doesn't have actually scary movies
>just low effort jump scares
>just surprising you over and over with no actual fear, just surprise, loud sound effect, and then a lull

cucks gonna get cucked

you mean the fat kid sexually molested her while she was in a coma right?
because that's what I saw happen

Horror films have never been scary you faggots. People still rate the Shining as one of the best horrors of all time and there's literally nothing in that film even remotely scary.

The only exception is Asian cinema. Also some indie European films are actually scary, but that's why they're indy; mainstream audiences don't actually want to be scared

Post something that would scare Pennywise

going to jail for watching a child orgy

i thought every scare scene in this movie was fucking genuinely hilarious, why did they film it like this??

Laugh all you want but that is what fucking happened.
Why should Bev be with a fat fuck just because he's funny or whatever? I really like my friends, but I don't wanna suck their dicks because I'm not attracted to them, and I don't see them assblasted over the fact we'rre not jerking each other offf. Bev isn't under obligatio to sleep with fat fucks like Haystack. Anymore than anons here should feel shity for nt fucking landwhales.

He saved her life with that kiss

He isnt as powerful as he is scary. Once they face their fears he is on the back foot.


Because they were protected by a space turtle the whole time

Well they don't face their fears, they freak out everytime he shows up but he doesn't touch them and then goes away. It's like when' you're trying to scare your little sibling with a mask but once you're right in front of them, there isn't much you can do.

Makes them taste better. Explained in the movie.

>keeps cutting to black

Don't laugh, but when I first saw the name for this movie I thought it was about Information Technology. For the longest time I kept thinking "Why the fuck are they making a horror movie about tech support?"

What about Georgie? he simply bited his hand off and got over with it

They were watching slides when he appeared on the screen

I watched the origional when I was 12. That is the appropriate way to experience IT.

Georgie was a little bitch. It didnt take much to make him taste good.

>Asian """"""""""cinema""""""""""
shut up weeb

i'll fight you

>Why does Pennywise keep running away from the kids
Damn shame that never happened in the movie, op. Damn shame.

Learn to troll, you silly faggot.

The long faced flute player was spooky.

The jew and the neurotic kid were pussies too but he still didn't get them

why did the movie failed so hard at being scary?

For a lil bitch, he didn't seem scared of the creepy clown living in the sewer

more like penny dumb lol

Did anyone actually think the kid from ST was funny here? I didn't watch ST, but he didn't do it for me as comic relief, since it was just "dude profanity lmao".

So seriously, someone explain, what was up with the bodies floating?
If Pennywise ate the kids (which we have no reason to doubt since we saw him bite Georgie's arm off and everytime he killed/was about to kill he opened his mouth with hundreds of teeth) then how were there entire bodies left behind to float?

I dare you to watch it and not think it is creepy

I've seen it in the theater yesterday and it wasn't creepy, nothing in It was.

Wow, that looks like shit. What's the kid even looking at?
You have people working on this shit frame by frame to make sure everything looks good and you still end up with this bullshit.

It's when they meet her the second time that she is actually creepy. However like every other scene with the clown, she runs away from them. Completely retarded.

Its the same in the book, Pennywise is always just about to get them but then he lets them go for some retarded reason.
Turns out that a magic turtle who vomited the universe was protecting them all along. BRAVO KING


King was on a lot of drugs. It's best not to overthink it and just appreciate it for what it is.


>dude clowns are so scary lmao!

that's a scene from neon evangelion

It's broad daylight outside though. Even if the slide cut out it wouldn't be pitch black.

The original sucks cock. There are some good parts of it but it's not even close to the remake.

The new one was made for modern americans.

sure, i've heard that one before

Since when is Pennywise so big?

Yeah, that's why it was a succes all over the world.

Would Pennywise have felt more realistic if he was played by Kevin Spacey?

It was made for the lowest common denominator.

It made as much in the US as in the whole world combined, just like Wonder Woman, this shit is tailored for american audience, of course there are also foreigners who like this kind of shit but the numbers say it caters to burgers

For you?

Because he literally just woke up. He was fucking starving hence the drooling.

That's disgusting. Who the hell is that? I thought IT was only about the clown

Can anyone tell me what happened to the kid that got bitten. Did it die? Was it even a kid from the main group? I watched IT about a week ago and already forgot most of it.
The kids only scenes were IT's only redeeming part

he started hitting the gym

The clown can change his from depending on what the kid fears the most.

just a flesh wound, he walked it off
not even meme'ing


oh, yeah I remember feeling cheated by that

because its a very old old creature when you are old you are weak
or it can also be its instinct

They only got away it with because of literal plot armor.
>Every other character like the bullies or Georgie got killed instantaneously
>But suddenly when it came to the main characters he always took his sweet time

>The kids only scenes were IT's only redeeming part

I think Pennywise would DISAGREE

hahaa that is so gay and lame

Its out? give link pls

Tim Curry Pennywise

Build their fear up you dumb sperg

I thought there were plenty of scary/creepy parts in the movie

The part where Mike is looking into the butcher shop and then you see Pennywise through the curtain

The part in the library where Ben is looking through the book and then each page is just a picture getting closer and closer to a kid's head hanging in a tree while the librarian smiles behind him all hunched over

How Pennywise affects the adults through that television show they all watch with the kids and the lady

in the book there's literally a scene emphasizing how oblivious he is to the fact that the losers keep getting away from him/kicking his ass


I just thought Bev was more into Ben than Bill because he wrote the poem

Maybe she was just into both of them, idk

why dont i remember this scene where pennywise is like that

why doesnt he just transform to be a thousand feet tall and kill everyone that way

>that awful cgi

>hardcoded Korean subtitles
the memes are real

thanks man

>japanese subs

>korean subs

And a Ching chong chang to you as well my good sir.

This movie is a textbook case of, just turn off your brain.

After he instantly eats Billy's brother the rest of the movie just has you wondering why he doesn't do the same thing for the other kids. The fear thing is a shitty cop out and you all know it.


>The only exception is Asian cinema

No this was comical, it could have been creepy but they chose to use a cgi gumby for some reason

this thread should be a reminder to never bother arguing with nostalgia fags

everything new sucks to them because their childhood was far better than their shitty lives now?

if IT take the form of the thing you're scared of the most out of the group you're with, does that make you the biggest pussy?

Biting the arm off was to scare him, the rest of him was probably super delicious after he started wailing in pain and fear.


just finished downloading it

should I watch it?

is it complete?

So are they gonna shoot part two with the adults? Do we get to see them run a train on beverly at least then?

Dude they ran that train, which was actually rape btw, when they were kids. If they did it as adults then they would have ruined the book forever.

SO why didn't IT do that to the other kids.

Why are kids talking about banging each others mom and getting their dick sucked and shit?

what the fuck? That ain't my childhood

teens in the 80s weren't castrated numales like your generation

Wait they are suppose to be teens? The glases kid looks fucking 10.


this movie wouldve been great if they turned down the fucking knob on the horror just a bit. really hope they learn their lesson and go more subtle in the sequel. i know normies love this shit but after the success of this movie, huge turnout for the 2nd is guaranteed and normies love spooky scary clowns anyhow.

What? They're in high school, that's what 14-15 year olds talk about

Shit people talked like that in my middle school

Literally paused the movie to check that thread out.

I'm at the part where the jewish kid is staring at the wall. Why couldn't he be Christian btw?

Also, this movie is very dark, I have to focus to catch all the details in the scenery.