Five tasks Justice League must complete to save the DC universe

Well, do you agree, Sup Forums?
>Find a unique DC tone that doesn’t just steal from Marvel
>ehabilitate Ben Affleck’s Batman after his early struggles
>Deliver a supervillain to stand with DC’s best
>Establish Ezra Miller as the only Flash that matters
>Give us a Superman we can finally believe in

They fucking had a unique tone before they hired Whedon

goddamn these bloggers should be burned alive



They were unique and dark. You can tell because of the blue filter.

this; man of steel was great

>Find a unique DC tone that doesn’t just steal from Marvel
Judging from the trailers hey already failed
>ehabilitate Ben Affleck’s Batman after his early struggles
Are they talking about his character in the movie or Ben actually playing Batman?
>Deliver a supervillain to stand with DC’s best
DC's only decent villain was Zod; Pretty much everyone else is just a CGI montrosity; Steppenwolf looks no different
>Establish Ezra Miller as the only Flash that matters
What we know so far:
He's the main comedy relief
He watches Rick and Morty
He hates fighting
>Give us a Superman we can finally believe in

Was about to say, then critics hammered them for not being Marvel

>trailers point to a lighthearted and more humorous tone with quips left and right
>same tone has been in the past 18 or so Marvel films with high praise and glowing reviews
>"Find a unique DC tone that doesn’t just steal from Marvel"
>score gets hindered because of this
>even though the score would still be low if they went with the less humorous route in previous DC films
The absolute state of company wars

These assholes shouldn't have slammed MoS for some of its shortcomings so fucking much because they were riding marvels jock so hard
It was a solid (if uneven) film.

That being said. Wonder Woman was a lighter tone without being a marvel flick. It still felt like a movie and not an extended Tv commercial (except for the ending which was crap)

MoS sucked and deserved all the bashing. It's their fault for not fixing it the right way, dumbass.


>the right way
And what is the right way? More poop based puns sprinkled throughout the film?

Calm down. Let's wait.

it's almost unbelievable how good MoS was (and to a slightly lesser extent, BvS, which is slighlty inferior only because of the forced JL set up scenes), of course it had to be hated by "critics" (idiot bloggers)

>Find a unique DC tone that doesn’t just steal from Marvel
>Rehabilitate Ben Affleck’s Batman after his early struggles
not happening
>Deliver a supervillain to stand with DC’s best
>Establish Ezra Miller as the only Flash that matters
no way
>Give us a Superman we can finally believe in

it's almost unbelievable how good MoS was (bvs was good as well, it is tainted by the extended universe set up scenes), then "critics" (idiot bloggers) had to ruin everything

There was no need for extended universe, marvel tier garbage. Just have a small number of heroes sharing the universe (batman, flash, superman and wonderwoman, plus a handful of minors) and have it culminate in BvS

there was nothing to fix. Studios should have ignored nerds and bloggers

So, except for the part about The Flash the same things BvS did.

Every bit of this. Also, where was their article about what Spider-Twink had to accomplish? How did they do establishing Holland as "the only Spidey that matters?" The only correct answer is "terribly."

Fuck the Mouse. Raimi for President.


lol nice bait


if you make succsesful movies, but nerds and bloggers are not pleased... copy marvel... then be accused of copying marvel

They're stupid movies that make a shitload of money. There's nothing that needs fixing with the movies. Maybe the culture that holds these silly movies up as legitimate films needs to be fixed, but no one ever said the Harry Potter films or the Twilight films needed fixing. They are what they are.

If you're a 20+ year old who critiques comic book movies as anything more than mindless entertainment, that's a problem with you, not the movie.


Suicide Squad was better than any of the Marvel movies though...

The only thing that is going to be good about justice league is Snyder’s action pieces. That’s the only fucking thing I’m paying 15 dollars to watch in IMAX. After that I’ll just watch the future dc movies on my home theatre unless Snyder is back to helm flashpoint and jl2. It sucks how they went about destroying this beautiful universe( except ss- that can fuck right off)

>to save DC universe
To save it from what?

Does this account for my non-physical digital purchases too?

Haha. Exactly. Delusional faggots wanting everything to be like their pathetic childhood. They want their comfort movies cause they are sad and lonely inside and need their quipfest heroes to make them happy

I imagine this only applies to theaters only.

It doesn't account for anything other than tickets. Bluray, tv/netflix/streaming rights, merchandise and all that stuff is on top of that

This user literally predicted there would be a push of DC thread bullshit would happen as soon as someone made mention of The Mouse's fuckery.

Isnt already a success? They even score points with the feminist.



The good and bad DC movies are seperated by their ending.

>"Take notes from Marvel! Hire them to do your movies!"
Also bloggers

>Establish Ezra Miller as the only Flash that matters
What? Literally what does this even mean?

Whedon didn't do shit other than scene reshoots and adding some quips to appease the blogging mankids. He's really just an Trojan Horse to hide Zack Snyder in since you have a the whole blogsphere who has an irrational hatred for Snyder.

>the worst part of all of them is the ending

>Establish Ezra Miller as the only Flash that matters
what the fuck are you talking about?

That we should forget TV Flash because it's a competition or some shit

Its true though. Just check Batman vs Superman, Suicide Squad and Wonderwoman. They could all be vastly improved by a different ending.

>Deliver a supervillain to stand with DC’s best
Zod was pretty good though. Better than Marvel villains

Fuck off. BvS and MoS are still the only good DC movies so far. WW would also be on that list if it wasn't for the ice skating at the end, or perfectly ruining a good DC villain once again. Snyder would be disgusted with your taste in kinography.

I know. I'm saying all of them have bad endings, so how does the ending differentiate which ones are good and which ones aren't?

Why? (asking OP, not you of course)
I also liked how quick the tv shows don't get considered "canon"
>"AoS, Agent Carter, & The Netflix shows are all part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!"
>"Iron Fist & Inhumans are certified rotten..."
>"Ike and Marvel Studios..."

>Oscar-buzzed Wonder Woman

I've not seen it yet, but it must be quite good.

This is just the media deluding themselves. The Oscar experts at Gold Derby don't even consider it a possibility for any major category.

it's not

>finally 2 things out of 17 movies and 12 seasons of tv shows is bad
>DC still hasn't made a good movie after 4 tries


It's good for a capeshit, 6/10 tops

>Oscar buzzed
Literally what would it even be nominated for outside of maybe costumes?

This. All this DCEU witch hunt has made me passionately hate the critic establishment.

Is that line about Loki actually in the film?

Nothing, even if it was a revolution capeflicks don't get nominated in serious categories.

>Snyder would be disgusted with your taste in kinography.

I don't give a fuck what that hack would think of me

>17 movies
>still no Oscar
>lost to the worst installment.

Oh and save myself some time, today.
>"B-But muh razzies!"
lol poll anyone can vote as long they shell out $40 bucks.
>"Politics! SJWs circle jerk!"
The same award ceremony that gives Oscars to Pedos and thank their rapist producers? The same annual ceremony that gave Cassey Affleck an award despite cries of him being a sleaze on set? Also SS was full of people bitching about Racism, Misogyny and Gun worship. Even when none of that was there. Who would've thought how Margot Robbie's spangled short shorts could generate lengthy essays of how problematic the movie was?
>"Participant technical trophy!"
And Disney still couldn't win that?
>"Box Office is what really matters!"
Then DCEU is doing fine for itself if is anything to go by.