* breathes in *

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>same texture on 250 million dollar justice league cyborg in 2017

where was was andy dad

i-it looks better in motion!

andy's mom was a such a milf

Why can't we have colorful car interiors like this anymore?


>this used to be ahead of its time and cutting edge

looks like something from spawn

Still better than Civil War

It's literally just blue.

>ecks dee

Don't you ever fucking reply to me again.

3D Studio Max ?

Am I looking right at his cyborg dickhole?

How many blue/red/green/ect interiors do you see in modern cars?

Is this really the best animation Americans can produce?

Not many, I'm just saying that one colour cannot be described as colourful.

damn the new JL trailer looks good

You understand the context of my question. Why are all modern car interiors so drab?

Why does that one user keep posting that picture of the woman with her baby?

>she blocked comments on her youtube channel

Top kek.

Are you fucking cucks actually attempting to insult cgi quality from 22 years ago or is this more meta-satire?

they aren't. at least one car with a colorful interior exists

try asking again without the pointless hyperbole

what was her endgame?

Post the actual picture

Post one modern car interior comparable to those available 20+ years ago for color options. I dare you.

The joke is that that the kid resemples that photo of that half black baby that's sometimes posted here with the same text.

I love this shitty meme

I'm not going to chase your fucking goalposts around, and I'm not going to post examples just so you can apply another criteria afterwards.

Post the actual picture


meant for

Was Andy's sister from the same father or was Andy's mom a whore?

So you admit that you have no counter argument and that you are just talking out of your ass to be a contrarian like most of the people on this board? K.

What crime did he commit?

This film aged like fucking milk. It looks godawful now. It's crazy how good I used to think it looked.

you asked a question and then demanded evidence

you cannot expect a counter argument when no argument exists.
I answered your first question, at least one car with a colorful interior exists. and then I refused to play your little game of fetch.
Sounds to me like you're the one having a bad time here.

there are plenty of red interiors going about

Only the characters that are supposed to be people look bad while everything else looks great. They didn't people perfect imo until Big Hero Six because I like Aunt Cass.

looks like cheap shit

>one exists so that inherently means there's still just as much choice as there was in the 70s, 80s and 90s
Fucking brainlet.

Show me a modern car interior that is composed primarily of one color that isn't black, grey or a shade of brown. They don't exist.

you're the fucking brainlet
you asked: Why are ALL modern car interiors so drab?
You were informed that not ALL of them are. I told you to ask your question properly and you're still actively refusing to, yet you behave like you initially asked the question properly and everyone else is being unreasonable.

What made you this way?

Do you promise to say "okay one exists" and not "that doesn't count because of X"?

I'm not playing your game until you agree to a set of rules.

Still haven't shown me one interior that wasn't based primarily upon a drab color. Black, grey and earth-tone browns are all considered objectively drab in nature.

Well look at a lexus rx350 red interior i think it compares well to that

plenty of red at the geneva motor show this year

Oh and new mercedes have interior lighting with lotsa colors

because as soon as i do you'll claim it doesn't count for some reason. I've been on this site for too many fucking years to get into that song and dance yet again.

On Sup Forums and Sup Forums specifically, where it's an endless waltz of
>show me ONE thing that does that
>okay here
>I meant a GOOD one

>seats and door handles are the only red things
>literally everything else is black

do you reckon her dildos used to get up and talk to each other and go on adventures whenever she left the room?

and there it is
>doesn't count because of conditions i'm making up as we go


probably selling crack

>>Still haven't shown me one interior that wasn't based primarily upon a drab color. Black, grey and earth-tone browns are all considered objectively drab in nature.
I'm waiting.

I mean you can always do diy. Aston martins have a cool brown interior btw

God astons are sexy cars. My dream to drive one




Cheating a bit since Aston Martin let you choose all the colours of the interior and exterior and make the car to order


use google you nonce

This thread has turned from Toy Story into people discussing car interior colors.


You can do that with any car if you aren't a poor faggot, you poor faggot.


because one autist can't stop speaking in hyperbole

Blue is literally more colorful than white, black, or gray.

Wouldn't the autists be the ones who take hyperbole literally?


This, but don't let the autists now

the dog looks terrible

sure is a hairy fella

damn what original xbox game is this?

I remember 1995. A good year for everything except Bosnia and wrestling.