ITT: Biopics you would watch

ITT: Biopics you would watch


It's already been done and it's amazing.

Manhunt was ridiculously good.

>t. brainlet
Kaczynski was a pioneer in several fields of mathematics and had an IQ higher than all your family members combined, you mutt.
Is it really good? Or is it "dude muh cabin lmao"?

Man Ted really has that true slav look to him.

Paul Bettany is so fucking good in it,he portrays Kaczynski's "autism" and hermit-like personality really well.

The last two episodes are depressing as fuck and make you feel hard for the guy,definitely didn't deserve what happened to him.Watch it.

What happened between '62 - '94 were those his seclusion years?

Is that the guy from Superman 2?

He got his doctorate in '67, he moved to Montana sometime in the 70s.

Huma the movie

I can't man. I know the story and I don't need a dramatization. The CIA hijacked everything good that could have come out of post-WW2 America and turned it into the fucking horror show we see today.

He found anime.

Fucking CIA niggers they all glow in the dark.

He learned about the JQ




I hope they show case his blatant acts of treason.

the dialogue is a bit cheap but its a pretty decent show

Any other country would try him as a war criminal by proxy.

Truly the peak of human physical prowess

I like how they always portray Nixon as some paraonoid nut job but he was actually spot on.

>Documents show that Kissinger delayed telling President Richard Nixon about the start of the Yom Kippur War in 1973 to keep him from interfering. On October 6, 1973, the Israelis informed Kissinger about the attack at 6 am; Kissinger waited nearly 3 and a half hours before he informed Nixon