Fuck this shit. fuck this fucking lame coward show and their sudden need for shock value...

fuck this shit. fuck this fucking lame coward show and their sudden need for shock value. who the fuck they think they are to kill samwise fuckin gamyi?
fuck this fuck

>sudden need for shock value
>implying the first season is not guilty of it too

Fuck off normie.

plus, the demogorgon has to be the most boring monster design in the history of television

I just didn't like the entire feel of this season. The first season was all mystery and intrigue. Here was more action drama and no real questions to be answered that are that big.

I knew he was going to die the first scene he showed up. Will's mom ends up with Hopper.

For sure the first season was a lot more 'intriguing', but this season really nailed a more 'horror' feel I thought. I think it did a good job creating a certain vibe, that was anxious, dark, and dare I say, Lovecraftian, while still maintaining its core

i thought he was going to be a vspy/villain or something like pic related. Y'know, the whole "moms boyfriend is evil" trope.

They could have at least let him kill a demigorgon or whatever it's fucking called before they killed him off

I shed a tear for that provider, rip lad.

>thinking beta males are okay

chad cop is going balls deep in wills mom get over it

Thanks for the spoilers, OP.
This is why bingewatching was a mistake.

I bingewatched because my coworkers bingewatched and I was tired of us having to tiptoe around each other.

i know they had to have a character die to give normies something to chatter about but based bob was a mistake. he was actually the most likeable character on the show and not completely disposable like barb.

should have been jonathan

>waaah im from Sup Forums and I identify with this fat goofy loser white guy waaaah why did you have to kill him waaahhh

It shouldn't have been Bob because he was introduced recently, if they were gonna aim for shock value then they should have at least do it right and not go for the most obvious option.

That's the guy from Workaholics?

Bob wasn't even supposed to have any kind of big part this season. They wrote his character as a bigger part because the showrunners ended up loving Sean Astin so much.

just finished the last ep

here's to hoping william is actually a character in the third season and not a fuckin sack of potatoes plot device and BASED fucking billy gets more screentime and the diversity squad doesn't turn back up. overall pretty good though. if the first season was a 7/10 this ones probably a 6. all the likeable relatable characters are still as great, the nostalgiac atmosphere is still present but it started off kind of meandering and ended up being mostly a retread of season 1. hope they invent something fresh for season 3.

I agree OP.
There was no reason to kill him other than pull some Game of Thrones shit.

>bring a new character to the set
>"uh he's a dork and doesn't affect the show if he is in it or not"
>let's kill him on the most dumb way possible
>lulbler: I CRIED
>me: this some bullshit


>tfw you like pretty much the entire main cast, and don't want to see any of them get killed off
>tfw you just know that someone's going to get it before the series is over

>Character is one-dimensional, utterly faultless, highly intelligent, quintessentially good and selfless
>Expect him to be a mainstay in the cast
Despite how likeable Bob is, he's not actually an interesting character to watch.

As if the other characters were that complex.

>new member of the gang is literally poochie
>new big monster looks like candlejack

I mean I get they're not trying to be very original here but they could have put more effo

Probably didn't have the budget to keep him on.

>diversity squad
It was Chicago, not a rural Indiana town.

I hope Sean Astin keeps showing up in these supernatural shows just to die in less than a season like this and The Strain.

The point isn't the degree of complexity in the other characters, the point is that regardless of that they're more complex than Bob because he isn't complex at all.

Yeah, you're right.

I forgot that SJWs and dumb feminist watch this shit too.

>boring chubby smart dude gets killed
>muh stud flirts with mums should live
>muh independent little girl should be stronger than bois
>muh black boi kissin red head is totally normal in the 80s

fuck off

ah shit I forgot he died in The Strain

I don't really understand the addition of an actor like Sean. Is it because of the goonies? He's a good actor but most normies don't even think about him (my girlfriend has never watched LotR or Rudy), so his addition is probably too expensive.

That being said, Bob's character was really enjoyable and his death was unwarranted. If they made him out to actually be a Russian Spy it would have been great.

You goddamned fool. Why would you even mention Candlejack? Everyone know's he wi......

no, child, all the characters of the show were very much 1 dimensional
the last bit where they pan around the cabin in the woods just illustrated how fucking 1 dimensional all the cast w ere

chad cop and the doctor were probably the only characters with real depth
the point of having character depth means the character has developed through actions in the show

all the kids are very much 1 dimension, and petty child romance was a joke in representation and showed how awful all the cast were at even emoting the most basic of emotions

Is Sean that different from Winona?

What the fuck are you talking about? This isn't political, you retarded faggot. Basic storytelling requires characters who are composed of both positive and negative traits. This has been the case since the fucking Epic of Gilgamesh. Bob doesn't have any substantial negative traits. You can't sustain a character who is completely monotone.

Hard to do when you get a cast and give them big contracts though. Can't kill off a MC in the second season when they're contracted for 3-4 seasons.

Steve or Johnathan would have been the best choice. John because he probably has the best "heart" of anyone on the show (aside from Bob), Steve because he's a fan favorite and probably the best character. Either death would have been tragic.

>Sup Forums gets emotional over the cuck dying

Seems about right.


>You can't sustain a character who is completely monotone.
>he needed a negative trait
>the series would be ruined if, for once, a single mother would be happy with a side character no one would care about
>let's kill that one side character no one cares about because he will ruin the series

Bob was interesting because he subverted every expectation you had for him, besides his death. He was genuinely nice, caring, understanding, and most importantly useful/competent. Part of why I like Rider’s character is that she’s competent when fired up.

No one liked him anyway, not even his girlfriend or her kids

This tbqh. None of the characters are particularly bad. They're all likable, just some are less likable than other (John in particular) but I think it has a lot more to do with writing.

I like the idea of John. I think they should have made him more of a reject though, and he should have had some serious consequences for leaving his brother alone to go see Nancy. I mean him caring for his brother and being a creep are his main attributes, I think him leaving Will was sort of out-of-character and Nancy likes him way too much.

name one 3 dimensional character on the show


Are you people so fucking retarded that you can't understand the notion that, even if the Stranger Things' characters aren't deep in any other context, compared to Bob they're still deeper than him?

i stayed away from Sup Forums for 3 days because of this, it's your fault tbqh.

>utterly fautless
>partly responsible for will getting skullfucked by the mindflayer

Hopper and Steve are the only complex characters on the show, so it makes sense that they would be fan favorites.

>characters are deeper than bob
>black boi is deeper than bob
>all he does is complain
>he has nothing special
>he's just black
>deeper than bob

nice try faggot

That's not really a personal flaw. He was trying to help his stepson overcome what he thought was PTSD. He can't really be faulted for a lack of knowledge about shit that's being conspiratorially covered up.

fair enough but
>clumsily left his gun AND
>let the broom drop out of the closet
>utterly fautless


Idk. I feel like Sean has a lot more cachet as an actor than she does. Not that she isn't famous. But recently. Sean has 2 arguably 3 very prominent roles that people know him for, Winona was pretty much gliding on small parts and shit projects for a decade+ until Stranger Things came along.

I wish he was a Russian Spy. I thought he seemed sort of sinister when talking to Will about facing the monster.

It's on you. You should know better.

When are we going to see more of GOAT Modine?

>Why does no one ever mention Astin classic Rudy?

Him unnecessarily leaving the gun is fair, but chalking up him accidentally knocking a broom over one time to a personal flaw is a real fucking stretch.

It was written for him to die by a stupid cause, no one in this world would be this idiotic.

>It's a fictional show
>It was written

Killing Steve you shut it

What is wrong with you that you think it makes sense to have a deliberately pointless and irrelevant major character in any story whatsoever?

>implying a pistol would do shit for dick against the demidogs

Hopper was unloading on them with that M16 and it did nothing to them when they were on solid ground, the only time bullets did anything to them was when they attempting to climb up to Hopper and Eleven hanging on the elevator

He didn't know that.

I liked him, bob the bum is super thicc and Stranger Things' best husbando.

I remember one of the demodogs getting put down with a 12g. But it seems like "small" things don't affect them very much, seeing as Steve's +1 Spike Bat seems to do more against them than rifles and pistols do.

Except it didn’t get put down by the 12 gauge, it just lost its footing on the elevator after getting blasted with the 12 gauge and fell back down the shaft

Hopper and Eleven would have been screwed if they weren’t suspended in the air

He was so perfect. Joyce needed him. Will and Jonathan needed him.

Fuck off, reddit. Not everything is about Sup Forums or white males. Bob was a genuinely likeable character.


If you didn't see him as canon fodder the second he was shown on screen, you might be mildly retarded.

Don’t even fucking talk about killing steve

i don't remember, was it bob that drew the picture of bob newby: superhero? or was it will?

God forbid a decent, ordinary man be allowed to live and succeed. We can't be having that! They needed to have him get eaten alive to make sure that Winona ends up getting porked by the asshole with a heart of gold. What a load of shit.

And they turned Steve into a fucking cuck. "He's a decent guy, better write his character so that his girlfriend cheats on him, he gets his ass kicked (by the guy that's gonna fuck Mike's mom), and ends up hanging with preteens."

Don't even get me started on the shoehorned bowl of mixed nuts.

>Expect him to be a mainstay in the cast
Mike didn't do jack shit this season and he's the lead

trouser-wise, barb

Likeable new character added to the cast - nope, can't have that lol, bye.

Top writing

Steve broke up with Nancy you fucking retard.

You're being willfully retarded.

No, they broke up after Nancy brushed off Steve's concerns the next day. When they were both sober.
Nancy = Bullshit
Steve = Not a shit

Billy gets possessed by mind-flayed and terrorizes the kids in classic slasher fashion.