Are you looking forward to the new Tomb Raider movie?

Are you looking forward to the new Tomb Raider movie?

How badly did they fuck up with the Lara casting?

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id probably cum on the first pump desu

I like Alicia but she's no Lara Croft.

and I never played the new games, do they still have a bunch of crazy supernatural shit in them or are they more straight adventure?

they have undead armies, both of them

Why not Enji as new Tomb Raider

nu-lara is dumb survival/adventure - it's fine game, but blaaah "Tomb Raider", puzzles are laughable, difficulty is close to zero, lot of shoting and shits
they are very short too. remember spending weeks with "The Last Revelation" (that one located in Egypt) while these are +/- several hours of gameplay

God, I can only get so erect.

there isnt a single actress who has this body type and can act

how bout that girl who voiced nu-Lara?

>How badly did they fuck up with the Lara casting?
Horribly. Not a single strong independent black woman to be seen

Dat flat tummy


What's her endgame?

Peak female performance

Dry the balls of every man on earth.

Sneding muh dick into the stratosphere

Happy to report misson accomplished captain, bring our boys home

My dick


white "men"


>that ass jiggle


pls stop these webms. my dick just can't anymore.

No. Alot.

WEW lad




Fuck you, nu-lara moaning makes me go diamonds, worth every single shekel

>enji will never sit on your face
why do we live?

ye lara is hot, more human and Camilla Luddington voice is lovely, but games are blaah
love lara deaths compilation tho ;)

>that spoiler
Divine taste, hope you have a wonderful week

of course, but nothing beats classic lara, well Anniversary had cool ways to go too
loved steping on midas hand just to see her turning gold

Literally anime character-tier fanservice body.

She's really self conscious about her body and says girls on /cgl/ bully her

She made an instagram post not too long ago that really sounded like it.

man /cgl/ was a mistake

>girls on /cgl/ bully her

Because they are jealous

Yeah, i still love that jump she made when shooting
Is this supposed to be bad?

Enji 2B cosplay when?

Why do girls care about what other girls think about how they look? Mystifying



>via Android
Isn't the Imgur?

>crabs in a bucket

Women were a mistake

yeah, but what a pump that would be

Why does she have to be so autistic? Can someone just invest a lot of month in teaching her to act please?

I can never get over how cucked half the internet is whenever there's a woman on their screen

jealous of those hips

If these women had likable personalities they wouldn't dress up in skimpy costumes and parade around convention centers for the attention of neets.

Oh look jelly roasties showed up

I know right! Shes need to stop having fun.

No wonder you're single user.

/cgl/ is unironically one of the worst boards on this site. Its only saving grace is that its users stick to it. But it's like the fucked up bitchy lovechild of tumblr and Sup Forums

masculinity is bad, feminity is bad. only brown twinks and trannies from now on

Come on guys

you are seething with envy lmao

Dude, fuck off. She's hot as fuck. But have you ever watched any of her videos? It's frustrating that aesthetically near perfect yet insufferable as a person
There's probably truth in this.

big moonfaced asians and men from the darkest heart of africa allowed only.

based af

Is it really that bad?

Nah I'm just guessing man, she's fucking super hot with that face and those hips. She looks nice enough I'm just saying these people obviously aren't content with a regular nobody life.


>no muscles
>fat thighs
>unfit and not sporty

You’re just a virgin autist, tb h

>posting that faggot on here of all places

At least take that shit to Sup Forums.


A girl like her will have attention regardless of what she does, unlike your usual average cosplayer, i can only thanks god because she does this and for the miracle that is the ffxv chick cosplay

Take the cartoonish caricature of what the redditfags that currently infest Sup Forums *think* Sup Forums is like.
Now take the exact polar opposite. That's /cgl/. Basically a massive unironic tumblr outpost that represents the opposite of the zeitgeist of the rest of Sup Forums.

>fat thighs
You mean fat proportionate thighs perfectly crafted for zr, thighhighs, heels, leggins, leather pants, garter belts and a lot of other things other anons can appreciate as well you must be a genuine faggot if you can't see the appeal


Does she do wheat fields?

>those child bearing hips





>nobody has posted dani daniels' lara croft cosplay yet

What are you waiting for then?

I would kill everyone in this thread to bury my face in her crotch while she puts me in the warmest headscissor imaginable.

had me a giggle at this.

>she will never save you from a robber and sit on your face as payment




>Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at.


is she the new lara in new movie?


jesus i wanna punch that guy playing spiderman fucking faggot

Thanks, lads. Been needing to start an Enji folder for a while now.

Ha. Hahaha. Ha. No.

body so unreal, it looks like a videogame

She's made of pure Hnnghhh!

who is that charming young lad?


there has literally never been a good Tomb Raider game.

>is she the new lara in new movie?
Hahahahahahahahaha no. This is just a thinly-veiled cosplay thread.
>I'm considering posting momokun just to derail this shit


The daughter of Barry Manilow has nothing to do with this.

This shit is going to bomb like Baywatch

>Maybe if we try to change the definition of sexy the public will fall for it.

top fuckin kek
this fridge