Three fucking season in

>three fucking season in
>still can't figure out if she's hot or not
fuck is her problem?

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Solid 5/10

shes not, she has a shrunken troll doll face and head

Her tits were 10/10 in this episode

she has incredibly many flaws but somehow still can make the mind of a man consider her hot. respect to that.

who is this goddess?

>five head
>shit nose
then again
>horrible makeup

She's... shit, still don't know.


Schrödinger's face

you forgot to add
>fish mouth
>weird chin
>wonky eyes

now that I think of it. I really think she's a fish demon caught in a human body

The mouth and chin are alright unless you're one of those fags who likes women with manjaws.

The eyes -are- wonky but I mean so much of that could be "fixed" with proper makeup. She really is fukken weird.


>The mouth and chin are alright
No they aren't fitting into the rest of her facial anatomic structure. Mouth too far forward and chin too regressive. Nothing to do with her jaw, that's fine.

Do Americans really do this?

You need to get me a profile shot. I think it's mostly to do with her having north euro hair (and brows) and not having north euro features and just being a weak chin grill.


you're welcome. it's from the first episode

They're fine afaic. Slightly bigger than normal lips but when were those ever a problem? You wanna fix something you go to the nose. Also that crappy hair.

shes's hot

and yet again this proves brunette>blonde

she isn't exactly hot in the commonly used sense. she might be beautiful objectively but for some people she's plain and ugly

I just want this show to end at this point.
90% of what happens doesn't even matter.
It's so obvious Esmail is going for a cop-out finale where The Dark Army discovers time travel and Elliot wakes up 9 years old.

Still normie at heart, no sexual appeal unfortunately

>Mr. Robot, I'm Lesbo

So is this show actually any good? Sure see it shilled a lot here

Its one of those shows where you watch it just to see what retarded asspull plot twist they're gonna throw at your face at the end of the season. This was especially bad in season 2, where practically nothing happened until the finale


well we all have different tastes

>this kills the show

hmm, still not sure. but she is better as a brunette, that's for sure.

quit wasting your thoughts on this tramp and focus on best girl.

rip in piss

She looks great as a brunette. I would ask her out on a date.

no thanks

I almost always prefer brunette but I like her blonde for some reason.
I think it's because she gives the impression of an albino nigress, a borderline attractive one.
Which is a super rare "shiny pokemon" you wanna catch asap with your penis in her vagina

She's a big girl

she looks like a fucking junkie in this show. she was better in suburgatory.

Thats because you're a faggot.

calm down, virgin.

she looks bad with blonde hair



>Thats because you're a faggot.

>not projecting
lol, smart kid.

the junkie look is half the appeal.

just a junkier version of Julia Roberts. Fucking yuck, no thanks.

>dark hair
>blue eyes
a hit in any man's league.

doesn't look anything like julia roberts, faceblind chink.

>>still can't figure out if she's hot or not
She isn't m8.

jews are not attractive, all they want is to deplete you of resources.

she can deplete me of my cum

Did they get bigger? She is definitely hotter this season.

not surprised if true. haven't seen season 3 yet

she's confirmed as a lesbian in the current episode (4). darlene says it and she doesn't deny.

She's just a discount KStew

>chinese drag/transvestite
what's next?

black jew

so... jews are just women?

thought pol gave the show up

they literally had a nigger fuck the blonde already. there's nowhere to go but pedophilia at this point.

they dabbled with that, first scene of the first season is about it, kinda

Like an ethiopean jew or a black hebrew israelite?

Hebrew Israelite would be fun.

talking about it in a negative way. that's not pushing sjw boundaries, that's downright wholesome.

oh theyre not there yet, were not there yet. thats why theyre pushing the tranny thing right now, its all just stepping stones for their "progressive ideologies"