Cast these 4 cats with actors

cast these 4 cats with actors

>Lucy Liu
>steve buscemi
>that gook hooker from FMJ
>brad pitt in thelma and louise



Cast this cat

Is this caturday yet?

check these 4 fours with 1 actor

I don't know, is it?


These are pretty accurate. Impressive.

cats are for fags and chicks

brad durif

Impressive. Very nice.

The real question is who will be cast as best cat

Is pic related the only actually good cat kino out there? Or is there more?

you have much to learn

tl alan rickman
tr john goodman
bl michael cera
br michael cera

hmmm, what's this about? Never heard of this one.

cast this cat with a dog


A cat licks some chemical that falls off a truck, turning it human. It's a dutch flick

sounds goofy. Ah, what the hell...


my cat is more adventuresome than you

It's comfy

my neighbour's cat is bigger than yours

cast him


what does it say

pretty sure it's just Die but that 2nd character could be something else
maybe "now die"

Alright. I saved it anyway


>jacobs ladder remake with a full cast of cats
fund it

i would watch the fuck out of that

Ken Watanabe, Chris Farley
Sandra Bernhard, Kevin Hart

Fuck man, he does look like Watanabe


This. Dogs are a man's pet.

Osoi means slow. Like "too slow".

Die is Shinu, "Die!" (imperative) would be Shine! The second character is hiragana and indicates that it is an .i adjective. These Japanese adjectives behave like verbs which is the reason they are conjugated (and have hiragana endings).