Has Christopher Meloni played an important role in anything of note beside Oz?

Has Christopher Meloni played an important role in anything of note beside Oz?

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i dunno i always get him ixed up with elias koteas

Uh Law and Order SVU hello.


*makes millions of teen boys come to realization they're gay*

Gene in Wet Hot American Summer is objectively his best role.

wasn't he Casey Jones in the first TMNT

Are you stupid OP? Should you be posting with a helmet on?

How the fuck does he pull off that hairline?

This. Surely everyone knows him as Detective Stabler.

autism: the character

I used to watch some episodes of this from time to time when I was a teen but none of it stuck beside the intro.
Is it worth a rewatch now that I'm older? All I remember is that it was gritty crime drama.

No, thats Elias Koteas.

See here:

Fear and Loathing

wtf, i swore this was the same guy

he fought Faora in man of steel

>there is 1 person in this thread.

what kind of bullshit is this timeline? I thought it was the same guy all along.

he was in cawadooty

One is a greek, the other a wop

Law & Order is shit

If you like Law and Order sure. And unlike Law and Order, where McCoy's the only interesting character, SVU has a larger and much stronger cast.

He's too busy crying about Trump on Twitter.

butthurt snowflake detected

Also, I just saw he has an upcoming comic book adaptation tv series by syfy called Happy!
Anyone read the comics? From the trailer it looks really budgety.

What do you mean by snowflake?



The comic was okay

>cunts that made Crank
It'll be campy fun like Blood Drive.


He was based Elliot Stabler for the best seasons of SVU. Loosse cannon kino.