Why do the bad guys keep winning?

Why do the bad guys keep winning?

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>Spaniards are openly pedos

Nothing new here

She looks like a 30 year old man

What the fuck

the jew rats have to normalize it quickly now that they're being brought down in hollywood

>cunnyism will soon be accepted


this can't be real...

Fake, but that won't stop Sup Forumscucks like from shrieking about it.

burn it all down

>society starting to move back into traditional values where women were married young

Feels good man

Give me the fucking link this is bullshit


Chosen by who?

>Why do the bad guys keep winning?
that's a really good question op

It's real, just translated from Spanish


13 years old girls are already active
you would know this if you weren't all virgin or 40 years old

Yeah okay


protip: it's not for you, it's not for the sake of old values, it's not to your benefit

female hypergamy among exclusively 8+/10 males will continue except now if you're even lucky enough to procreate and have a daughter Chad will be picking her up for their date and subsequent whole body orifice deflowering at 12.

just like how all the 13 year olds now are being fucked by the 16 year old Chad stars already

>they think female pedophiles don't exist
>they think female pedophiles aren't at least as common as male pedophiles

I was molested by women multiple times throughout my childhood (aunt, babysitter, some lady who visited us at school (most likely put up to it by one of the teachers)), and when I was very young (younger than Finn is now) I had my first relationship with a 17 year old.
The schooling system is CRAWLING with women who are there just for little boys (or girls, too). When I was with that 17 year old I thought it was the coolest shit in the world of course. That she actively tried to make me feel like shit all day long and psychologically abused me just seemed like the price I had to pay. Someone that age who wants to have sex with someone younger than her (even more so with a 27/14 relationship) has severe issues and is out to hurt and control someone. /ss/ might seem like fun (and ironically I'm almost exclusively attracted to older women), but it's a horrible psychological event that only hurts the boy. Don't fall for this shit just because it makes your cock hard.
>b-but it's just lust on their part and I think it's cool to fuck an older girl/woman!
I know you think it's cool. So did I. However, a woman who wants such a thing is inherently a horrible person who gets off on immaturity and the ability to hurt someone like that. STAY FAR AWAY

If there are any 13/14/15/whatever year olds reading this, please take my advice. Don't do it. Not worth it. Even telling the story to anyone IRL will hurt. There's a reason EVERYONE who experiences this kind of thing says it fucked them up.

>intergenerational sex,

false flag paid by russia pls be

NAMBLA used to openly march with gay rights groups in the early 90s or whenever before they were ousted for public image and relations concerns.


Its very real

as faggotry became more acceptable they had to exclude some of the more deviant groups. basically bitchy women trumped pedofags

i don't get it, she wants him when he's legal, nothing wrong with that

By Gods Chosen

The good guys are winning

oh no, normal human behavior. its always been natural to be attracted to 13 year olds.

Pathetic pedo sympathizer

Because you haven't punched them in the face yet

how did they touch you

I really hope they're trolls.I wonder what made then move on to Black Lives Matter.

This is NAMBLA kino, along with the O&A bit making fun of it

To be fair, most people, gays included, didn't realize they were a pedo group. Even today you'll encounter people who think "boy lover" just means gay, not someone who likes literal "boys".

Is this a femped thread now?

are those nambla guys patrician pedos, or just degenerate pederast faggots?

>w-why do you want to be a woman faggot

Sup Forumstards need to be purged

Everywhere. And it really wasn't sexy. The babysitter actually hurt me a lot (I was around 3/4 and she tied me to the radiator and molested my ass with a little toy car she briught with her. She also kept pushing my face into the radiator (turned off) and pulling my hair.

>bad guys

more like /ourguys/, am i right fellas?!

>they gave me chocolate the mean ladies. I didn't wanted it at the time, damn they are so bad grrrrr.

>anti Sup Forums spammer is pro child abuse
Of course

they are being allowed representation in leftist groups again as pedophilia is subtly normalized as yet another stage of the slippery slope, EQUALITY FOR ALL trumping all other reasoning

this is a load of absolute shit, South Park of all things had an episode featuring them during their golden era and "North American Man Boy Love Association" outs them immediately, what other purpose is there to including both Man and Boy followed by Love? the basic fucking syntax is obvious you disingenuous fuck

they're faggots who are attracted to young boys, there is literally no justification for it in nature or elsewhere, unlike men being attracted to young girls which might at least have some vague basis in proper natural sexual urges (meaning heterosexuality)

pedophilia is one thing, homosexual pedophilia is an aberration upon an aberration, they're degenerate pederast faggots user

Leyland is a true patrician

calm down there ahmed, this is from Spain which is a very anti-israel country

why is Sup Forums so concerned about kiddies? Is it because you long to have what you will never have yourself?


Fuck all pedos, who could ever find this attractive?

It was never implied or even mentioned in that post that he is pro or anti anything you absolute idiot

>Sup Forums pushes pedophilia degeneracy on this board
>Cries about this

what's their endgame?

He was supporting wineburger too before. It really isn't a surprise he's ponchos abuse as well. Your days are numbered pedo freak

Did they fug though?

>there is literally no justification for it in nature or elsewhere
The founders of Western Civilization would like to have a word with you retard

>they're faggots who are attracted to young boys, there is literally no justification for it in nature or elsewhere
Start with the Greeks

>implying women can be sexual predators
Uh no sweetie

cd was as proffessional as it gets. pretty sure taking pictures of young girls in cute costumes is less traumatizing for them than living in the average american nuclear family

What the fuck is wineburger

Finn on the other hand is actually sexy as fuck

Real in that the sign exists, that sign was up for like ten seconds before the people behind it realized what it said



Some probably were molested, cd was black business though, parents were told the kids were doing normal clothes photoshots.

Qt af

>i held it up i just didn't read it
>oh uhh the guy who brought it just sort of left but i swear honestly none of us brought it

The first post featuring the picture on twitter was an alt-right guy saying how clever it is, they're going to do this and pretend to be Antifa


if there were left and right wing people there with cameras, why would the left-wingers be the ones to upload a photo they took which showed their friends in a negative light?

Sup Forums's traffic has been on a steady rise since moot left. Not only does he get cucked by his gf, he gets cucked by chinese moot too.

1. Nambla are homos.
2. msm don't want to normalize pedophilia, because that's a useful tool for ostracize disidents. Pedohysteria was pretty much invented by msm.

fucking chileANOS


I hope pedo's start to come out openly advocating for their degeneracy as it will make it easier to target and cull them from society.

>8 from months ago vs Hundreds of ANTIFA spam to this day

Really made me think.

kek. you could say that from tons of shady slavic agencies, but you choose precisely the japanese one that was actually proffessional, you retard

She's not even that cute, wtf.

Why not go with Moner if you're into jailbait?

Parent company which funds Nabmla also funds BAMN, a prominent activist group

shes legit ugly

here's the issue, if they called her the prettiest it wouldn't bother anyone, but calling her sexy means that her body is sexually desireable, while she still has the body of a literal child

Traffic increase is a horrible fucking thing you fucking idiot

In the end, the Jews always win.

they were people affiliated with Mike Cernovitch, some annoying e-celeb rightwing writer. They wore masks to look like antifa and did the false flag. It wasn't hard to do and it only lasted a minute, but the optics were strong. Too bad they're retarded and literally told people they were doing it before hand.

Is this the best jailbait they could find?
Millie looks terrible.

sounds like damage control to me

>Why do the (((bad guys))) keep winning?
because they still control our media... for now

Not for the owner of the website who profits off the ad revenue you fucking idiot.

which part? They admitted to it, and the first post of the image is one of them laughing how they're doing it, then Thernobitch's post a little after claiming its antifa

>Ppl against pedophiles must be Sup Forums.

Lol The absolute state of libcucks. Please keep pushing this.

If you do any research you will see that it was a Alt right joke. There is footage of them realising what it said and dropping it and asking who the hell handed them the banner.

IKR. Get that redhead from dog with a blog, or travis barker's daughter instead

Not sure what red and blue signify in this pic. It seems to have fallen for the “left is government right is freedom” meme, having placed fascism on the left and “anarchy” on the right - and yet liberalism is on the left rather than right. This weird mish mash of economic theories, political ideologies, popular sentiments and ideas - as well as their counterintuitive categorisation - implies a distinct lack of knowledge and familiarity with political philosophy on the part of the creator. The shitty gross design, which doesn’t even have the pleasure of looking humbly makeshift, it just looks like they had no idea how to make something that looks good. I’m afraid I will have to pass on this idea of Total Merchant Control for now.

Hmm, I wonder who could be behind this post

well biologically shes an adult

Did they cast her because she sort of looks like the clown?

>he's dumping the drumpf folder again

Her brain isn't even fully developed.

Being able to have puppies it's not the only thing that makes you an adult.

The entire show I was thinking "why did they cast someone so ugly?"