‘X-Men’ Director Bryan Singer Faces Multiple Accusations of Sexual Harassment and Assault

Who's next?


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I'm starting to think we hijacked this movement through clickbait/freewriting sites and used liberals against themselves because they cannot be this retarded on their own. Why would you willingly wither your own ranks.


This. Isn't this old news? I heard a website is already writing an article on Dan Scheider?

Only bonus points for faggotry is the easy sex. These twinks are just pissed because they did not get enough speaking lines, so follow the trend and money.

literary nothing, yet in todays world, it is everything.

Not everyone thinks politics are football teams like you

Will they get him this time?

Who could have seen this coming?

Motherfucker please. Liberals are as tribal as any other camp, more so considering the sick shit that has obviously been 'known' around their circles for years. You do not leverage your power that openly amongst these people, for decades without thousands of people knowing.

Hollywood is pinnacle of 'who you know' career practices.

Either you're most delusional shitbag on this site or you're rusing me.

leftists have a tendency to eat their own in this manner, it's nothing new, but the fact these major Hollywood players are being allowed to be outed, regardless of whether they're going to face any actual major consequences in the long run, should make you think

holyweird and their pedophile and sex for favors shit is no secret to me nor do I doubt it in my mind but this entire cruicifixtion of people based on ACCUSATIONS is a PSYOP to condition the masses better to "LISTEN AND BELIEVE"

what do you mean you don't believe her claim that guy raped her?

Look at that face, is that a face of rapist?

Singer was accused by some guy on twitter yesterday. THe account was mysteriously deleted soon afterwards. Singer's protected
This won't stick

Did he died?

Well he was target of blackmail before with that documentary. I don't see it sticking either but I mean Weinstein was pretty fucking powerful. I mean how many oscars did Jlaw get?


I guess McAvoy is taking over

>youre either liberal or on the "right"
grow up nigger political ideologies are as diverse as your moms STD's, not everyone is "in on it"

>a Cambodian crotchet forum made celebrities spill the beans on each other
The delusion in this post, you haven't hijacked shit believe it or not the vast majority of things in the world happen independently of what you do in your parents basement.

Hollywood actors aren't all part of this one cohesive liberal agenda to destroy america and "muh white race", they're largely a bunch of ambitious back stabbing individuals who jump on what ever moral crusade is popular at the time, atm its exposing producers and directors that abused there power.

>this post

this is wrong, that's hydrocephalus on the right

how much longer does he have if even the president couldn't stop him


>Liberals are turning against pedophiles and abusers because they have a moral fiber. How stupid are they? lol

No way, not Bryan Singer!! He would never!!!

John Travolta or Tom Cruise

>Allows them to victimize people for decades
>Turns 'against them'
>After 30 years of deviant behavior
>moral fiber
>This post

He looks so holesome, so holesome

For anyone that didn't want to click the link

Were the X-men movies just a front for all this shit?

John Travolta was already accused of trying to get a male masseuse to jack him off, chasing him around his house yelling COME ON DUDE ILL JERK YOU OFF

Tom Cruise might be a closet gayer but he seems like a bro and wouldn't be a creeper


>wouldn't be a creeper

I'm still not sure if he's just that naive/brain-washed or a legit psychopath. regardless, I think Scientology probably killed a few people because of him. like Tom said one time: I hate my neighbour, next day he was gone. something like that.

Isn't there a documentary called An Open Secret or something which it's pointed out that the director is best friends with a convicted Hollywood pedo who makes an appearance as an extra in X-men? pointed out by the director in the commentary?

some movie pointed this out


Yeah, but I thought Singer and Gandalf were the depraved ones. Seems like EVERY actor in those movies has a dirty scret.

If more gay people in Hollywood get ousted as having abused children in the past its only going to surface homophobia that we've spent a long time trying to overcome.

Oh no he's been photographed with attractive 25 year olds

No...not Hugh Jackedman

What was this expression trying to convey?

>‘X-Men’ Director Bryan Singer Faces Multiple Accusations of Sexual Harassment and Assault Anonymous
>Who's next?
anyone who ever looked at some female sideways ( in reality or in the realm of her feelings ) because it's a witch hunt that would make early protestants blush


>abused there power
It's "their," you fucking moron.

i-is ramifu safe?

he is ejaculating just out of frame

>broke my fucking gaydar

it's always the gay ones

He's ugly, of course he's safe

everyone does, it's just theirs are extremely heinous

Rude, he's a qt smol little froggo

I'd do em. Don't be so picky.

Good I hope he tops himself. Piece of shit.

Well it's about fucking shit time you fucking shits.

I mean shit. Singer is fucking satans bitch aya?


This is really fucking satisfying after all the time they spent patting themselves on the back over Spotlight.