What was the point of this character?

What was the point of this character?

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To have someone you would actually believe would make that thudding-steel sound when they hit the floor.

To out kino Dwayne Johnson in less than 10 minutes

he's seen miracles you people wouldn't believe

To get virgins to make threads about him.

This role is better than The Rock's entire career

to give us an updated version of the Leon fight from the first movie, but illustrate that K can hold his own physically in a way Deckard couldn't.

> super smart replicant
> buries her under the most conspicuous spot on his property and marks it with flower and engraving

To be based

a martyr for the cause
a good friend

sentimental skinjob

Fill up time.

>that image

Whats your problem

placing him in the middle of those enormous synthetic farms also drives home the collapsed ecosystems mention in the opening titles. the whole sequence eases the viewer into the world, the protagonist and his role in that world

To serve as the impetus for the plot. He sets everything in motion.

The only conversation and action of the movie, everything else was boring

Why did the "protein" farm had celery "цeлинa" signs on it? Why did he need to use a biohazard suit while handling the grubs?

It wasn't Bautista who put the flower there, it was Deckard.

>giving an actual answer
You're right.

can you get jacked as fuck off grub protein

No, no it wasn't. Shut up

My wife (she polish) said it was Tselina, which is in reference to the soviet huge project to rebuild their farm country after WW2.

Also the biohazard suits is that the grubs live in toxic shit.

Squats 'n' grubs m8

>My wife

Making it say holodomor woulda been better

>Why did the "protein" farm had celery "цeлинa" signs on it?
Celery is "ceльдepeй"

цeлинa means "Virgin Soil" which most likely is referring to


>Implying anyone anywhere acknowledges the Ukrainian genocide


Makes sense. USSR apparently still exists in the timeline of the movie.

To indicate to us what the film is about and set off the plot

yeah, there are tons of little touches in this film.

When I saw his short clip I thought we will see some chase scene between him and K around the city. Woulda been cool if he had more screen time. Same for Wallace but I guess that was the point of the short clips.

Lol where the fuck would Bautista's character get a flower?

Probably didn't figure anybody would go looking because why the fuck would anybody suspect a body of being there? Dude was out in the middle of nowhere and until very recently had been keeping a really good cover.

Deckard lives in an irradiated wasteland where would he?

This exact fight was in the original script for Blade Runner, they used it in this film as an homage.

>When I saw his short clip I thought we will see some chase scene between him and K around the city.

Capeshit has destroyed your brain.

It's not actually irradiated, and he's got a bunch of bees which could actually pollinate flowers. Did you pay any attention at all to the fucking movie?


>girl hides horse
>k finds horse way later
>takes horse to de capitan
>ho boy its radioactive
>from las vegas
when was it in vagas? was it radioated before his daughter got it/

we saw that Deckard had some terrariums

depict the Nexus 8 breed as human-like, with desires that are human, including self-sustenance, while living a life in peace and austerity

>we saw that Deckard had some terrariums

Exactly, Deckard did. This is why it's more likely he left the flower.

What's the point of anything?

To illustrate K's power/strength as a newer model replicant.

A dirty bomb went off there. Didn't you watch any of the promotional shorts released before the film?

yeah. but did that happen before the girl got it? why did she get a highly radioactive horse?

Dipshit the director himself said a dirty bomb went off in Las Vegas. Stop being such a fucking g pleb because you don't want to admit you're wrong

Dirty bomb went off. The drone said the radiation was "Nominal" when K goes to visit.

Yeah, and then K goes to inspect and find out that the radiation has mostly cleared away. Not surprising because Las Vegas is a desert and so the soil isn't as ripe for trapping radiation.

Holy fuck this, in those 10 minutes bautista destroyed the rock's "acting" abilities.

I never understood Rock popularity as a actor, not only Bautista is better but other pro-wrestlers lke Steve Austin or John Cena have more charisma.

to be the only good part of the movie

why would he be super smart? he was a combat medic, not a scientist.

>oy vey remember the six gorillion hohols

does she ever make makowiec?

the wood was probably a tree that was irradiated long before the girl was even born

his tiny little glasses were /fa/ as fuck

he's ethnically ambiguous/black enough to be "diverse" but not so black as to make what he's in a "black movie" (aka shit even though his movies are still shit anyways)

Wait what the fuck Batista was in Blade Runner?

no, he was in Blade Runner 2049

was he a replicant?

I didn't know that Bautista was a wrestler until researching the film afterwards. I really hope he pursues a serious acting career, he gave the the most realistic performance in the movie.


oh ur from r.eddit

Here's an interesting fact that many of you might not know:

The whole cold opening scene of Blade Runner 2049 was actually written for the original Blade Runner film but was originally somewhat different. In the new movie the end result was more of mindless action scene in which a replicant defends himself before being "retired". Most modern day screenplays are written like this and open with exciting moments so that they can hook in the audience. In the original it would have involved Deckard waiting at the house sitting as the day turned dark, and after a bit the man, the target, would walk in. The man then offers him some soup and eventually asks Deckard who he is, and Deckard simply replies, "I'm Deckard, Blade Runner", and shoots him. Then it would have been revealed to the audience that the man Deckard just killed is in fact not human but a replicant.

They took that entire scene but reworked it to fit the plot of the new film, so instead of being an introduction to the profession of Blade Runners, and that of the protagonist, Deckard, it was reduced to a generic action sequence in the new movie that unfortunately lacked any semblance of elegance and nuance. Of course it should be noted that the scene does play somewhat of an important role in the movie, even though it's now quite clear that many who saw it missed the connection. The farmer in question, was a replicant that had gone rogue, and by happenstance K's visit to the farm leads him to discover the bones of Rachael which gets the whole plot moving.

You've never seen a miracle op


So will the three short stories be on the blu ray release?

This popped into my mind on my second viewing.

We can only hope. If they are, I sure hope there'll be subtitles


>Steve Austin or John Cena have more charisma.

How big are her tits? I used to live in the UK and there was lots of qt polish girls.

>muh miracles

This movie was such shit.

he looks like Shane but hit with a large mallet

Nominal means very small dumbfuck